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AutoMark v1.0

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AutoMark v1.0

Post#1 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:13 am

AutoMark v1.0

This is a recreation of an add-on I made for my guild back in Spring 2020. I forgot it existed and I have lost the code for it. This new version is far more robust with regard to how it detects players that are no longer present. The old add-on was called "Radar" and if you're one of the few who has a copy and still uses it, delete it and replace it with this instead.

AutoMark automatically "marks" enemy players by putting an icon over them that corresponds to the enemy player's career. The icon has a red circle outline to make it easier to see. Useful for tracking enemy players during intense visual effects or if they are hiding behind walls as UI markers are displayed on top of the 3D world. This is the same kind of marks that the "Enemy" add-on can do, but it just does them automatically. To mark an enemy player, you either need to make them your current hostile target or your current "mouse-over" target (i.e. the info box you get when you put the cursor over an enemy). I've tried to make it as performant as possible but if you try to mark up the entire enemy zerg then your frame-rate will start to drop.

I don't plan on updating this add-on with new features but I will look into any bugs people find. This recreated version has been tested for all of about 10 minutes. If you find bugs please put them here or open a ticket on GitHub here (be sure to specify the add-on name):

Chat Commands

"/automark clear" will clear all current markers

"/automark off" will disable the tracking of new enemy player targets but will keep existing marks in place. Use with "/automark clear" to completely stop everything.

"/automark on" will enable the tracking of new enemy player targets. Existing markers are unaffected. The add-on is on by default.

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Preview video

Just to show you kinda how it works. This was a modified version that puts markers on friendlies as I don't want to run into RvR to find enemy players just for a 6 second clip. In the actual add-on this marks up enemy players, not friendly ones.
Last edited by Omegus on Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 107

Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#2 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:57 am

This is great. Will try it out.

Appreciate the contribution Omegus

Posts: 213

Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#3 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:53 am

thanks mate, some folks don't realise what happens when they wake wizards from slumber

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Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#4 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:07 am

thx for sharing ;-)
i hope its improve order/destro gameplay overall is it pug or hc
"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

Posts: 50

Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#5 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:43 am

Not a big fan of that. Breaking LoS should actually break LoS and knowledge where people are / move to. I know you can keep them targeted to a certain degree but your targeting is bound to it then. I've seen enemy add on applications where supposed wb leads were marked and shown from a pretty long range (DW east keep ramp to destro WC ramp). No idea how accurate that is but things like your addon give a pretty huge advantage and take away the chaos and mess a huge rvr brawl should be.
For me main assist macro should be the maximum when it comes to enemy targetting.

Posts: 46

Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#6 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:50 am

That's great. Thank you. That will be useful in rvr. Could you make another addon like Tether but that shows the enemy guard so visualizes who is pacting with whom also with a limit on the number (Rvr gets a bit much then). A tab target tracker would also be nice for the Sc to see that you get focus right away:P

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Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#7 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:41 am

Bergbart wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:50 am That's great. Thank you. That will be useful in rvr. Could you make another addon like Tether but that shows the enemy guard so visualizes who is pacting with whom also with a limit on the number (Rvr gets a bit much then). A tab target tracker would also be nice for the Sc to see that you get focus right away:P
First one is possible but would have to guess a bit and the guesses would become less and less useful as the number of people in a fight increases, e.g. it could tell you that your current hostile target is guarded by an Ironbreaker but not which one. If you have marked multiple nearby Ironbreakers then it would have to like draw a line to all of them? It's something I've thought of making in the past but do not have the time to work it all out. This add-on was easy as I was retreading old ground.

Number 2... Add-ons can't interact with anything regarding tab targeting so that one is not possible.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 1430

Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#8 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:48 am

Thanks will try it out.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

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Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#9 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:49 am

fatelvis wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:43 am Not a big fan of that. Breaking LoS should actually break LoS and knowledge where people are / move to. I know you can keep them targeted to a certain degree but your targeting is bound to it then. I've seen enemy add on applications where supposed wb leads were marked and shown from a pretty long range (DW east keep ramp to destro WC ramp). No idea how accurate that is but things like your addon give a pretty huge advantage and take away the chaos and mess a huge rvr brawl should be.
For me main assist macro should be the maximum when it comes to enemy targetting.
A general FYI not just to the person I am replying to: "markers" in this and Enemy, along with effect trackers in Buffhead, fancy target rings from RV Mods, overhead health from pure, guard lines in teather, group/warband overhead icons, etc, all use the same functionality of attaching UI windows to stuff in the world.

It is the exact same functionality that the default UI uses for speech bubbles over people and floating damage/healing numbers.

Once you target, hit or heal something, you can attach a UI window to it that moves about with the thing.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 46

Re: AutoMark v1.0

Post#10 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:53 am

Omegus wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:41 am
Bergbart wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:50 am That's great. Thank you. That will be useful in rvr. Could you make another addon like Tether but that shows the enemy guard so visualizes who is pacting with whom also with a limit on the number (Rvr gets a bit much then). A tab target tracker would also be nice for the Sc to see that you get focus right away:P
First one is possible but would have to guess a bit and the guesses would become less and less useful as the number of people in a fight increases, e.g. it could tell you that your current hostile target is guarded by an Ironbreaker but not which one. If you have marked multiple nearby Ironbreakers then it would have to like draw a line to all of them? It's something I've thought of making in the past but do not have the time to work it all out. This add-on was easy as I was retreading old ground.

Number 2... Add-ons can't interact with anything regarding tab targeting so that one is not possible.

Ok, it was just an idea. Thanks for the info.
Many thanks again for your efforts

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