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remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

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remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#1 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:06 am

at the current state of the game with the lack of pve due to the ability rework patch. it is impossible to get certain items at the current. with no due date for any of the dungeons other than BS being first with it just being "soon", then HV and bbbe/cnt being last , especially bbbe/cnt which are argueable the most important pve aspects in the game due to weapons/ring for the special talismans. there should be an alternative way to get the gear/weapons/ring via the PQ/PvE war tokens with a vendor and potentially the removal of vanq/invader ward in the meantime. currently with the war crest system, you basically get ruin, then argueably have to save every crest so by time you hit rr78 you can buy your sov set. if you dont go the PvE route to get wards, you have to save an extra 6.5k~ crests to get vanq and invader which then completely kills your end game gear progression. leading to many extra weeks of being undergeared for the RR level you're at purely because no PvE route for ward unlocks.

i truly hope something is implimented extremely soon so people can actually progess their characters and enjoy the game fully without completely killing their sov progression for ward unlocks with crests.
Skargraive the Chosen - [Unreal]

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Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#2 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:21 am

Patience. They're working on it. Meanwhile, have you tried playing for fun? Perhaps level another toon in the meantime. Touch grass, eat pie. And anyway, 6.5k crests isn't that much. The average player would have earned close to that since the ability drop.
Seiigfrid RR 8X WP | Arthasus RR 7X KOTBS | Zalthazar RR 5X BW
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Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#3 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:26 am

Scottx125 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:21 am Patience. They're working on it. Meanwhile, have you tried playing for fun? Perhaps level another toon in the meantime. Touch grass, eat pie.
i do not wish to make an alt, i wish to be able to progress on the character i wish to play nor do i have time to level a new character over putting my limited time into a single character whilst enjoying the game and its an MMO, gear chase to improve your effectiveness in pvp is most/extremely large part of the game.
Skargraive the Chosen - [Unreal]

Posts: 188

Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#4 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:38 am

Parallels66 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:26 am
Scottx125 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:21 am Patience. They're working on it. Meanwhile, have you tried playing for fun? Perhaps level another toon in the meantime. Touch grass, eat pie.
i do not wish to make an alt, i wish to be able to progress on the character i wish to play nor do i have time to level a new character over putting my limited time into a single character whilst enjoying the game and its an MMO, gear chase to improve your effectiveness in pvp is most/extremely large part of the game.
Getting Sentinel Ring and Bloodlord wpn is very important, and full Bloodlord obviously as well. But even with 0 bloodlord and no bloodlord wpn, senti ring,beastlord ring and Hunters vale ring will make THE difference can you play competive against higher RR+Higher gear players.

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Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#5 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:16 pm

I have literally never done any dungeons other than Sewers (which I did once to help someone get gear and to help test right after the changes). You can still get your gear in a timely fashion. I'm RR74 on my KotBS, and need about 6k more crests (discounting the 10k triumph ring) to get what I need. I should be there near RR80, especially if I make sure to do the weekly RvR and SC.

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Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#6 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:27 pm

ShadowWar wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:16 pm I have literally never done any dungeons other than Sewers (which I did once to help someone get gear and to help test right after the changes). You can still get your gear in a timely fashion. I'm RR74 on my KotBS, and need about 6k more crests (discounting the 10k triumph ring) to get what I need. I should be there near RR80, especially if I make sure to do the weekly RvR and SC.
you STILL cant get sentinel weapons though, which are BiS for many many many many classes, you cant get sentinel ring, which is BiS for every class until 10k ring. also hitting rr80 is irrelevant, purely because you wear full sov at 78, so you need 6k crests in 4 rr levels if not you will be severly undergeared for your RR level. which just adds to my point with the current system and lack of pve options.
Skargraive the Chosen - [Unreal]

Posts: 581

Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#7 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:05 pm

Due to long pause time on this toon, when I restartet playing my RP from rr50 on I had zero war crests, it is now rr72 with 4 souv pieces and ~1k crests. While this was before patch and I got my wards through pve and pvp together, when he hits the needed RR he will have the pieces he need and enough crests to buy at least vanq completely, maybe a few Invader pieces.

Instead of crying around and waiting for the dungeons, just buy the pvp sets, maybe it will take 2 weeks longer to get souv set, but good lord, are you trying to speed run this game?

They maybe should anounce it early enoguh, indeed it would be terrible to buy the pvp sets and the next day the dungeons are open, but even then... .

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― John Burroughs

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Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#8 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:09 pm

ShadowWar wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:16 pm I have literally never done any dungeons other than Sewers (which I did once to help someone get gear and to help test right after the changes). You can still get your gear in a timely fashion. I'm RR74 on my KotBS, and need about 6k more crests (discounting the 10k triumph ring) to get what I need. I should be there near RR80, especially if I make sure to do the weekly RvR and SC.
An absolute king. PVE is for plebs <3
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Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#9 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:50 pm

The Sentinel ring probably is the biggest issue here, since, as far as I am aware, there is no alternative option to get the talisman slot outside of Triumphant/Victorious, which are quite expensive even for RR 80+ players and the talisman slot does provide a significant stat advantage.

BUT, with that said, and keeping it in mind, here are a few things to consider:

(1.) Using the Sentinel ring does have drawbacks/alternative costs: you are giving up other set bonuses that you could attain by, for example, combining Genesis accessories, other set accessories (Invader, Warlord, Sovereign) with the appropriate set pieces, which are nowhere near as expensive (~1.4-1.8k crests) and a raw stat accessory. For ex., a setup that goes something like this: 2x Warrior (str/parry+str/wounds) for str bonus + 1x Everlasting/Undying raw stat ring (enabling the possibility to combine with back slot, which makes sense in certain RR levels) + either (a.) another Genesis piece for further bonuses, (b.) raw stats ring like ones from Gunbad, which are close to BIS or BIS for some classes, or (c.) Invader, Warlord or Sovereign ring if you are at an appropriate RR level, etc. So, for a SnB tank, you could, for example, be looking at:
- Genesis Fragment of the Everlasting [3% block/14 wounds/53 xyz resi]
- Genesis Remnant of the Everlasting [24 toughness/wounds/64 xyz resi + 2p setbonus - 37 toughness]
- Rough Gunbad Diamond [2% block/28 wounds/12 toughness/52 xyz]
- Genesis Remnant of the Undying [24 toughness/wounds/64 xyz resi + the possibility to combine it with the back slot genesis piece for either 37 wounds if Undying or Crit reduce if Everlasting)
This is a setup you can run as early as CR 40/RR 36. If you now would run a Sentinel ring replacing one of the raw stat pieces, for example, you'd have to accept not only the mediocre stat line Sentinel ring has (27 str/17 ws/70 xyz resi/3 ap sec/tali slot = 6% block, out of which, arguably only the block is strictly desirable for a SnB tank), but the additional loss of 24 toughness/wounds (or ini/toughness) AND the 37 toughness from 2p Everlasting AND the potentially 37 wounds from 2p Undying if you choose to use the back piece. So, to simplify, in this case, running Sentinel ring is a tradeoff between 6% block + some secondary stats and 24+37=51 toughness + 24 wounds (+the potential 37 wounds with back piece) and, arguably, also the flexibility that Genesis raw stat accessories enable. While SnB tanks do truly love block above all else and usually choose to run the Sentinel Ring if available, it is still a considerable price to pay. Which is to say that if you choose to or are forced to use this kind of setup, while you might not be using what is deemed the best available (well, that would actually be 10k crests, tyvm), you are also not at such a massive disadvantage that it will fundamentally change the way you play or the things you are able to do.

(While I agree that using SnB tank itemization might be a slightly tendentious example, I do think that the general gist of my argument also applies to mdps itemization with the appropriate variations.)

(2.) I am not intimately familiar with mdps itemization, but, while the Sentinel weapons are fun and gimmicky, I am not sure which of them are the undisputed BIS pieces that cannot be conceivably replaced with Subjugator weaponry, for example, (outside of niche playstyles, 2h WP I guess), that usually have good, generic stat lines and decent procs, as well as affordable price tag. As far as Blood lord goes, the weapons here have an inherent trade off that, probably, only the best players will be able to take full advantage of and, if you are one of these players, I am sure you will do just fine with other options as well.

(3.) In general, if you actually look at the alternatives available, it is in my opinion clear that while the gear setups that revolve around gear available from CnT and Bloodlord are widely accepted as efficient, there are also other viable ways to build your character. And even if we conclude that it is the case that in some cases (but not all) you are at a clear disadvantage over someone who has these items, I don't think that disadvantage is so significant that it will on its own completely invalidate other aspects of the game such as personal skill, group coordination, positional, numerical discrepancies, etc. The areas of the game where such, arguably, miniscule stat differences (in the grand scheme of things) are somewhat more significant, so either extremely small scale, solo or organized 6 man/ranked, are also the areas of the game where your personal skill and decision making has the biggest impact on the outcome, so if you use similar level of gear to these pieces with some consideration, I'm sure the outcome will be roughly the same as if you had Sentinel/Bloodlord available.

As some previous posters said, this is a good time to experiment with different builds, level alt charaters, maybe also explore other ways of approaching how you shape your gameplay.

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Re: remove wards or make sentinel/bloodlord and weps buyable with war tokens.

Post#10 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 7:31 pm

Parallels66 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:26 am
Scottx125 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:21 am Patience. They're working on it. Meanwhile, have you tried playing for fun? Perhaps level another toon in the meantime. Touch grass, eat pie.
i do not wish to make an alt, i wish to be able to progress on the character i wish to play nor do i have time to level a new character over putting my limited time into a single character whilst enjoying the game and its an MMO, gear chase to improve your effectiveness in pvp is most/extremely large part of the game.
As you've said, that is on hold for a month or so till they fix those dungeons. In the mean time do something else. If you sit in the mud complaining all day that's your problem. IF they've said it'll take 1-2 months to fix it'll take 1-2 months to fix.
Seiigfrid RR 8X WP | Arthasus RR 7X KOTBS | Zalthazar RR 5X BW
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