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My role as a RSH

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Posts: 7

My role as a RSH

Post#1 » Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:32 am

Hi all!

Still pretty fresh to the game and have picked up the SH which I really enjoy. I understand that MSH can be very good in largescall fights where your AOE damage can shine. Although I do enjoy this playstyle, I also like to play RSH. My issue here is that I dont really know what my goal is, or what areas of the game the strenghts of the RSH are best used. Any insight some experienced SH can provide would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Posts: 54

Re: My role as a RSH

Post#2 » Sat Jul 30, 2022 12:11 pm

While a rsh does nice damage but its a class that needs to a lot of its work around the 65ft range and can be a pretty squishy class, i generally consider them a solo/duo class but with a disarm, knockdown, initiative debuff, heal debuff you will find yourself welcome in most smaller scale groups as a support class.

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Posts: 121

Re: My role as a RSH

Post#3 » Sat Jul 30, 2022 1:04 pm

My preffered rSH playstyle is quick shooting. You go for the soft order targets (SW, BW, AM, Engi, WH, etc.), place your dots & heal debuff, maybe do some CC and then just do damage.
You have plenty of tools for CC (disarm, silence, knockdown, snare) and also plenty of tools to quickly get out of trouble.
Usually you are constantly moving to avoid getting targeted and stay out of range from meeles.
If your gear is not good enough yet, try to assist some other dps to get kills. Later you will be able to do enough damage to bring down targets on your own.

You can also do a quick search in the forums here for some (maybe outdated) guides and discussions. Also there are some videos here in the forum and on youtube where you can get a glimpse of movement, rotations, etc.

Hope this gives you an idea of what to do as a shooting gobbo :D

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