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[choppa] wreka (aoe) mastery small rewamp

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[choppa] wreka (aoe) mastery small rewamp

Post#1 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 5:42 am


1-heavy nerf at choppa fasta which was one of the few/only reason to bring an aoe choppa

A-not usefull to ally due :
-lack of synergy with anything important aoe-ish (post sorc/chosen changes)
-eff duration extremly low compared to CD+ low duration /overshadowed by BO one

B-not usefull to choppa: choppa may use a cd reduction of 5 sec for his own build around spamming, in perma berserk, the aoe finisher( wild chopping); a build which both choppa/slayer can do but is very tactic taxed and choppa fast in this condition dosent help. While if improved it could allow to make at least tha build more viable.

C-due recent changes Bo/sm are the cd decreaser of the group while slayer /squig are the CD increase this basically cutted out choppa and the whole thing need a redesign.

2-git to da choppa is a on 13pt on wreka mastery but:

A-It's a low dmg skill: 161dmg every 2 sec vs basic 105.6 Lotsa Chopping +tactic (rr40)
B-Long CD (way too much)
C-while not confering immunity , it is subject to them, so any immune target make the skill even more hard to be consider a worth pick up (edit: changed, now it give immunity so the sich is even worst)
D-channeling mean you can be interrupt.

1-choppa fasta rework:
-decrese all cd 5 sec (only chop)
-wreka skills ignore x(half st flat value of mara debuff) enemy armor (only chop)
-last 20 sec , CD 40 ( of course choppa fasta eff apply before cd get assigned so true CD is 35 sec ; ork dont know how to count).
-make it buff type(unremoveable)
-move it up onto 13 pt

2-git to da choppa
-CD reduced to 18 sec (update time is 33%, under choppa fasta near 50%, rather than 20% as currently)
-Double the dmg (as a skill that have between 30%- 50% update time and work only for 6 sec should make some important damage) ; or alternativly dmg as now but it will debuff pulled ppl armor
-Still a channeling so it can be still interrupted/have a counter. ( taunt cd is 15sec so any tank can keep interrupt this if hes good enough so the skill should be worth its mastery cost )
-move it down onto 9pt


-make aoe wild chopping spam build more viable
-make overall aoe more viable
-make more viable also savage+ wreka build as savage build now can go not only with his own cd decrease(tactic red goes faster) but also access to pull from wreka (trade dmg from mid with more controll from wreka)
-While not touching keep on chopping these build make it more desiderable have it due ap use (since playerbase and dev disagree on keep on chopping this could be a nice solution).
-most of these are builds which became complete at high renow rank so it also intriduces a better form of progression
-by fix git to da chopp instead rewamp it choppa similar to slayer would still have a CC type of skill on the aoe mastery.

-if is possible remove dual weild from git to da chop someday/someway

Edit: even post gtdc last change the skill didn't improve for orvr or even if it done it shine in not static situation (gank/ small scale) where fluff dmg dont matter so tbe changes listened here can be complememtary to those alredy done without increase the power creep since they aim at different situation/specs/synergy.

Posts: 2524

Re: [choppa] wreka (aoe) mastery small rewamp

Post#2 » Sat May 19, 2018 10:47 am

GTDC is in a good place now, and Chop Fasta is flagged for rework (I believe once client control comes)
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