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Patch Notes 20/05/2021

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Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#1 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:41 pm

Weekend Warfront: Guns, Shrooms, and Steam


The trains of Kadrin Valley are carrying gromril back to Karaz-a-Karak night and day. Work on the Doomstrikers is well underway, but now the greenskins have decided to sabotage the efforts. Get out to Gromril Crossing, and help your realm drive back the enemy!

This weekend Guns, Shrooms, and Steam will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Gromril Crossing scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

Realm versus Realm
Ranked Scenarios

- A command has been to opt in to getting matched with lower Ranked Solo tiers as well as the tier you are in. Use .ranked allowlowertiermatch 1 to opt in, and .ranked allowlowertiermatch 0 to opt out again. Default is to not allow it. This will likely be added to the UI in a future patch.

- Slightly increased the item level requirements to queue up, they are now min item lvl 45 in all armor slots, and average item lvl 50 or higher (up from 40/48).

- The number of matches in new tier before you can switch tier again has been lowered from 10 to 5. (This will also be added to UI in a future patch)

Combat and Careers
Morale Generation Changes

These changes are being made to set a high limit that is relatively standardized across classes. The initial feedback that we received was simply to remove several of them, we feel this is a more nuanced and appropriate shift in overall realm balance. For most classes this comes as a significant reduction in the amount of Morale they can pump every 60s, which should restrict any class from being able to reliably get M4's on 60s rotations without help from another class. The target goal for the total amount additionally generated is ~1500 per minute, which is just shy of M3 on its own. Combined with pumps and constant combat, reaching 3600 morale (M4) should be much more difficult to attain reliably on cooldown, making it less of a rotational challenge and more of a situational strategic use.

Balance Changes

- Napalm Grenade Reduce base damage from 165 to 120, reduce Primary Stat Mod from .50 to .30

The damage on these abilities are somewhat over-peforming, but should still remain dangerous enough to justify their position in respective mastery trees.

Note that this ability was previously buffed on RoR, and the damage numbers will still be higher than they were on the live servers.

Balance Changes

- Youz see me blok' dat'?! Reduced from 144 / 3s to 75 / 3s (2880/60s to 1500/60s)

- Mor' Choppin Dem replaced with the original No Choppin' Me with the following update:

Follow Me Lead and Savin' Me Hide will now provide their respective Weaponskill and Toughness buffs to group members within 100'

The original intent of providing Black Orc access to cooldown reduction was mostly due to this tactic being pretty bad in original design. However we feel that one cooldown reduction ability for each realm is more than enough, and BO having it slotted was really infringing on the group meta space that Choppas previously enjoyed. There will always be room for Black Orcs, this is something we feel Choppa should be relied on for. We may move Chop Fasta in the future during a more extensive overhaul to highlight Choppa/Slayer 2h mastery specs.

Balance Changes

- Ere We Go Reduced from 150 per stack used to 100 per stack used.

Ere We Go is one of the two powerful group pumps available, we consider this pump to be a unique point of power that with these changes may more strictly justify their position in groups. It is also being semi-mirrored below so both realms have a similar power group pump ability. We have considered the value of cooldown reducers when it comes to the number of times this can be used per minute, but also took into consideration that not all classes will be using these stacks efficiently enough to benefit from it fully.

- Yer Not So Bad Reducing the duration and cooldown from 180 over 9s/10s CD to 140 over 7s/15s CD

The effectiveness and frequency of these drains are having too much impact in organized play. Essentially trading one cast every 10s to lock down another player. At these reduced values they are still more potent than most other AP drains, but allow a bit of breathing room to recover.

- Ey' Quit Bleedin' Now applies to two additional allies within 15' of your target.

Allows some unique functionality distinct from other healers while slightly improving their AOE healing capacity. This will remain a core ability.

Balance Changes

- Strength in Numbas Reduced from 100 on 25% proc of group member dealing damage to 75, 3s internal cooldown

- Squig Beast M1 Reduced to 100% bonus damage, down from 150%.

We will continue to observe the overall effectiveness of this morale, and will adjust in the coming weeks if further reductions are necessary based on collected data. This ability should have a higher potential value for a Morale 1 as the significant drawback is reliance on a pet that can be killed or CC'd as an appropriate counterplay. However it should not be as overbearing as it currently is.

- Squig Armor will once again have a global cooldown period, so you can't instantly switch to Squig Armor form and immediately use an ability.

This is a relatively minor change, but impacts the functionality of Squig Armor as a defensive tool for Ranged specs.

- Squig Armor When entering Squig Armor, a 5s cooldown will be immediately added to Squig Leap and KABOOM!

This is a similar reason, Squig Armor should not be as reliable an escape tool outside of Melee specs.

- Outta My Way Reduced from 75% bonus movement speed to 25% bonus movement speed

This is a bit too effective as an escape tool and shouldn't be comparable for catching mounted targets. Squig Herders have other tools to do so.

- Bounce will no longer trigger a 3s Knockdown, instead it will deal 20' PBAOE damage with no cooldown. Damage is mirrored to WL ability Slashing Blade.

This addresses one of the common complaints about Squigs having too much access to hard CC, as well as providing them a spammable melee attack with acceptable animations.

- Sharpened Arrers Will now only apply to Big Shootin' abilities.

This is a fairly significant damage nerf for rSH as many of their hard hitting Quick Shootin' abilities were benefitting from this tactic, and a couple key abilities in Big Shootin' deal Corp damage.

Balance Changes

- Embrace the Flames - Reduced from 200 on crit to 75, 3s internal cooldown

Balance Changes

- M1 - Divine Aegis Increases your target’s armor by 1320 and all resistances by 504 for 15 seconds.

This is being cross-mirrored to the Zealot M1 Tzeentch’s Talon. The existing morale was vastly underutilized according to our data.

- M4 - Divine Amazement Extend range to 30', matching DoK variant.

This may have been an oversight in ability construction, no reason for these mirrored abilities to be different.

- Bludgeon Add scaling armor ignore up to 660 at R40 from behind. Raise minimum level to 6 and swap Divine Strike to R1.

This is a relatively small buff that will primarily be used with DPS specs at higher tiers of play. With the limited range of abilities, we felt it was safe to move this out of the R1 basic spammable to give DPS spec an additional tool that rewards good positioning. The armor scaling is less than WL Sundering Chop, but similar in concept. Moving the basic lifetap to R1 represents the class best, but also makes it a bit clunky to maintain RF during combat during very early levels. In our testing this has not been unsustainable, and you quickly get more abilities to generate RF.

- Guilty Soul Increase duration of the DOT and Self buff from 9s to 12s

9 seconds is not enough time to reliably keep this DOT and buff running, it’s being tweaked upward to make sure the tactic is viable.

- Repent + Intimidating Repent These are a two part change, so it's best to mention them at the same time. They will apply to both classes in the same way.

The base detaunt ability will additionally grant an AOE detaunt effect if the user has a shield or DPS weapon for 5 seconds. The 15s single target detaunt would work normally, allowing you to single target detaunt at 100' range, while also applying a 5s 30' AOE detaunt around yourself.

The detaunt tactic will change to allow book users to also benefit from the changed base detaunt ability, removing the 30' detaunt around their target for the full 15s duration.

This two-part change would mean a single target detaunt at 100' would continue to have a 100% uptime at 15s/15s, but the 30' radius detaunt from the player would only be 5s/15s for 33% uptime, and would only apply to book/chalice users if they take the additional tactic.

The reasoning behind this is to nerf the ability for healing WP/Dok players to stand and tank multiple players with a 100% AoE detaunt uptime. This change is in-line with the Sham/Am AOE detaunt uptime of 33%, and is an overdue nerf considering the medium armor survivability that WP/Dok already enjoy.

Balance Changes

- Destined for Victory Increased from 200 / 10s to 250 / 10s (1200/60s to 1500/60s) Note: The tooltip on this one said 200 / 3s, but it was actually 200 / 10s.

Balance Changes

- By Tzeentch's Will Reduced from 200 on crit heal to 75 on crit heal, 3s internal cooldown

Balance Changes

- Dissolving Mist Reduce base damage from 165 to 120, reduce Primary Stat Mod from .50 to .30

The damage on these abilities are somewhat over-peforming, but should still remain dangerous enough to justify their position in respective mastery trees.

Note that this ability was previously buffed on RoR, and the damage numbers will still be higher than they were on the live servers.

Balance Changes

- Whispering Wind You release a single swift blow damaging enemies in a line 30' in front of you for X Spirit damage, interrupting any abilities they were building up. The winds then aid group members within 100' for the next 10s by decreasing the cooldown of abilities used by 5s.

This ability has a new animation and VFX to match the AoE attack.

Silence on this is more of a hindrance to casting it than a benefit. The main desire for the ability has always been the cooldown reduction portion, having to apply a silence and potentially wasting immunities is too harsh a restriction. Instead this would be a 20' cone PBAOE castable on demand without a target. This would allow access to CDR similar to Choppa, however as it's a Perfect Balance ability they would still need to cast two abilities to execute it outside of combat.

Balance Changes

- NEW Bonded Pack Tactic is being merged with Close Bond and replacing 3pt Guardian tactic Stalker:

You will now gain 50 morale every 5 seconds while your White Lion is active. Any time you or one of your groupmates damages an enemy with Pack Assault they will gain 100 Morale.

This tactic is replacing a nearly useless threat based spec tree tactic at 3pt Guardian (it didn't actually do anything). We feel this is low enough in the tree to be taken as an option for other specs and that it fits thematically with the Guardian tree, being more support/utility oriented. After review of Close Bond and query of all WL characters ever created, only 30 have it slotted. This is enough for us to remove the drawback of the tactic, and include it as part of this morale tactic.

- Brutal Pounce Reduce cooldown to 20s

This change is a simple alignment with other similar knockdown abilities.

Balance Changes

- Bolstering Boon On direct heal crit, target gains an Enchantment that grants them 20 morale per second over the next 3 seconds. Does not refresh or stack.

This is being changed to apply on any direct healing crits rather than just Boon of Hysh, which would include how Energy of Vaul currently works, making it potentially a second group morale generation ability for Order. This is the reason for the lower than 75/3s values

- Drain Magic Reducing the duration and cooldown from 180 over 9s/10s CD to 140 over 7s/15s CD

The effectiveness and frequency of these drains are having too much impact in organized play. Essentially trading one cast every 10s to lock down another player. At these reduced values they are still more potent than most other AP drains, but allow a bit of breathing room to recover.

Note: Transfer Magic tactic will still be half AP drain value, but AoE.

- Lambent Aura Now applies to two additional allies within 15' of your target.

Allows some unique functionality distinct from other healers while slightly improving their AOE healing capacity. This will remain a core ability.

Bug Fixes

- Terrifying Vision Removing the erroneous Soul Essence gained from use.

This doesn't apply on the WP version of the ability, and doesn't make a lot of sense. May have been erroneously added by Mythic in the past, removing it to clean things up.

- Patch Wounds Moving this to Core instead of Dark Rites.

Just a clean-up issue for placement in the UI to be similar to WP, there's no mastery scaling consideration so moving to core will have no real impact.

Balance Changes

- M1 - Life's End Increase lifetap efficiency to 100% up from 50%

This is a minor buff for another underutilized M1.

- Cleave Soul Add scaling armor ignore up to 660 at R40 from behind. Raise minimum level to 6 and swap Consume essence to R1.

This is a relatively small buff that will primarily be used with DPS specs at higher tiers of play. With the limited range of abilities, we felt it was safe to move this out of the R1 basic spammable to give DPS spec an additional tool that rewards good positioning. The armor scaling is less than WL Sundering Chop, but similar in concept. Moving the basic lifetap to R1 represents the class best, but also makes it a bit clunky to maintain SE during combat during very early levels. In our this has not been unsustainable though, and you quickly get more abilities to generate SE.

- Khaine's Imbuement This will now only proc from Path of Torture abilities, but will have a 33% proc chance (up from 25%)

Proccing from all attacks was resulting in nearly 100% uptime on multiple targets, even when melee healing. This is a a damage tactic, the expectation that it be used primarily for Torture spec abilities was a bit suberted. The Tree limitation with increased rate should require more decision-making in when to use Torture abilities to proc the benefit, and when to lean on Sacrifice abilities for survival.

- Gift of Khaine No longer provides AP to your defensive target on crit. Now adds an absorb shield on crit to your defensive target, affects self. 3s internal cooldown. Scaling is same as Emperor's Ward/Warped Flesh tactics.

This is similar to the WP baseline racial tactic Emperor's Ward, however rather than being a self buff on being hit, the melee heal DoK can use it to apply absorbs to their defensive target. This justifies the position in the mastery tree while providing similar functionality without direct mirroring, as we prefer to do when possible.

- Terrifying Vision + Terrifying Aura These are a two part change, so it's best to mention them at the same time. They will apply to both classes in the same way.

The base detaunt ability will additionally grant an AOE detaunt effect if the user has a shield or DPS weapon for 5 seconds. The 15s single target detaunt would work normally, allowing you to single target detaunt at 100' range, while also applying a 5s 30' AOE detaunt around yourself.

The detaunt tactic will change to allow chalice users to also benefit from the changed base detaunt ability, removing the 30' detaunt around their target for the full 15s duration.

This two-part change would mean a single target detaunt at 100' would continue to have a 100% uptime at 15s/15s, but the 30' radius detaunt from the player would only be 5s/15s for 33% uptime, and would only apply to book/chalice users if they take the additional tactic.

The reasoning behind this is to nerf the ability for healing WP/Dok players to stand and tank multiple players with a 100% AoE detaunt uptime. This change is in-line with the Sham/Am AOE detaunt uptime of 33%, and is an overdue nerf considering the medium armor survivability that WP/Dok already enjoy.

Balance Changes

- Glorious Carnage - Reduced from 200 on crit to 75, 3s internal cooldown


- In memory of Akaathi, who passed away recently, a gravestone has been added next to the others in the Graveyard of Praag

The RoR community will once again make sure that a fallen hero will always be remembered in this world. Several guilds will march from Martyr Square towards the Graveyard, on Sunday 23 May at 10PM server time. You are all welcomed to come in peace and join the final honorable walk.

PQ Chap 22

- All the King's Men: More NPCs have been added to the first stage because of some NPCs vanishing mysteriously


Greenskin Chapter 15
- Making it Magic: You will now have to retrieve the Glowing Reagent from the Forgotten Shrine
- Blackfang: You will now have to take the Poison Sac from the bat Blackfang
- Toy Soldiers: The whole quest line is now available and reworked


[18995] The PQ boss is once again attackable


- "Drain Magic" & "Yer Not So Bad" fixed
- "Lambent Aura" & "Ey' Quit Bleedin'" will build career mechanic even if only healing one target.
- "Divine Aegis" will trigger on friendly target, not only on self. The VFX is pending a client file fix that will be distributed later.
- "Whispering Wind" now resets stance properly again.
- "Incognito" & "Shadow Prowler" fixed cooldown.
- the ".ranked allowlowertiermatch" command is fixed (permissions on it was set wrong)

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Posts: 382

Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#2 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:52 pm


Posts: 160

Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#3 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:52 pm

huge nerfs for destro, based

Posts: 107

Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#4 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:52 pm

Very exciting patch! Was the Bilelord teleportation bug fixed and left off the patch notes >.> ?
[Hemingway Daiquiri(s)]

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#5 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:54 pm

Thank you for destroying the Black Orc as a class. I'm surprised it took this long after you destroyed Choppa.
"They're gonna die if we kill them" - Klev on strategy

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#6 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:56 pm

Great patch , thank you.

Posts: 15

Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#7 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:56 pm

Sh nerf is huuuuuuge, Lucky that i stop played sh while predicting big nerf incs

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Posts: 83

Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#8 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:57 pm

The realm champs finally can beat destro now in city, ty.
<Art Supplies>

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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#9 » Thu May 20, 2021 2:59 pm

Here we go...

these changes are big time MEME

you've just broken balance more (instead of scalpel you use sledge approach again) i dont think you realise how damaging these changes are... Bork... MSH... Shaman just got dropped hard on.

lately order winnning cities 11-3 ... pushing IC daily 1 star :lol: even in primetime...

The sources you asking for information and changes are not the most trustworthy sources when its clearly biased and shown in result of changes which heavily nerf destro faction and buffs for order...

Sad times but atleast as a x realmer i can play the buffed faction and not have to worry about the mess created unless destro stop playing and then there is nothing to do

Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
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Re: Patch Notes 20/05/2021

Post#10 » Thu May 20, 2021 3:02 pm

Wam wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 2:59 pm Here we go...

these changes are big time MEME

you've just broken balance more (instead of scalpel you use sledge approach again) i dont think you realise how damaging these changes are... Bork... MSH... Shaman just got dropped hard on.

lately order winnning cities 11-3 ... pushing IC daily 1 star :lol: even in primetime...

The sources you asking for information and changes are not the most trustworthy sources when its clearly biased and shown in result of changes which heavily nerf destro faction and buffs for order...

Sad times but atleast as a x realmer i can play the buffed faction and not have to worry about the mess created unless destro stop playing and then there is nothing to do

Winning organized pvp is about... organization. We've been observing as certain groups made their statements in city sieges despite no changes specifically to contest these changes by trying to point at win loss rates. Doesn't work like that.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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