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Bumping up Warlord set power

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Posts: 6

Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#1 » Mon May 11, 2020 7:29 pm

Ok so I wanted to share an idea that would probly make players happy and a Dev or two very disgruntled. Warlord and the two sov sets all use royal crests but warlord is vastly weaker than the other two sets and its reflected in its price. HOWEVER it is the one of the three +2 path sets for all classes. I know many players would love to run warlords but don't simply because of loss of stats compared to the other two sov sets even if they don't benefit from the +2 path or stat bonuses. What I am suggesting is to put Warlords stats in line with the sov sets and increase its cost to match the bump. All 3 costs royals all 3 have +path stats why have 1 of the 3 paths suffer would it could be easily bumped up to be on par with its same currency tier counter parts. This way players who would use warlord for its stats actually benefiting their builds can do so without feeling they are nerfing themselves by not being "BiS" or top of their tier. Like I said I know players who got to end game and changed their build just to fit gear sets we should try our best to not to make a player feel the need to not do what they want or enjoy simply because of gear. So again please boost warlords stats to match the sov sets and increase its cost to put it in line with sov as well they all use the same currency why can't they all be on the same playing field.

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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#2 » Mon May 11, 2020 7:51 pm

Format your post a bit, its very hard to read as just wall of text

On topic though i agree. It doens't make sense that warlord is weaker and cheaper than Sov considering it gives mastery to unique tree, just like other two.
Giantslayer is already on the weaker side, and then the city set with that mastery is also weaker than others?
Thats just bad.

And thats not even addressing the actual stats/bonuses that don't even fit the mastery tree in question...

Although overall im not a fan of having tree-specific masteries on these sets at all.
I'd prefer to have them give +2 or +1 regular mastery points that you can spend yourself, and redesign the sets without trying to fit them into specific mastery trees (which already kinda failed).
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#3 » Mon May 11, 2020 8:22 pm

I like this :) some people might say that, “They bought warlord when it was cheaper and you’re just going to buff it” in response I say, alpha server :) the change is good imo.
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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#4 » Mon May 11, 2020 9:19 pm

Sov sets have to be fixed for some classes before warlord is improved
Tushi Splats Tush Emoalbino Podge

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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#5 » Mon May 11, 2020 9:29 pm

That is not true or relevant to the discussion. You don't need to tweak certain sets for certain classes to bring another one up to par with the rest.

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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#6 » Mon May 11, 2020 9:38 pm

You pay less for warlord and therefore the stats are slightly lower. What's the point? It's not like it matters.
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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#7 » Mon May 11, 2020 9:46 pm

I feel like your reply is a troll/**** starter. I will do my best to assume you read all the posts in this thread before you made the statement. There are three major +path sets that all cost Royal crests and two of the three cost the same and have extremely similar stat boosts that align with the paths. One of the three AKA warlord costs royals has very subpar stats and completely deters players using that path from actually staying on that path. All three should cost the same all three should benefit its respective path it gives bonuses and stats to. It makes sense it is only logical. All three paths should feel like they are appreciated and have gear that backs it up and gives it ground to stand on.

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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#8 » Mon May 11, 2020 9:54 pm

it doesnt matter cos royal crest gain nowadays is so slow that you are +rr80 when even get invader, what about wl or sov.
About warlord stats, at least for backline healers i would like to see warlord 2 piece bonuse to be something different than willpower. Make it one of the few defense focused set so there is some variety for gearing healer.
Mostly harmless

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Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#9 » Mon May 11, 2020 11:21 pm

Shinnanigens wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 9:29 pm That is not true or relevant to the discussion. You don't need to tweak certain sets for certain classes to bring another one up to par with the rest.
Warlord is not the same tier as sov, and it never was. You say about bringing gear up to par with the rest, but there is already a huge disparity in the quality of the different sov sets. That should be rectified as a priority. It's therefore totally relevant to say that existing armours of the same tier (of which sov and warlord are not) should be balanced against each other, before you think about adding more armour sets to that tier.
Tushi Splats Tush Emoalbino Podge

Posts: 336

Re: Bumping up Warlord set power

Post#10 » Tue May 12, 2020 1:06 am

Warlords problems come from powercreep introduced with invader/city dungeon sets and beyond.

Live didn't have any sets besides tyrant and sov with a backpiece, and sov was the only set that had a jewel piece. Im not disagreeing with the choice to include these here, or the introduction of alternate sets which originally only existed for sov just stating something that might explain why warlord is in hell in right now.

Warlord finds itself in a weird spot between a set that takes your average players around a month to complete, and a set that takes 3 or more months to complete. If warlord is worked into a sov equiv, so you have 3 sets of sov (im guessing each built for a mastery tree) then I think it shouldnt be called warlord anymore just another variation of sov.

IMO I think invader is way to hard to get, people are pretty burned out on "Event gated" gear. Sov should be speed up slightly, invader should be slightly harder than vanq is now and warlord worked in the middle of inv/sov. Maybe when/if forts are reworked throw invader out in the lakes somehow and introduce warlord gear in forts. You can still have 3 sets of sov.

The other problem is PvE. I don't want to come off as asshole-ish but im sure it will. But I think the devs care way too much about people doing PvE content even if they hate it (Literally no one wants to run gunbad/city for the millionth time when they dont need the gear just to because they are being gatekept by wards). And if that is the case making invader/warlord easier or more sensible will also mean devaluing PvE side of gear and I don't think they will ever do that.

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