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[Rejected] Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#1 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:38 pm

Moving to Discussions.

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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#2 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:42 pm

All these sugested changes are awsome +10000, Exactly what the spec needs.

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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#3 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:00 pm

Sounds pretty interesting, just some realy important adds.
- Fix Git Them (Bugtracker 5612)
- Change armor buff guess 50% by gas pet and 50% by squig armor could be the way to go, or 100% by armor, because at the moment they just kill your pet, then you.
- Due to all armor is ballistik, change melee pets to convert your armors ballistik to their strength not strength to strength

I think the use of quick shooting would perhaps be a bit too much, but adding all melee abilities, especially the rupt, would be nice.

Greetings Starilas

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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#4 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:10 pm

First thing i would say to any possible change to melee sh is they are terrible, so any improvements would be a good thing.

As for the suggested changes (pounce and charge) i think they are very fitting to the squig armor, they dont seem out of place or something just thrown together to address an issue, they fit well. I would add aoe damage to pounce tho, nothing huge just seems like it would make sense and allow charge to be useable in some way that didnt mean you can use it as an escape tool.

Changing bad gas to be useable only in squig armor and core seems a legit change as the basic rdps sh setup involves spending all your points in quick shooting and big shooting to get the best ability setup so currently its a wasted ability anyway.

What i dont agree with is being able to use core quick shooting abilities while in squig armor, while i dont have an argument for balance purposes other then being able to spam shoot thru ya at keep defenses with the little xtra def squig armor offers, it just doesnt seem to fit right, being able to use stabbity and cut ya in squig armor imo would fit better however they would have no animation so i guess there is no hope to that happening.
Also the range of pounce seems a bit to far imo although only testing it in combat would give you enough reason to say if its to much or not.

My bottom line is making bad gas and and big bouncing core, adding a pounce and charge and allowing squig armor to be used as a mount would be a great change to a spec that is terrible.
One change i would like to be added to torque's changes is bringing back the old pick on ya own size tactic and replace an unused trash tactic nobody uses. If you are unfamiliar with what it use to do " when your attacks get defended increase your crit chance and crit damage by X% for y seconds" this would be useable only in squig armor.
Morfee - Shaman / Mynnos - Kotbs / Grubod - Black Orc / Snubz - Squig Herder

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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#5 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:12 pm

Culdu wrote:- Due to all armor is ballistik, change melee pets to convert your armors ballistik to their strength not strength to strength
Please don't, gas squig is really important for aoe dot spreading :/ But with squig armour stance converting BS to S I think it might work.
RoR: Burszui SH, Ropopuch SHM<|[]|>Ginnar IB, Vidarr HMR, Runatyr RP ++ REV guild ++
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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#6 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:22 pm

NSKaneda wrote:
Culdu wrote:- Due to all armor is ballistik, change melee pets to convert your armors ballistik to their strength not strength to strength
Please don't, gas squig is really important for aoe dot spreading :/ But with squig armour stance converting BS to S I think it might work.
Was only talking about the melee squig PETS which atm are quit useless due to using your strenght, which is on no items.
Last edited by Culdu on Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#7 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:56 pm

Culdu wrote:Was only talking about the melee squigs which atm are quit useless due to using your strenght, which is on no items.
Squig is a squig ;) And I'm 99% sure I've seen S / T armour for squig in RoR...
RoR: Burszui SH, Ropopuch SHM<|[]|>Ginnar IB, Vidarr HMR, Runatyr RP ++ REV guild ++
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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#8 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:06 pm

Torquemadra wrote:Path of Stabbin' Treatment.

This spec sucks, it can be fun sure but by and large it's little more than a novelty which serves to lock off some good faction abilities from actually being used. It also suffers from a lack of abilities making it less than viable in the hands of all but the most insane of players.

Personally I like the Squig Armour concept, the old cinematic was epic and that's how pretty much everyone wishes Squig Armour functions so put my mind to putting this into reality.

Click here to watch on YouTube

I propose -

- Moving Bad Gas and Big Bouncing to core abilities, unlocked at appropriate levels

- Change Bad Gas to be usable only within Squig Armour

- Place new ability Pounce at 9 points Path of Stabbin' (Squig Armour only)

- Place new ability Charge! at 13 points Path of Stabbin' (Squig Armour only)

- The ability to use CORE Quick Shootin' abilities within the Squig Armour though this will be coupled to an inherant -range debuff of being inside a smelly squig, minimally -50%, potentially more.

- The ability to remain within the Squig Armour and use it as a mount

New Ability Descriptions -



Reasoning -

Proposed changes would increase the viability and attractiveness of what is currently a joke tree, the pounce allows them to get into the fight without the cheese of current pounce spam, charge as well though that can also be used as an extraction ability for getting away from a bad situation. Core Quick Shootin' attacks at a much reduced range while within Squig Armour would flesh out attack chains and allow some level of versatility.

Thematically it all fits together nicely as well in my opinion.
Due to a bigger risk going melee SH need a dmg buff for melee abs too.

Posts: 70

Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#9 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:16 pm

Still don't get in which way you think my post would affect a gassquiq ... so to make it perhaps more clearly
Hornsquig should get their Str not from the squigherders Str but instead from the Squigherders Balistik

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Re: Path of Stabbin' / Squig Armour Proposal

Post#10 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:21 pm

Interesting changes

Question: the "Charge" is similar to the Rat Ogre's Charge, will it have the same "knocking enemies away effect"

Here are my thoughts to your points:

- Moving Bad Gas and Big Bouncing to core abilities, unlocked at appropriate levels

I would say that Bad gas should require speccing, and instead be replaced with indigestion, this is because Bad Gas while amazing for what it does should be a spec-able ability, that focuses on being a melee SH, making it core ends up making a Big Shooting/ Quick Shooting SH better. Indegestion is the SHs hardest hitting ability and focused on damage.

- Change Bad Gas to be usable only within Squig Armour
No argument here, most SHs will opt to SA up in order to get close enough to apply without dying anyway.

- Place new ability Pounce at 9 points Path of Stabbin' (Squig Armour only)

- Place new ability Charge! at 13 points Path of Stabbin' (Squig Armour only)
Bad Gas gets moved to the 5 points placement.

- The ability to use CORE Quick Shootin' abilities within the Squig Armour though this will be coupled to an inherant -range debuff of being inside a smelly squig, minimally -50%, potentially more.

The only thing the melee SH really needs in why they will jump in and out of SH is the armor debuff and heal debuff.
The Melee SH will dot/debuff, before running into melee range to cause a commotion. Currently the damage hits as hard as a noodle, allowing the SH to use some of the Core QS abilities doesn't do much to alleviate this issue, nor does it help to establish the melee SH's identity. Allowing the SH to use Cut Ya! in SA will give him another dot (effectively replacing Yer Bleeding).

The viability of the melee SH dropped dramatically with the loss of Pick on someone yer own size (Any time you defend yourself against an attack, your chance to critically hit will be increased by 30% for 10 seconds.) This was changed to deal with the 1.4.8 state and it's ridiculous armour values. The mSH should be propped up to be able to fulfill it's role as melee AoE pressure, and distraction noodle, but granting the SH the damage to be able to pressure should be the focus of buffing the SH. The key to this may be modifying the Basic Squig to work better as a melee assisting more in line with what the WL pet offs the WL, as the burst from a SH really comes in from abilities like Get Em.

- The ability to remain within the Squig Armour and use it as a mount

Retool "Running with the Pack"?

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