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Is reward model driving current population inbalance

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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#11 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:04 pm

Acidic wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:15 pm The game seems more and more going to taking zones with no opposition, swarming to zones for defense of keeps, blobbing ..

When looking at the behavior of current it is clear that most of the players are not getting rewards from the actual fighting and are happy to do just enough to get a bag or influence from the weekly.

This game style of play kills the heart of the game which is fighting.

I suggest that the reward system is reworked as the current effect is clearly driving the players the wrong route as current route of least resistance is weekly and pave zones

How to fix this ?
My suggestion:
A) remove the keep defense bag and keep take rvr, this is just like any BO and should have similar reward, small tick . After all this is just a stage in the overall pq of the zone
B) remove rewards from zone, including forts and LoTD where the aao average is too lobsided
C) reduce / remove rr from assisting if u or you group did not do at least 20% (arbitrary number) of damage to player

This should address current system where passive play is rewarded, hopefully will also actively encourage xrealm to balance as there is no reward for unbalanced playing.

Point F*** healers right?

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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#12 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:38 pm

The answer to your question to the reward model is a qualified "yes".

The response to your suggested fixes is it would certain solve the imbalance because it will be zero vs zero. :twisted:

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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#13 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:21 pm

tazdingo wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:56 pm it was all downhill after BO ticks were removed. it was the unsung glue holding functional rvr together, removed without thought, leading to a cascade of changing behaviours and resulting in what we see now

you wanted to vilify players for "just sitting on BOs"? well great, now they just sit in keeps where you can't even kill them. box running is mind numbing
While BO ticks had drawback of "afks on BOs" we had lots of fighting over them and 5 star caps at that time. Kinda miss those times.

Posts: 108

Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#14 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:30 pm

If it is one sided. I skip that siege and put my ass on sc-queue.

My real enemy is boring game, not destruction.
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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#15 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:34 pm

Really simple. Players play rpgs for a tangible rewards allowing to progressing their toons. It went downhill when actual rewards in rvr bags were changed to medals, and went down ever since.

If a player doesn't get an actual reward for activity (actual item, chance for an actual item, or tangible advancement in getting the item), he won't care about the activity. As an example, getting 20 crests in keep bag- out of 10000 needed for a sov set- isn't a tangible advancement.

Another example is kills- there was a reason why on live kills had a chance to drop special items, and not just a little renown/ 2 crests out of 10000 needed.

For an extra bonus, lot of classes don't even have a high sets for several specs- say toughness spec on a lot of classes. Getting 2 crests from solo kill on for example toughness magus, which doesn't really has much to do with crests, is even less encouraging.
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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#16 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:49 pm

Acidic wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:15 pm The game seems more and more going to taking zones with no opposition, swarming to zones for defense of keeps, blobbing ..

When looking at the behavior of current it is clear that most of the players are not getting rewards from the actual fighting and are happy to do just enough to get a bag or influence from the weekly.

This game style of play kills the heart of the game which is fighting.

I suggest that the reward system is reworked as the current effect is clearly driving the players the wrong route as current route of least resistance is weekly and pave zones

How to fix this ?
My suggestion:
A) remove the keep defense bag and keep take rvr, this is just like any BO and should have similar reward, small tick . After all this is just a stage in the overall pq of the zone
B) remove rewards from zone, including forts and LoTD where the aao average is too lobsided
C) reduce / remove rr from assisting if u or you group did not do at least 20% (arbitrary number) of damage to player

This should address current system where passive play is rewarded, hopefully will also actively encourage xrealm to balance as there is no reward for unbalanced playing.
That's the wrong approach. If you want to reduce "taking zones with no opposition" then you gotta motivate people to play the underdog and switch sides to even out the numbers - with rewards and gains.

People trying to defend keeps and forts and are getting stomped get literally nothing for doing so. Why try then? That's one issue.

AAO is a nice concept but has a major flaw. If you can't kill anything then you will not benefit from it. The more people standing in front of the keep, attacking it, the more healers there are and the harder it is to kill anyone of them. That's another issue.

When one side is heavily outnumbered it is very hard to get into keeps to defend them. Unless you are early enough to go there you will most likey not make it in. That's another issue. When aao is high free flights to the keep could be granted.

Last but not least there is the overwhelming defense of premade warbands. Even 10 or more rpds on the wall can barely take one of them out when 8 healers are watching. Let alone the fluff aoe damage they do. And even if they would do more damage, people can just stand far enough away and let the ram open the door, then roll over everything. You guessed it, another issue.

I liked the old system without rams more. Melees had to get close to hit the door and rdps on the walls had a chance to hit/kill them. The ram thing that is pretty much untouchable and you only have to wait until it is open is super boring. Maybe do a hybrid approach. You can hit the door with players and ram. Ram damage should be lower than. Then there might be more people close enough to give defenders anything to hit.

Id also change back the oil to grant renown again. Make the oil free to buy and spread the renown gains to everyone around.

I think the really biggest issue is the missing release into keeps. When people die outside the inner or close to the outer wall they should be able to respawn inside again. Then there would be a lot more fighting going on and not just waiting inside. People would risk more, push outside and stuff, like fighting on the outer walls or pushing from there. It would be more fun. That's the biggest issue by far for me. People can't do that because they risk being taken out of the defense.

A lot of things could be done but removing rewards and renown like suggested is not the right way in my opinion.

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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#17 » Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:05 am

removing bags from keeps is an awful idea, and the "you must do x% of damage to a target to get renown" from a kill out of group is even worse. imo make keeps more rewarding to defend so people are more inclined to do so.

and return BO ticks.

Posts: 404

Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#18 » Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:01 am

I think we are getting lots of comments from people who play at different times.

EU primetime - equal numbers if not more order but you cant find them in the lakes as they are sitting waiting for a siege

Every other hour of the day - PvDoor train from order taking empty keeps.

In EU prime time dropping the rr and crest gain from scens and increasing it in the lakes and getting rid of bag rolls on keeps would mean more order may look to actually fight.

At other times there doesnt appear to be a way of stopping the Order PvDoor train as its been in full flow since scheduled cities came in.
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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#19 » Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:52 am

Rewards are one part. The only part of which is because at high AAO you can't kill enough for it to be worth the higher AAO. And people will hide in keeps if premades have had enough of being farmed. Not gonna mention where this idea came from due to the rules. Instead of a complex pop AAO system. Give every class an anti zerg ability that scales exponentially. Make it useless in anything less than 12-18 players with a super long cooldown. Not only would this encourage WBs to split up. It would allow the outnumbered side to actually put up a fight. And yes, by anti zerg I mean it. If you run around in 3 WBs+ and you get hit by 3-4 of these anti zerg abilities you will all die near instantly.
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Re: Is reward model driving current population inbalance

Post#20 » Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:57 pm

All of these changes are completely pointless, because nobody wants to play order atm.

And why would they, when you have 2-4 organized warbands holding hands and abusing completely broken pulls on the opposing side?

Only people that can even try to put up a fight against that is the highly geared xrealm guilds.

Never have I see EU prime so lop-sided.

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