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Posts: 37


Post#1 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:36 pm

Well, I have been around here on the forums for a few weeks already but I figure I should say hello!

I was in the Warhammer Online Beta and it was a freaking blast!! I most wanted to play the choppa... so I was super depressed when it happened to be one of the classes that got cut due to time restraints. I tried playing a Black Ork but it just wasn't the same :( So my main characters at the time were a Bright wizard and a goblin shaman. I actually ended up falling in love with the shaman class it was/is tons of fun. Such a great mix of healing and the ability to blow people up with crazy spells.

I stuck around with Warhammer for about the first year. I found the most fun I had was during the 1-10 bracket. Straight PvP all day all the time. I found the questing to be very tedious and boring after level 20, and the number of people that were in that level range was super low so it was pretty much the only option. After my bright wizard passed level 25 I couldn't find anyone to fight / kill and the queue times were terrible. It forced me to make new characters and perpetually play the 1-10 pvp.

I am not sure why I never got super locked into the game... maybe because I felt stuck in the low levels I eventually just got bored of the content I was continually repeating, but even still it has a very special place in my heart. So many memories of low level Scenarios and open RVR, playing with my three best friends. The types of memories where you sit in your computer chair and you cant help but get a big goofy smile on your face. :D

My schedule is kind of messy cause I work the night shift and sleep during the day so unfortunately I wont be able to make it to the scheduled RvR events as they are right now. Anyway, Hello hello RoR forum people! I hope to be as positive / nice as I can be, I feel I have done a good job of that so far.

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Re: Halobravo

Post#2 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:42 pm

Welcome :)

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Re: Halobravo

Post#3 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:58 pm

Welcome :)
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Re: Halobravo

Post#4 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:43 pm

Welcome ;)
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