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Solo WE vs 6? No problem

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Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#31 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:49 pm

lemao wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 12:36 pm
zoccolo wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:37 am this
Omegus wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:14 am Yes, balance should be dictated by cherry-picked fights used to make a frag montage video...

For the people getting angry at the video, please notice:

1) A lack of order healers in almost every fight
2) RDPS in melee range
3) DPS in glass cannon builds without the tank and healer back-up needed to make them work
4) Sub-40 players

And you can always look up the character on the killboard for the full picture :D

Mdvp is the best player on the server for several reasons and has been an inspiration to most of us, but to call this video important to review the balance is really crap. The day he makes a 1vs6 against people like Cait then I will consider the regen build broken. 1vs2 would be enough. It seems everyone thinks they are superskilled and that if a really good one kills them then the class he plays is broken. If you don't believe it do one and then post the videos 1vs6 ... or 1v2. until then ... keep complaining
When you die 1vs1 or if two or more get killed by one player it is only because he is better at both playing (hands and eyes) and getting the right build.
In duels against good people Mdvp doesn't take 5 seconds, they play it to the last.
Before being a whining clown we have to understand that there are better players and some even much better. If we lose to people like them it is not the fault of the class.
Same for Wh, make one and run solo (not rats ganking group) and then post videos of your exploits here. In the lakes you see wh and we being clubbed badly if they are solo, is it because of class or skill?
I mean if you consider solo gameplay the pinnacle of gameplay (which it isnt) you might consider him the best player in that regard only.
yes, of course they are two different things. Playing in wb is a whole other thing. Solo or small roaming takes superior coordination and focus (unless u lead the wb). In a wb you are expected to follow orders, in a small group, be it two, three, six, or solo, you are expected to know what to do.

Posts: 538

Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#32 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:52 pm

zoccolo wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:40 pm
regen/defensive builds are pretty much the only ones if you want to solo, in 1v1 they are only strong if the other person has a non solo build and/or does not have the same skill level. in 1vX they are only strong if the other person is less good. Any regen/defensive build loses against two opponents of equal level who know how to do CC, drink a potion at the right time and do a minimum of burst. That's why I say the problem is our perception of how good we are, often less than true.
And that's why we don't see videos of Mdvp killing a duo with Cait and Rorhi, or players of that level.

Everything else is entertainment, it's why there are dozens of we and wh who in the lakes take slaps from everyone (if they don't run in groups), because they got the build right but lack hands and eyes.
that's not entirely true, solo players are rarely matched with a couple of good players, I killed cait as easily as any other WL and the slayer is always a difficult opponent for WE to defend. I think there is a 70% chance I could defeat cait+rorhi if I attacked first (def build is really stronger than dps)
WH - mdpv 80+
WE - Witchrage 80+

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Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#33 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:12 pm

zoccolo wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:37 am this
Omegus wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:14 am Yes, balance should be dictated by cherry-picked fights used to make a frag montage video...

For the people getting angry at the video, please notice:

1) A lack of order healers in almost every fight
2) RDPS in melee range
3) DPS in glass cannon builds without the tank and healer back-up needed to make them work
4) Sub-40 players

And you can always look up the character on the killboard for the full picture :D

Mdvp is the best player on the server for several reasons and has been an inspiration to most of us, but to call this video important to review the balance is really crap. The day he makes a 1vs6 against people like Cait then I will consider the regen build broken. 1vs2 would be enough. It seems everyone thinks they are superskilled and that if a really good one kills them then the class he plays is broken. If you don't believe it do one and then post the videos 1vs6 ... or 1v2. until then ... keep complaining
When you die 1vs1 or if two or more get killed by one player it is only because he is better at both playing (hands and eyes) and getting the right build.
In duels against good people Mdvp doesn't take 5 seconds, they play it to the last.
Before being a whining clown we have to understand that there are better players and some even much better. If we lose to people like them it is not the fault of the class.
Same for Wh, make one and run solo (not rats ganking group) and then post videos of your exploits here. In the lakes you see wh and we being clubbed badly if they are solo, is it because of class or skill?
I can tell you I love playing Witch Hunter, for the looks and the lore. And just the way it plays……but I am killed constantly by everyone :-) I do not think the class is overpowered. I admire people who have such skill with the class but I know I will never play to that level and I am ok with that :-)

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Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#34 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:55 pm

I haven’t watched the vid but I’m happy def regen we/wh is around. Other than that I don’t want solo players to be “balanced” around. If a solo player with skill and cheese spec destroys other solo players , oh well that’s life ( in a game ) so deal with it.
First RR90 Slayer working towards the top of the mountain.I still solo, still run riposte.

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Posts: 308

Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#35 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:26 am

zoccolo wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:40 pm
Farrul wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 12:29 pm
zoccolo wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:37 amMdvp is the best player on the server for several reasons and has been an inspiration to most of us,
It is not about the individual player but def WE being out of balance for a long time ( i am not judging by this video, of course 6vs1 videos is for entertainment purpose only, everyone knows this already, duh)

IF you watch other MDPV videos the only thing that can compare to def WE is WH(before nerfs). He has played SW, BW ,Mara, WL etc... all good videos but NOT at the same power level as Def WE, obviously and easily observable if not in full denial.

regen/defensive builds are pretty much the only ones if you want to solo, in 1v1 they are only strong if the other person has a non solo build and/or does not have the same skill level. in 1vX they are only strong if the other person is less good. Any regen/defensive build loses against two opponents of equal level who know how to do CC, drink a potion at the right time and do a minimum of burst. That's why I say the problem is our perception of how good we are, often less than true.
And that's why we don't see videos of Mdvp killing a duo with Cait and Rorhi, or players of that level.

Everything else is entertainment, it's why there are dozens of we and wh who in the lakes take slaps from everyone (if they don't run in groups), because they got the build right but lack hands and eyes.
Nah not really there are variables to this. All classes are not functionally the same.

It depends on the class and the archetype. For example a whitelion / witch hunter does not need def/regen to solo(a bit is of course beneficial), or a Magus if he has enough skill/reaction/good timing they will almost do better as high crit glass cannons with high wounds +9 k using blue regen/absorb potions to stabilize under presssure. Neither does WE tbh although she wouldn't qualify as the Top tier outside of def spec she can still do well under the right hands as glass cannons. Choppa/slayer will go heavy on weapon skill/parry/riposte etc and won't be def setups but offensive setups.

For tanks it is mandatory of course, since they are slow, lack detaunt/charge skills and generally low dps + get ganked by adds, they can't solo at all without def spec. When we're talking about Regen/def it is almost always with tanks such as Chosen in mind since they are impossible to defeat for melee dps 1vs1 if they do not have sustain. Mara is the melee dps most likely to stack regen/def since it works well with their toolset in mind.

It has to be understood that soloing rarely implies fighting 1vs1 against a prepared target, it implies killing players in vanq gear/low levels, avoiding groups of enemies, once in a blue moon you'll get alone vs a worthy 1vs1 target or rarely two worthy 2vs1 targets ( this probabiliy increases depending on time zone, NA low pop etc will attract more solo specs).

The thing about Regen WE specifically that sets her apart and reason she need a nerf is, her ability to sustain damage is not balanced with her ability to produce damage and escape from battle and stealth pick targets, when you put all these thogeter it is the opposite of balanced. That is why you won't see other classes perform this well even on the same player/ skill level. Def WE has been overpowered for a long time.

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Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#36 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:30 am

The problem here isnt the class or this guy playing.. but the regen in this game is absurdly overpowered , i really doubt if he can do the same whitout regen itens.

Posts: 538

Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#37 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:05 am

It's funny that everyone thinks that WE has become weaker in this patch, I'll tell you a secret, it has become even stronger than it was in the past)
WH - mdpv 80+
WE - Witchrage 80+

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Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#38 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:24 am

Farrul wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 12:55 pm

Def WE shouldn't even be a thing in a proper RPG class definition balancing, assassin classes are supposed to be leathal and agile but not tanks out sustaining melee brawler archetypes. It just screams wrong on so many levels.
lol sure, when devs return back this "lethality". Because current AW is a joke compared with live.

Posts: 58

Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#39 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:34 am

This WE anomaly, unchecked, will eventually try to get ''rationalized'' by people that face it, in order to cope with such an unfair reality. (Assassin Archetypes, butchered and modeled ''by some people that can'', without respecting the archetype itself).

In time, the unfortunate result will reside in a generalization of the server's quality overall, as been poorly addressed at a level of balance or even all together ''adjusted'' by people that ''can'' and have a personal emotional implication in the PvP aspect of the game.

Yes, this WE absurdity would not exist if someone with power would not allow it.
EDIT: BUT OK, it is a private server and expectations should be re-adjusted at this level as well.

Posts: 423

Re: Solo WE vs 6? No problem

Post#40 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:49 am

oaliaen wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:30 am The problem here isnt the class or this guy playing.. but the regen in this game is absurdly overpowered , i really doubt if he can do the same whitout regen itens.
No, it's not primarily the regen. Sure, regen can be good but the real issue here is that WEs can ignore the strength attribute and put everything into defense like tough and they have that strong 600 absorb after crit.

Combine regen, tough stacking with ignoring strength, 600 absorb after crit, stealth, escape tools, damage boost procs that are up like 90%, knock down, knock back, stagger, high parry, etc. etc. and you have an overpowered class.

When they would have to stack strength to actually do damage and cut the absorb down to normal levels like other absorbs (350ish) then it would be balanced again.

Arguing that the state of the class is fine is absurd... It's like a tank with stealth, with higher damage and better tools.

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