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Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

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Posts: 17

Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#1 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:21 am


First, sorry for my english.

I understand why there is no XP reduction scrolls for RvR.
But let me give my casual noob point of view.
Created maybe 1 or 2 years ago my character. At that time, was just trying the game, without reading the big amount of guide we can find here.

3 weeks ago, started playing again, but more seriously, still casually, and find my old character CR 12/RR 9.
I appreciate the effort to make game more accessible for newbies, but lack of scrolls to reduce XP in RvR makes it useless.

I'm now CR 26 RR 25.
I stopped doing SC (believed SC was like RvR, more RR than CR).
So till CR 24, can change armor set, to try to survive better in oRvR, but I can't, my RR is not high enough.

The way armor sets are design is cleary to favorise RR, witch is understandable.
I find the game noob friendly, we can even change specialities for free.

Taking that into account, why we can't fix our mistakes?
I'm sure a lot of player give up when they see they can't play the game "the good way" because, in their first 10hour, they did no know how that works.
It's a shame...

You'll say, with a guild, a good optimised group, you can make your RR great again. But when you are useless because of RR, nobody want's you (even more for some classes).

Someday, RvR is giving a lot of renown if bonus is good, and if we win.
But some other day, that is really hard. For example yesterday, spent 3 hour in RvR, in opened warband, for 1/4 of a RR, so I spent my evening trying to gain almost no RR, instead of trying to do SC, or PVE (some players like it).
So stuck in RvR, with under optimsed character.

I will not leave the game, I'll try to up this RR, because I know that I will have fun later.
But imagine a total noob not knowing the game that much. He plays, enjoy it, reach T2, and quit to never come back again.

It's a very long post, I know, but in the middle of all of you, playing since a long time, a new player feedback can be usefull.

Have a nice day and see you on battlefield

Posts: 17

Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#2 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:28 am

So speaking about a solution.
There is a way to bring scrolls back, with some conditions, maybe not usable before T2. Allow it only if RR is under CR.

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Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#3 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:33 am

Usa the potion of acclaim. You can get one doing the weekly RvR event and another one doing the weekend sc event. You RR will fix itself given enough time.

The XP reduction scroll was a cancer. Good riddance

Posts: 17

Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#4 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:40 am

I have potion of acclaim.

But if you can't be usefull on battle field, it is useless to multiply a bonus by 0.
Also, i don't know how was the scrolls back in the day, but that did not means we can't think about a solution.

Edit : can't do SC event when in lack of RR. SC is giving yoo much experience

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Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#5 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:19 pm

They really need to turn down XP gain in scenarios. You shouldn't be punished for wanting to fight people the same level as you, instead of being a trash mob for some some sov-geared players in RvR. They should also add a command to disable rested XP, and have it on by default. Rested renown and crest gain would be nice, too.

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Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#6 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:20 pm

Noone ask about you rr at lower tiers. Beside that rr is capped to your exp level so it is easy to stay at the cap. Other problem is that when you reach 40 it is good to be rr60+.

But at lower lvls rr is not issue and atm you are at that state of the game so I dont see any drama here
Mostly harmless

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Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#7 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:21 pm

Whole game point of view really depends on archetype you play. Whats your class?
Then we can provide useful guide that will help you with and make useful for a group/warband.
Like people above said, tier1 - tier3 doesnt really matter what gear you have (many going through pve sets to get wards required to get higher sets and pve sets are lets say avarage). More importantly you should learn what you do as a class and what you cant.

Posts: 17

Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#8 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:31 pm

Phantasm wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:21 pm Whole game point of view really depends on archetype you play. Whats your class?
Then we can provide useful guide that will help you with and make useful for a group/warband.
Like people above said, tier1 - tier3 doesnt really matter what gear you have (many going through pve sets to get wards required to get higher sets and pve sets are lets say avarage). More importantly you should learn what you do as a class and what you cant.
I'm engineer :D Not the easiest to fit in, I'll try to cap ballistics for more dps with aoe, as I'm at a level where other branchs than grenadier are pretty boring.
Thanks to Bitterstone I have good advices :)
For the gear, I have keeper set. But what next? Don't want to do PVE and grind another set via PQ.
Game provides me PvP sets for CR24 RR29, so it is in dev mind that I should be at least RR29 when CR 24.
So, even if gear is not that much important, why the game design prevents me to wear what I should wear according to the requirement of the sets?

They really need to turn down XP gain in scenarios. You shouldn't be punished for wanting to fight people the same level as you, instead of being a trash mob for some some sov-geared players in RvR. They should also add a command to disable rested XP, and have it on by default. Rested renown and crest gain would be nice, too.
I agree, rested XP is huge, and SC XP too high. I gain CR by doing nothing for...

Edit : Just wanted to precise, with the speed I actually up CR against RR. I'll reach CR40 wayyyy before being even close to RR40, so it is important, as at end game, I will not have bolstering, and in T4 SC, I will just be a dummy for other
Last edited by Loctar on Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#9 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:34 pm

A few things I'd like to clarify here.
RR only becomes relevant in T4 (lvl 40+). That is because of both the advantage of having extra renown points to spend as well as enabling the use of higher lvl PvP gear (with RR requirements).
Before hitting lvl 40 the RR points you can spend are also limited by your level, so any RR you have above your level can't be utilized until you hit 40.
Most pre-40 rvr gear also have RR requirements, but also follow the pattern of the requirement being near or less than the level they also require.
Overall: pre lvl40 RR>level doesn't give you any advantages

Now for the lvl 40 talk.
Having a high RR can be nice to have when you hit 40, BUT it's not mandatory by any means.
Most people (myself included) recommend going the PvE gearing route until BIS for most classes (Tanks being an exception). Also, by the time where you have enough War Crests to buy said endgame gear you most likely have the RR to overcome its requirements. Meaning that the T4 RR advantage can be broken down in 3 other major ways:

1. RR points advantage for allocation (Valid point but it's not that critical imo; I'd say for RR points only, from rr45 to rr80 it's a 10% class effectiveness boost)

2. RR points advantage for getting into organized content (People often ''discriminate'' based on player RR for getting into parties/wbs. Not so much due to the points themselves, but as to how these vaguely correlate to time investment and skill into the class. There are, however, many guilds/communities in game that pay little to no attention to that as long as you are willing to take advice and follow instructions. At least on Destro side, which I'm familiar with.)

3. Early RR points advantage for allocation during PvE gearing (This refers to the early stages of a players T4 experience, where they'll usually end up running dungeons like Gunbad and Bastion Stairs. Compared to before the new ability system was implemented, I'd say that content is now more new-player-friendly and for any class other than tanks the RR requirement is now non-existent. Maybe if your character is a tank, you might have some issues under RR40, but that's quite a low bar as you may understand)

Overall: Don't get peer pressured into obsessing about RR. It is important, but not as important as you might have made it out to be.

Finally, regarding Exp Reduction scrolls:
I won't dwell for too long here, but I will try to explain why enabling those scrolls back for PvP is a bad idea.
You might think that enabling that would help new players progress in a more optimal place, but the hard reality of the situation is that they would (once again) become exploited by already veteran players who (for various reasons which I'll explain soon) would farm them mercilessly 24/7.

Why stomp new players as a veteran:
- Can be fun to go on endless killstreaks if you lack empathy for the person on the receiving end who you have an unfair advantage on (more on that later)
- Puffs up their KDA that may be harder to raise normally in higher tiers (Killboard stats are available for all now and much more prominent in game discussions)

How can that happen? Why do they have an unfair advantage?
- They have experience on their side, as well as understanding of optimal builds, skill usage and Mapping over new players
- They can send all the BIS equipment (for each individual level) to low level alts, as well as talismans, pots and so on. So called Twinking, which happens even now and people often complain about it.
- They can coordinate much better to achieve said stomping compared to how new players can organize themselves and defend against it.

You might think that I'm overreacting but this was the reality of the situation until the exp scrolls were removed previously. Poison to new player experience.
Devs might not be able to change human nature, but they can (and should) for sure plan around it and demotivate players from acting in unsavory ways.
Onlymelee, Onlyhealing, Onlyhater, Onlybacklash, Onlytank - Entropy and Chaos

"All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride."
The Antigone of Sophocles

Posts: 17

Re: Noob pov about XP Reduction scrolls

Post#10 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:43 pm


I understand your pov and agree for the most.
RR is not that important, I agree, but why, the RR requirement for the PvP sets are that much higher than CR requirement?

For the twinking with the scrolls, maybe there are solutions, as I said in my second message, to force player to not stay in T1 bashing new players.

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