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Addon Pack Options

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Posts: 2

Addon Pack Options

Post#1 » Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:12 am

Hi all,

I'm a new player to Return but played the OG back in the day. I'm looking for as many recommendations for addon packs to download.

Thanks in advance

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Posts: 121

Re: Addon Pack Options

Post#2 » Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:22 am

Addons can be found here :

And from the sticky on the discord server :
Lilim wrote:
So I would recommend following Addons:
- Enemy (best replacement for grp/wp health overlay)
- pure (replacement for enemy, friendly and self target health display)
- Guardpack (doesn't looks important atm, but it will save your life one day)
- LibSlash (It's an important Library for some Addons, otherwise you can't open or execute certain "/" commands) (modifié)

There are a lot of quality of life addons aswell:
- AggroMeter (enough said )
- Advancedrenowntrainer (almost an important addon. It will make your life easier while you are skilling your renown points)
- Buffhead (actually also a very important addon. It will show you buffs and debuffs above the head of enemy/friendly/self targets)
- cctv (will smash you a timer in your face why you are CCed and how long until it running out)
- cmap (for an enhanced mini map)
- effigy (if you want to make your own bars, also needs the addon Ace)
- moralecircle (you can move all 4 morales as you wish)
- moth (replace the mouse over information box about players and NPCs)
- nisp (if you want to know how much an certain item can be sold)
- QueueQuerer or TidyQueue (you can blacklist certain SCs)
- Shinies (improves your auction house overlay)
- swiftassist (It's also an more important addon that you can select a player and define as an assistant)
- texturedbuttons (to improve your ability bars, it's really handy)
- tidychat (to copy stuff out of the chat window)
- tidyroll (if you don't like the big loot roll window)
- warboard (and its addons is really handy to see a lot of information like bag space, money, influence, XP, RR...)
- infoscroller (A module based Frame Management Engine for Displaying Info in a scrolling style)
- Wrath-of-heroes-reticle (Really handy! A modified version of TargetRing)
- Wartriage (it's an addon for the lazy or incompetent healer that needs automatic assistance to help decide which player to heal.)

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