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[DEVELOPER PREVIEW] Overlord and Imperator Set

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Re: [DEVELOPER PREVIEW] Overlord and Imperator Set

Post#151 » Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:55 am

mariaflores wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 6:53 am
nefandir wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:49 am I think it was a good idea to move the appearance to alt-sov, but at the same time I thought these sets still had the appearance from post #1. Also fell for it and wasted currency I could have kept for the weapons. Please modify the original post or remove/hide/delete this thread as it grossly misleading (see all posts of people spending currency for nonexistant appearance).
Is there any clarification on whether the appearance for the Overlord and Imperator Set has been updated to match the current alt sov appearance, and is there a plan to address the confusion and currency spent on this issue?
Overlord/Imperator have same appearance as Invader. What they should do, is bring back the old set bonuses these items had! Vanquisher/Oppressor was Highest set available back when these items were introduced(Btw Balance was so much better when the highest rr set was vanq)

Old 2pc set bonuses for tanks example was "On hit 10% Chance to increase your parry/block strikethru by 8% or "Whilebeing hit 10% to increase all avoidances by 8 "

Dps dok/wp Had " 25% Cooldown reduction on Divine Assault/Rend Soul " <3 Man, those should be returned instead of appearances! They go super smoothly with 4 PC vanquisher/Oppressor and 2pc imperator/Overlord.

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Re: [DEVELOPER PREVIEW] Overlord and Imperator Set

Post#152 » Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:19 am

For backline healers these sets are good but ppl dont buy them cos they didnt give wards. Give them conq or so ward and ppl will buy them more cos atm they are pretty none exciting cos 400 crests is too high price.

Other than that I bet most of the newer to the game ppl desnt even know that they excise since the npc is not near rest of the gear npcs
Mostly harmless

K8P & Norn - guild Orz

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