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ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#271 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:31 pm

The BO system is fine. Sure, you have people afk on the BOs getting ticks, but who cares? They contribute to the supplies being fed to keep. Both realms have people that do that; both realms have players who will gank those BO farmers. How other people play the game has nothing to do with how you play it.
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#272 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:32 pm

Zanilos wrote:
Hargrim wrote:
Zanilos wrote:...
They are 'zergy' because players logged in. Same zerg as 500 ppl at keep in TM yesterday. Also, server is stable at 950 too, as yesterday shown. I think you try to prove something, I'm just not sure what or why.
I meant the pop is stable. Not the hardware.
He meant the hardware. The server performance is decent by now.
Server lags are quite rare lately.
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#273 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:13 pm

Collateral wrote:
Hargrim wrote:But you can do all of the above without timers. You know where enemies are and which BO is empty - no need to wait, just move your butt right this moment.
Yes that's true. But the problem then is that you have to stand on it if you don't want ninjas to get it back almost instantly. And as I said, my personal problem is just that, standing on bos, waiting for someone to come and get it. It might be a 6 man, a whole enemy population, or something in between. It's sort of a gamble you then take. Do we wait here to maybe get some interesting fights, or will we get zerged like every other time. We had npcs doing that boring job of standing for us before. And what happens if everyone has that mindset, stand on bos and wait for the enemy? Who is going to move anywhere? This happens in low pop zones where people just go to afk on bos, knowing very well there are enemies on other bos, but they couldn't care less. In more populated zones, it's the organized groups that promote movement, why? Because we didn't form a full warband to stand on a bo, waiting for the enemy to come to us. We actively search for fights, cuz that's why we play. And coming to a bo killing 2 pug wbs that stand there afk is not terribly interesting after a while.
I completely agree with you man. I initially voiced concern over this "tick every 6 seconds" approach. Look, I am not saying its a bad idea and the idea itself makes sense, I just think it could be implemented better.

This is why I still am unsure why the suggestion I had proposed was a bad one. You literally take the EXACT same concept they want to do today (1 tick every 6 seconds) and INSTEAD make it 1 tick every 6:00. So now what you can do, is cap a BO, for the tick, and then go off and roam again. If someone hops back on it the second you leave, who cares. You send someone back and re-cap within 6:00 and its essentially like they never stole it in the first place. As long as you own it, every 6:00, as that timer hits 0:00 you get the rewards.

This allows BOTH camps to do what they want to do. The current players who like the "1 tick every 6 second free-nown/AFK BO" system can do that.... The players who say "I like no lock timers because I can see when there is a fight" well, you still get this too. You can see who owns it, and know you can go there and pick a fight. Or the people that DO want to roam, find fights, and hit BOs, can do this too and not feel like they are missing out on something.

Its literally everything combined into 1. It rewards scouting, it rewards defense, it rewards strategic planning on not just what to hit but WHEN to hit a BO (meaning capping it more towards the tick, than at the 5:00 or 6:00 mark). It literally now has something for everyone....

I dont see a downside... Except some engineered scenario someone proposed about you holding off 2 attacks and then the 3rd time they come back and wipe you and take the BO and you happened to not get a BO tick because it all happened in the 5:00 or 6:00s it took to capture. But frankly, do you know what this sounds like to me? Good RVR... You had 3 fights in 6 minutes and happened to win 2 times. By almost ANYONE's standards that is good RVR.... And guess what?! Re-group, mount up, and take that BO back and maybe YOU this time add some strategy to wait 4:00 before hitting it, so by the time you wipe them, re-cap the BO maybe it only has :45 seconds to tick, and they dont have time to mount a defense against YOU. Now you have had 4 fights in 12 minutes, won 3 of them AND got a nice BO tick.

Versus what? People AFking on BOs. People feeling "tethered" to BOs?

I dont know what I am missing here. I am not saying I am the grand wizard who is "all knowing" but man... any ways I slice this one... I just cant see what I am missing.
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#274 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:19 pm

Given that RvR bo's now stay locked (as they did pre change) and given that bans have been threatened for people who purposefully afk on bo's despite the current nature of RvR openly encouraging such activity and demanding exactly that so as to able to gain a competitive edge on your opponent and seeing as how we now need to artificially manufacture the previously natural means by which game-momentum and group-building was built back when it took more than running up to and then standing still on a bo PERHAPS... you could solve all of that by, i dunno, placing npc's on the bo's?

This is JUST an opinion and i have no interest in talking about it with anyone* at all.

* 'anyone' means 'everyone' and i say this only because, despite previously clearly written blatant obvious evidence to the absolute undeniable contrary, if i don't include everyone in this disclaimer then a staff member might somehow decide that i want or even expect their attention which at this point i most certainly do not.

. -= Cult Of Chaos =- GUILD -= Cult Leader =- . -= Kagaz Wrathson - The Decioblidevannihilator - Black Orc =- .
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#275 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:27 pm

If you have no interest in discussion, then I wonder why you would ever post to a discussion forum?
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#276 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:46 pm

Dresden wrote:Given that RvR bo's now stay locked (as they did pre change) and given that bans have been threatened for people who purposefully afk on bo's despite the current nature of RvR openly encouraging such activity and demanding exactly that so as to able to gain a competitive edge on your opponent and seeing as how we now need to artificially manufacture the previously natural means by which game-momentum and group-building was built back when it took more than running up to and then standing still on a bo PERHAPS... you could solve all of that by, i dunno, placing npc's on the bo's?

This is JUST an opinion and i have no interest in talking about it with anyone* at all.

* 'anyone' means 'everyone' and i say this only because, despite previously clearly written blatant obvious evidence to the absolute undeniable contrary, if i don't include everyone in this disclaimer then a staff member might somehow decide that i want or even expect their attention which at this point i most certainly do not.

banning ppl afk in BO while system ask ppl to afk in bo to give supplies to keeps make lot of sense... LOL

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#277 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:49 pm

Asherdoom wrote: banning ppl afk in BO while system ask ppl to afk in bo to give supplies to keeps make lot of sense... LOL
Maybe check ToS of this server before commenting and loling too much.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#278 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:29 pm

GodlessCrom wrote:If you have no interest in discussion, then I wonder why you would ever post to a discussion forum?
That kind of obtuseness is a fine example of why i have no interest in discussion ABOUT THE SPECIFIC SUBJECT IN QUESTION.

Thank you for very clearly elucidating that for everyone. :lol:
. -= Cult Of Chaos =- GUILD -= Cult Leader =- . -= Kagaz Wrathson - The Decioblidevannihilator - Black Orc =- .
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#279 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:49 pm

personally new sistem of BO is better than previous one for me. There never will be perfect system in any game, but this is way better than running half map to get 30 nfluence for giving resources.
The thing is also you must admit more pop is concentrated so there will be around 2 warband fighting and then one of em is going to cap enemy BO> i got some days where you afk in BO but many days where you will face lot of enemies trying save your BO.
Personally i liked these changes. one thing i would point to increase overall exp (jjust suggestion) add some NPC that patrol between BO and faction castle :)

Posts: 91

Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#280 » Fri Sep 29, 2017 1:20 pm

I think that Wam and others tried to tell that there's no point in actually defending BO against superior numbers. With locks you can stall the zerg for a few prescious seconds to get it locked for you, now you just run away and return.

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