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Sorc - Glorious Carnage

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Sorc - Glorious Carnage

Post#1 » Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:35 pm

Sorc tactic - Glorious Carnage - Any time your direct dmg ability crits an enemy, gain 200 moral, internal CD 3 seconds.

It's meh tactic. Sorc AoE potential is famously inferior to BW potential, when it comes to tactics, abilities and morals.
Well, both classes have same 200pts/3sec moral pump tactic, on BW this works fine since it can reach M2 for AOE dmg quite fast. 0-3-6-9sec and M2 is ready to go.
Sorc meanwhile could have WindWovenShell up with similar timeframe, -20% incoming dmg to party members for 20 sec. (helps at times, but most often not needed and if you are severely outnumbered not enough to make a big difference anyway)
Damage moral is M4, and reached after 54 seconds with pump assuming no time wasted between pump procs.
3600/200=18, 18x3=54.
However since it is somewhat difficult to get GC to trigger EXACTLY every 3 sec, sometimes its 3.5 sec, sometimes 4 or sometimes 5. Maybe you get staggered, or punted away from fight or end silenced... result is that instead of exact 54 sec arrival to moral bomb readiness, realistic M4 readiness is after 60-70 seconds.
Issue being, average fight lasts 15-30 seconds when it comes organized warband clashing. Very rarely does it last 40-50 seconds. In special large fights, you might reach 60 second of combat, and eventually even Sorc gets bomb moral readiness from time to time.
The cost being, a AoE specced Sorc spends 16 points into AoE tree to get Paralyzing Nightmares moral and then uses 1 of 4 tactics slots. So that maybe every few hours you actually get to use that moral you invested in.
Having spent about 9 hours of playing in organized guild warband this week, I remember using Paralyzing Nightmares on my Sorc about 5 times. Sane person would have switched tactics by now, but alternatives when it comes to Sorc AoE spec tactics are not that good either so meh.

A: Change pump to 300 points
B: Change ICD to 2 sec.

With changed math, we reach 3600/300=12, 12x3=36. Or 3600/200=18, 18x2=36. Both have same end result.
Natural moral gain is 9 moral per second. 10 sec of combat, 90 moral. 20, 180 moral. 30, 270 moral. 40 sec, 360 moral. Realistically, M4 could be reached with improved pump around 35-45 sec mark. (taking into account occasional delay between ICD triggers)

Not as fast as BW with 9 sec bomb moral, but at 35-40 sec of M4 readiness, you might actually end up using your moral (for which you are using a tactic and paid 16 mastery points) maybe several times per hour instead of twice or thrice per evening play session.

This change would not affect smallscale at all, would hardly result in changes in scenario meta (what madman plays AoE specced Sorc in scs).
Change would affect RvR where Sorcs that bother using a moral pump tactic actually might be able to reach their moral, and even use it, before the longer than average fight is over.
Even with this change, you you would still need 35-45 seconds before reaching damage moral readiness, meaning the tactic would still not come to use in every fight you have.
But small changes at a time? Even with this change, the gap between AoE BW and Sorc would remain wide.

(And when it comes other Sorc Moral options, all M1s are somewhat mysterious (mage bolt punt helps maybe at times), M2 FM is quite an expensive RD surrogate, WWS rarely decides the fight (no longer Chosen crippling strikes combination to make real dent in enemy dmg output). M3 might as well be questionmarks since I have no idea why to even use them, and standard M4 dmg moral does AoE knockbock, which you don't want to use when bombing, as it means saving enemies from your bombing centre dmg, so realistically what remains is Paralyzing Nightmares, 16 points into Path of Destruction. Other mastery morals are blergh tier. )


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