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some SC suggestions

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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#21 » Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:02 pm

The ridiculous wait times are because people whined and moaned and cried and convinced the team to implement a system which looks to build groups with healers in it first. Thanks for that, I can't even do a casual scenario or two in NA times anymore, but at least we don't have to use /5 any more.

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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#22 » Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:12 am

Because many people read this topic, but few comment on (especially on the subject of scenarios) or at least criticize, perhaps the scenarios are not particularly interesting to the mainstream of players ... In this case it makes no sense to make any efforts to develop this particular content , and better focus on the siege.
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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#23 » Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:00 am

I wouldn't take it personally, but you are sorta flogging a dead horse: such threads/suggestion thinktanks have been done to death.

I think people are aware of what could work well for SC at this point.

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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#24 » Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:23 pm

I love sc quite abit. On live I spend like 70% of my play time into sc (both as pug and as hardcore premade). Ive played alot back then so I had time for all (guild pve runs, guild small scale sessions, guild wb sessions, scs).

Here on ror my playtime is much shorter and I end up not playing sc at all lately. That is a fact not because I dot like scs any more but cos I

1 - got much slower renown progression than chilling at some keep yard
2 - there is no gear ptogression at all for my healer at scs

I still love scs but here on ror the system made them almost worthless.
That is why scs dont pop, not cos of matchmaking system failure. Matchmaking system is good but to work need more playets into queue while devs deliberately drove players into other modes of the game (pve and zerging mainly)
Mostly harmless

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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#25 » Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:01 pm

labotimy wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:16 pm
bossabe wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:56 am RvR is more "attractive" to more people then SC , because of the crowd effect is as simple as this .
In the same way it isn't as attractive to many people because it's not about skill, rather about who can recruit the larger zerg. Sc's were always enjoyable to many because small scale is way more dependent on individual skill.
i totally agree with you , but god forgive if you dare speak of SMALL scale in this game... See the problem with this game is that , it is not made for a wide audience , it s made for a small "ELITIST" type of player who have been here since the begining , they are the same guys who are always running the RVR scene over and over again ... anyway , i am too tired to keep writing :P

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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#26 » Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:25 pm

Scs were fun because there hadnt been any real power creep and you could usually have a decent fight. As the power creep has set in, just like on live, it will negatively affect instanced pvp. Its when people feel they cant do anything they stop queuing.

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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#27 » Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:06 pm

The biggest difference between this and live is not being able to queue in a warband. Love or hate the reasoning, cant deny more people would be in queue if you could be in a warband and also join a queue.

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Re: some SC suggestions

Post#28 » Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:02 pm

While the topic of scs is very hot, i do up this and add a couple more suggestions.

8. To add new maps. Someone recently offered to give castles, caves, ruins, leers that are in empty pve zones to various guilds. The question is, can it be used to make new maps for scenarios? For example, "cut out" a lock from various the PQs, remove mobs from there, place objects and make a new map? Well, either to come up with a plot for a new scenario ... it doesn’t matter, I think if you give the task to the community to come up with a plot for the scenario there will be many interesting good suggestions. The main thing is a new location for new maps. If it were possible then it would be great.
9. Revise the cost / reward for scripts, especially for classes that cannot buy weapons in parts such as bw, sorc, etc. It would not be bad to reduce the cost for them by 15-25%. for two months of the game I have a full conq 5 things vanq, and I can even buy two things inv, but I can not afford to buy a single thing oppressor. my opinion the cost of sc awards is too high. Give opressor emblems for quests for 60+ lvl.
10. Show estimated wait time until next scenario. And it’s better to create a mapping of virtual groups that are currently in the queue to join the sc. if 2 dps, 2 healers and 2 tanks have their own groups in rvr, and they all decided to sign up for the sc, an open virtual group is created that anyone can see in the frame of the open groups, just to see the pop scs at the moment and the missing classes.
11. Create 1 test scenario map without healers, or rather even without the ability to restore hp, including potions.
12. Revise the criteria for domination, domination should not punish the winners. And it’s better to cancel it altogether, and revise the system for calculating points and receiving a renown. In the scenario, there are two types of rewards: renown received and the experience (useless for 40), the medals received. At the moment, there is some imbalance in the system, for example, you can lose the sc, but get a much more renown from the killings than the winning team. For example, the score of the scenario may be 309-500, but the average amount of renown gained is 1500-5000. It follows that the goals of the scenario for the teams can be different, the first goal is to obtain maximum fame, the second goal is to obtain medals.
(domination should not be noticeable to the players and turn on when further resistance does not make sense. but also domination should not punish the winners. this is how I understand what the developers would like to do. different scenarios have different conditions, and not always a weak team should lose to a stronger one, on some maps it may well win if it has a more mobility.
In general, my suggestions:
- to speed up the obviously lost scenario, the domination should be turned on when the difference between teams gets in the score at 300 points.
- to prevent farming by premade of weak groups, hang a buff (dont get any renown and get medals any more) on premade when the difference in the number of kills of 20(30-40-50 dazntmatter could dispute) or more is reached.
-when sc haz domination in the end, the winning team must receive more rewards, say not 8 but 10(12-15 disput), for increase stimul from teams to play better.)
13. Each character currently has 2 empty slots for pve tactics. Why not adapt them to sc awards? In order to increase the popularity of the scs, you can make every person do at least 10 scs a day, for this, let there be 2 tactics, one to increase gained renown (25% as from a potion), the other to increase gained experience in dungeons (for farming sentinel ring for exm). In order to activate this tactic you need 10-20 special points, 1 point is given for 1 scenario(doznt matter win or lose just for doing). Thus, each person who log on to the game is likely to play 10 scenarios first, and only then go to the dungeon or to the lake. The tactics are temporary, given for 24 hours, points also burn out.
14. to create it possible to appoint in the warband in each group an assistant to the leader, who can join in the queue to sn all own group, if it was allowed by the leader in the warband's settings. and here it’s not a question of pug warbands, if the pug leaders want they always can prohibit join to the queue on scs in the settings, but the fact is that it is very inconvenient for guild warbands. if which one group wants to go on scs, it is forced to exit from the warband, this is really inconvenient.
15. There is the situations when strongs lock the weak in the wc. to exclude such cases, it is necessary to increase the damage from the cannons to 3 k non-blocking over a large area with a reload of 1 second, increase the radius of damage, increase the range of the cannons. after that, as some sort of premade decides to lock someone to the wc, and it takes 3 k+ 3 k+ 3 k damage in 1 second from 3 cannons, and it will never do it anymore, I'm sure).
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yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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