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BO, Should I even bother?

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#21 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:09 pm

Lay off the copium. Op should stick to chosen that is actually a great career in every content. When someone asks a class performance dont say "play what you want" that doesnt help anyone

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Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#22 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:54 pm

I, again, would like to thank all of you for your input, I am a tank main and have been ever since I was a kid playing WoW with my dad as his pocket tank. I love BO, I love Greenskins, but what its sounding like from the general information I have gleaned here, is that BO is something I should kind of play on my own when doing PQs or for memery in all orc Warbands to have a good laugh. Insofar as being Useful, I also do love to play Chosen(big sword go swoosh swoosh) and Blackguard(who doesn't love riding around on a literal dinosaur). Jokes aside, I like to be *useful* when I come into different groups. Ill keep playing BO, but probably stick to Chosen and BG in more competitive play. I wont keep beating an already pulped horse corpse, I really do appreciate everyone taking the time to put in their two cents.
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Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#23 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:35 pm

Blorc has been the worst tank overall for years now, but that doesn't mean that it won't be changed in the future. Play what class you like, not what you think is good. I still love playing my Blorc even if it's a bit gimpped. I just love the aesthetics and grunting sounds. Also, Blorc is the best pure block tank, despite its overall state.
Nihrandil [SM] 84, Arendollus [WL] 83, Caelroran [SW] 56, Thaler [WH] 83, Tionac [AM] 54, Hocke [Kotbs] 51
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Posts: 198

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#24 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:04 am

Detangler wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:04 pm
rady wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:49 am
Detangler wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:51 am The ability rework has definitely given the BO some much needed love. The future is a little brighter. I wouldnt give up - play what you like. Groups will take good tanks that guard no matter the class.
I don't know what you have in mind. Ability rework gave BO nothing.
Right in da Jibblies is an interrupt on 10 seconds. Single target punt in the future. Yes, its a bit better. Changes will be coming.
Lol one ability gets slightly buffed, bellows neutered. Can't hit me gimped. Still no CD reducer to make it a worthwhile pickup for groups unlike SM.

And on the opposite side "- Redirected Force - reverted to live version 1.4.8: No longer knocks the target away, usable after any successful defense, not just block. It’s a temporary change as Swordmaster will receive a single target long knock back effect upgraded to work for 2h builds as well in the future balance patches."

So already giving the guarantee that SM will be given the same ability (better, since it will be a long punt) than BO in a future patch.

BO has been subpar for over 2 years now, ability rework does zero to change that.

Posts: 41

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#25 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:15 pm

Tordek421 wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:30 am Hey all,

Yeah, I know, BlOrc has been beaten into the ground by a thousand and one threads, but let a Greenskins main have a little hope. I love BlOrc, its been my favorite class since I was a kid playing with my dad. The devs of the server seem to hate this class for some reason, and I have gone through thread after thread about how BO is awful, all hope is lost, etc, etc.

Should I just main my chosen and my choppa or is there no hope for us BO mains, damned forever into oblivion? Just makes me kinda sad to see classes get pointless changes that seem to make them unplayable while favorites like the Slayer become almost mandatory.
Come home, green man viewtopic.php?t=8460
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Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#26 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:53 am

SM getting a long punt, and BO getting a minor punt is incredibly insulting. Also Wings of Heaven will increase to 25 foot radius. That's an giant uncleanse-able aoe snare. Meanwhile just nerfs for the worst tank.

Looks like BO will be in an even worse state than now. I didn't think it was possible. Feels bad man.
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Posts: 1

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#27 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 10:34 am

Hi Guys,
It's disheartening to feel like your favorite class isn't getting the attention or improvements it deserves. Sometimes game developers prioritize certain classes or make changes that impact the playability of others, leading to frustration among dedicated players.
However, the gaming landscape is often dynamic, with updates and patches continually altering the balance and effectiveness of various classes. While it might feel bleak at the moment for your BlOrc class, there's always a chance that future updates could bring about changes that improve its viability and make it more enjoyable to play.

Posts: 73

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#28 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:15 am

Advika wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 10:34 am Hi Guys,
It's disheartening to feel like your favorite class isn't getting the attention or improvements it deserves. Sometimes game developers prioritize certain classes or make changes that impact the playability of others, leading to frustration among dedicated players.
However, the gaming landscape is often dynamic, with updates and patches continually altering the balance and effectiveness of various classes. While it might feel bleak at the moment for your BlOrc class, there's always a chance that future updates could bring about changes that improve its viability and make it more enjoyable to play.
What are the goals of those future changes? Viability through balance?
To me, the goal, should be retention and having fun, and sometimes having fun doesn't mean being fairly balanced.
I can handle unbalanced thing, because for sure I have some too, but I'm more concerned if it's frustrating to play with or against. That's my priority before balancing: frustration. Frustration is what makes players run away.

And what made me runaway from BO is the mixed frustration between perceived bad changes to the class that are constantly being released and the effective frustration to play a class so limited in its role, useless tactics, gimmick skills, unreasonable limitations for...the sake of balancing?

Yes, BO is the most balanced class in the game and it's also not fun to play.

Posts: 268

Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#29 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:51 pm

thats a chat gpt response from a bot

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Re: BO, Should I even bother?

Post#30 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:43 pm

Man, there are a lot of angry players on this thread. Honestly, BO isn't so doom and gloom like you all make it out to be.

The positives:

-Leveling up 2h BO is hilariously powerful in scenarios if you know to slot blue talismans and keep your gear up to date.

-BO sure seems to have the highest damage potential on squishies of any tank in the game.

The negatives:

Shield BO needs some love, for sure.

A decent single target punt is badly needed. Its what I miss more than anything when i'm on my BO, as you are missing a key ability that all other tanks have access to in some form.

Cooldown increaser should not be a 20 sec cooldown when IB gets the same on a 10 second cooldown.

Most buffs/debuffs are overwritten by Chosen Auras, and the ones BO has aren't really enough to make killing the shield BO a priority. Knight/Chosen can harass backline and make engaging tanks a priority. IB/BG can slap 20-30 second outgoing heal debuff on healers. A shield BO in the backline can be safely ignored.


It can still be a fun class, but it is lacking a bit compared to other counter parts. Changes will be coming soon, and it has been stated by devs that BO is one of them that needs love. Be patient, play what you like, guard swap your squishies, and you will be welcomed in all groups, regardless of the "sky is falling" haters on this thread.
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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