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Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

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Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#1 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:05 pm

Ah, the much maligned Twisted Tower scenario. Loved by some - hated by many. We all queued it the same, tho. Well... most anyway.

Faction behaviors

I noticed a strange thing this weekend that has settled in on a few other scenarios as well. Depending on your side everyone always goes the same way.

Destro always blobs bottom BO by running to the left after taking the lower gateway (despite me going right and beating everyone to cap mid every time).

Order always takes the gateway to the top and drops down. Clever order players who really know the layout of this scenario can drop down to the railing overlooking the bottom BO by the time destro caps it. Destro side can also drop down from top floor, but it takes two separate drops and the 2nd drop has a very small window to do it correctly.

Most scenarios where pug behavior develops like this there is no real advantage to going one way or another, but this scenario definitely feels like tactically one side should have an advantage over the other when factions always choose one BO to cap first over the other (all thing being equal, of course). I haven't the faintest which it is, yet. Thoughts?

No lie tho, I actually had a lot of fun on this scenario. It felt like premades weren't as rampant as past weekends, but maybe I just got lucky.

P.S. Can we all please educate players more regarding the double gateway jump from bottom floor to top? I was yesterday years old when I found out about this, and I can't be the only one... :lol:
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#2 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:23 pm

Its a scenario where the average battle plan is "lol wtf ok I'm following that guy hope he knows where tf I'm supposed to go here".
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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#3 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 12:24 am

What Detangler said.


I like this scenario, always have. Once you pick up on the nuances it can be much fun. Last night when playing my WE through the event I also noticed how fast the Orderlings were navigating the 3D space. It was hard to convince the Destrolings to ever move along the right jump pathway.
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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#4 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:45 am

I spent the weekend playing IB and it felt like we had a strong advantage a lot of the time. if you're fast enough as an order tank you can force the main fight to take place at the top of the centre staircase in the atrium. from here it's a very easy job to simply punt all the destro tanks (or choppas if you're losing the dps race badly) off the staircase. this was usually enough to win most midfights

some des players wised up and started trying to force the fight on the upper balcony instead so they couldn't get punted off but their team was rarely fast enough. here you could just run past them and punt the lagging healers leaving the melee isolated for long enough to drop them

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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#5 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:26 am

One of my fav sc, its fun i laughed a lot. I played full solo yolo. As a premade it could be fusrating
(Also very good rr and warcrest)

3 party 3 different level very good concept. If you are fast you can always get some fight and you can avoid the blob.

The problem: for me the lower lvl seemed bugged with ranged like hell, most of the time i cannot use my ablities they were on infinite cast even the instacast abilities.

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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#6 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:06 pm

more sc like twisting tower (mechanics). u cant just zerg to sack wc and sc is finito le comedia) byt u need use that grey substance in head.
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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#7 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:42 pm

Ultimate slugfest. That was funny though, and this is somewhat decent even when fighting against premade since you have a good chance to get something - even if you can't kill anyone - there is always someone triggerhappy to blow up their own team!

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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#8 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:03 pm

With the trend over many years shifting more into playerkilling and farming kills instead of doing the objetives and try to "win" the scenarios, Twisting tower deffo adds some new flavor, thats for sure.

The explosion paried with three party size and then the low procentage of playerbase understanding the scenario unique mechanic actually leads to very rarely facing dominant premades. Saw quite a few of them over this weekend, but even they can die to explosions and often dont came back afterwards.

The one thing i personally dislike about this mechanic, is that its the only scenario where you can decline in points already scored. If you get a team full of "wtf where am i"- people then there is little to nochance to do a coordinated attack on 3rd floor to click the objetive succesfully against 3 full groups on defence duty.

but its something different, and im fine with it.
However its only really when Order goes Left jumppad, that it actally feels like a real Scenario pvp situations, the rest of the time its like a B-movie where you fleeing out of a building before it explodes behind you.
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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#9 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 3:04 am

I'd really like to see Twisted Tower as some sort of a Orvr fight, I'm not sure how it could be done but the three levels and multiple entry points would make a really dynamic fight at warband+ level.

Not to mention, the purple rain when one team nukes the other with the occulus would be glorious.

I'll ahh, I'll be getting back to work now.

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Re: Twisted Tower - faction scenario pug behavior and observations

Post#10 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:12 pm

The twisting tower sc is the biggest shame to all scenarios there is.
Range dps can't shoot at targets on the other side of the door openings, bug saying it's los.
The explosion and entire mechanism is awful, sry but I can't keep my mouth shut at yapping how this sc disgusts me x'D

Can this sc PLEASE never see the light of day again? I love the tentacle pies though..

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