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Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#61 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:38 pm

roadkillrobin wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:59 pm Much whinery about Maras draining tanks here.
I don't see how this math works out tbh. Mara needs to focus AA on BW to prevent R&D. This is by far more important then draining tanks, this means that if a WB have 4 Maras, there would be 1 attack that have a chance to drain the tanks every gcd. The tanks should be at a combination of parry and block that would significant reduce the attack to hit you in the first place. So, are Order tanks no longer speccing for avoidance or what the hell is goin on?

There might be something wrong with the tactic if this thing trigger as often as people insinuate tbh. Is it triggering on attack instead of hit perhaps?
Wrecking Ball is 6+ hits in 3s. Meanwhile Sorcs can build all day without risk of losing anything.

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#62 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:53 pm

I think part of the issue is just how powerful certain m2's are. A coordinated M2 drop = 9.6k damage, (theoretically, but as long as you are doing 6k+ it's good enough) that wipes an entire wb. Anyone who thinks they can us m4's outside of a funnel needs to play more, so I really only want to talk about m2's here. (though we can all agree that solar flare is stupid and broken)

Most organized vs organized wb fights are won by getting to m2 first, since it doesn't exactly take that long. The marauder guarantees that destro will always win that race.

This is not just true in city sieges, it's just more obvious now since it's rare to have a single wb vs a single wb in orvr. Although it does happen outside that, our guild has had that experience a number of times, and recently, as more wb's are running 1-2 marauders, it's hard for an order wb to get m1 up by the time we get morale bombed, let alone m2. This is with us running a dg spec'd wh and am's with morale pump as well.

We can argue about marauder balance tweaks for months, but in the end, I personally think that the m2 abilities on both sides are simply too strong. 1200 unmitigated aoe damage is absurd. Take BW, their m2 does as much damage as their M4, same with WL's.

Either allow morales to be mitigated (even if it's at a lesser % then regular damage) or reduce their damage. (to something like 300/600/900/1200 or even less for m1/m2/m3/m4)

The other option would be to push the high damage aoe morales to higher teirs (and leave m1/m2 as single target/support) and make it harder to get morale. That would allow a wb that had just finished a fight and is being jumped by a second wb to have the advantage of morales at a decent level.

It kind of depends on what the devs think morales should be used for, personally, I don't think they should be a "reach x point in a fight and end it" mechanic.

Obviously these changes paper over the issue with the marauder, but this might be something we can all agree on instead of arguing balance forever :p
Wargrimnir - Dear unverified refugees of the skaven ridden dumpster fire we occasionally call "the server"

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#63 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:13 pm

If you want balance then you will have to give more destro classes pounce , give Blorc a M2 pounce , give Mara a pounce LOL. Give Sorc more cast range to mirror BW , the list can go on and on about how some of your classes are stronger too. Slayer for example outclasses choppas so much with its build up time ability and other tools in its kit. What a joke this post is.

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#64 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:21 pm

Simply learn to adapt and beat these issues you run into or keep the crying to yourself trying to get more nerfs to destro when your classes arguably have stronger tools in them for the most part.

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#65 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:22 pm

Also btw you can still gain morale off npcs and cannons and lords if your tanks taunt them and healers heal group

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#66 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:18 pm

Envy wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:22 pm Also btw you can still gain morale off npcs and cannons and lords if your tanks taunt them and healers heal group
I've already reported to a GM about this (well the lord one anyway, didn't know about cannons) and hopefully it gets fixed soon.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#67 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:24 am

Envy wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:13 pm Give Sorc more cast range to mirror BW

This is really funny.I dont want mirroring, and devs said that mirroring is bad, but sorc got m2, BO got cd decrease which way better than SM one, etc.But choppa pull?mara aoe KD?tank morale pump tactics?Its all on destro, and its fine :D

We discussing morale play here, and right now its pretty unbalanced cause destro can negate all order morale gain with maras (especially with 24t cap in narrow city enviroments), while having uncounterable heavy morale drop + a lot of cc's which can save them untill they get their morales.
Last edited by convexte on Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#68 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:25 am

well i have idea maby remove for 1 week both sides all morales 1/2/3/4 . and than come back to this thread. also remove undefendable puls.
btw destro pump morale4 faster than order will pump morale1
wh tactic morale drain is useless it only are given to order by mythic because it is how they see balance ( because mara have, byt mara no need to be behind to drain someone - he do it in any position)
"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#69 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:01 am

normanis wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:25 am well i have idea maby remove for 1 week both sides all morales 1/2/3/4 . and than come back to this thread. also remove undefendable puls.
btw destro pump morale4 faster than order will pump morale1
wh tactic morale drain is useless it only are given to order by mythic because it is how they see balance ( because mara have, byt mara no need to be behind to drain someone - he do it in any position)
Should be insteresting, i can offer 9t aoe cap back too.For 1 week, without morales and 24t aoe cap.
BW87 Roytze
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Re: Huge Order/Destro moral unbalance

Post#70 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:43 am

Envy wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:13 pm If you want balance then you will have to give more destro classes pounce , give Blorc a M2 pounce , give Mara a pounce LOL. Give Sorc more cast range to mirror BW , the list can go on and on about how some of your classes are stronger too. Slayer for example outclasses choppas so much with its build up time ability and other tools in its kit. What a joke this post is.
You'll have to give SWs Run Away!, buff Order pulls, put more BW damage on Corporeal with the Engi, improve IB punts and outgoing heal debuff, move RP heal debuff proc to another class, make WH bullets proc on all attacks etc.

Destro is hands down better than Order, and I play both sides.

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