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Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

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Posts: 12

Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#1 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:51 pm

I have a question, what is the best tank in pvp? (Bg and Large group).

What are the differences of each of these 3 tank?

Thx all

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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#2 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:42 am

Zommy86 wrote: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:51 pm I have a question, what is the best tank in pvp? (Bg and Large group).
Okay, since nobody has awnsered you...

there is no best tank.

all perform in various situations very different.

If you want to dance on all parties I recommend chosen or BO.
BG works fine too, however, they are not a prefered Warband tank, and have a SNB spec that lacks support, they are considered selfish overall. It can be valid to lead from BG with a snb spec in warbands, so you are an unattractive target to take out.

However, Chosens are usually the baseline for a party, and 2 of the other tanks get added, depending on what you plan to play.
for scenarios on the other hand, you can do very well without a chosen.

In scenarios BG is very potent with a 2hd spec.

That's my awnser to that all.

If you want a recommendation on what to roll. probably chosen.

however again, a wiser man than me once said:

"I think of Knights and Chosen like swimming pools, though. Much better to have a friend with one than to have one yourself." - Darell

however³, if you new to mmos or tanking etc.; you can't do too much wrong with a chosen if you are not sure what to pick.
Zommy86 wrote: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:51 pm What are the differences of each of these 3 tank?

All 3 tanks have mechanics. That's mostly what is seperating them besides career specific skills.
All 3 tanks share some "basic" tank tools. (guard, HTL, and so on)
All 3 tanks have a satisfying character development. (eg. with every mastery point from renown, you get more options)
All 3 tanks can "maintank" dungeons, PQs and so on, however, you will in a majority of situations always want a chosen with you.

Mechanic: Auras
Chosen use Auras to buff there grp in a diameter around themselves and debuff the enemies around them selves, weaking there defenses or offensive capabilities, or punish them for using certain actions.
You turn auras on, and they work. that's it.
They are not limited by any mechanics, only by cooldowns.

Chosen have in general:

+ good and easy accessible CC spells
+ good support abilities, some stuff is great without even investing in the mastery trees.
+ a great SNB spec, and great tools for it in the mastery trees
+ versatile tactics, some are very handy in the beginning and get later replaced by utility once you have gathered renown and equipment (minus crit, mixed defensis, speedy gonzales mode, pump, punt, and so on)
+ very good at taking punishment from there guard target

- a lackluster 2hd spec.
- pathetic dmg in general, they lack burst dmg, but at least most stuff is resist based dmg.
- low wounds for a tank (even with great gear)
- got nerfed a lot, and are still not off the table in terms of nerfs or reworks (client control is a sword over there heads according to some voices; but than again, nobody knows when the age of client control starts)

Black Orks:
Mechanic: Warcry and Plans
Warcrys are a "stance" corrisponding to a skilltree. those warcrys affect you, or you including your grp, or you + your grp + enemies

Plan System:
Black Ork abilities have "tiers", you need to use an Tier 1 ability to unlock Tier 2 abilities which than unlocks "finishers".
Once a finisher is used, you start again at Tier 1. (no plan, gud plan, best plan)

+ hard hitting abilities
+ can dish out respectable asisst dmg on SNB or 2hd
+ versatility and variety in offensive and defensive abilities
+ block based tank on snb, block is a really potent avoid statistic
+ high wounds

- bad initiative for a tank, this will give you especially early on a headache
- lacks survivability in 2hd specs, if you "aim" for a super dpsy spec, you will have a bad time, also requires very good gear and renown
- Plan Mechanic is a hate it or love it thing and can cause frustration, maybe.
- limited CC, best is a 3 sec KD which is on top of middle skilltree (yikes)

Black Guard:

Mechanic: Hate, Dark Protector
Hate: If you hit enemies or get hit you build hate. hate improves some of your abilities.
Dark Protector: If your Dark Protector gets hit, you gain some hate. Powerfull buffs also get shared with your chosen protected target.

+ disgustingly good 2hd spec, even with low RR
+ a few very potent AOE abilites, like Crimson Death, Furious Howl
+ supreme CC, 5 sec KD with SNB, 3 sec with 2hd, Long Range Punt, Morale 2 Punt, AoE snare if specced, ST snare
+ also very hard hitting on 2hd
+ SNB spec'd BG is arguably the most tanky class in the game
+ needs a lot of detication to be played efficient

- SNB is not really desired for warbands, unless you lead from that PoV; you don't add too much to the grp you are in
- most potent stuff only really accessible in 2hd spec
- piano class; many buttons; if you are bad with keybinds, I advice against it.
- needs a lot of detication to be played efficient
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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#3 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:07 am

^ Excellent answer

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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#4 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:05 pm

Ragafury answered in depth, there is not much else to say but I will just add a quick something:

First of all I would ALWAYS choose the class I enjoy/like the most. ALWAYS. (that means I would play a BO over a chosen just for that)

that said, I think BO is the inferior tank overall from a powerplay point of view.
Chosen has the support SnB tank better covered. While BG is just a better 2H tank. That doesn't mean BO suck, far from it, but 2h BO is a glorified MDPS with guard and SnB BO doesn't really bring much utility compared to the other 2, the class also has the worst situational punt out of the three.
BO feels like in the middle of everything, some dmg, some utility, you are still a tank so always useful anyway, but doesn't really shine.

as far as I know BO only virtue is Chop Fasta in warbands, which can be strong but it also requires a setup which you most likely won't see much use of in your everyday pug scenario/warband.

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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#5 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:58 pm

Chop faster is a thing you pick up, yes.
However, in its current Form it's mostly a shatter limbs counter and helps healers to stay fully functional.
All major dps abilities are not affected by it in any meaningful way. (check patch notes when it was implemented, wrecking ball is now included it seems)
Cf for dps output mostly affects nowadays choppa and dps zealot. And minor aoe abilities.
If you nerf cf, bo would stay pretty much unaffected in its current state in terms of wb meta.

It's a reason why you pick up bo besides this:
20% less magic dmg with 20% minimum uptime for the whole grp(stacks fully)
AoE statsteal, including initiative
Skull thumper for focus fire
Durability via chm, ability to block choke points.
M2 and M3
Corp debuff via waaagh
Good aoe dmg output
Pump tactic

Are pretty much the reasons.

AoE punt is a valuable asset for warbands if you use it coordinated and not trigger happy.

For sc's and especially for roaming you have the flexibility of going 2hd offensive, snb offensive or snb defensive.

The tradeoff is no punt for separating guard and guarded. This again can be covered by setting up the grp in a proper way.
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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#6 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:21 pm

ragafury wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:58 pm It's a reason why you pick up bo besides this:

20% less magic dmg with 20% minimum uptime for the whole grp(stacks fully) okay
AoE statsteal,including initiative okay but it also depends on the build, you'r gonna have a gimp stat steal without brawler points if you went for WAAGH and CHM
Skull thumper for focus fire okay but mostly small scale useful
Durability via chm, ability to block choke points. okay but not really a point, I mean other tanks can hold choke points just as good
M2 and M3 M3 I guess okay
Corp debuff via waaagh okay but does this even stack with chosen aura or does it override theirs as it is stronger? seems like it's very situational when chosens are not around, and they usually are
Good aoe dmg output well yeah some aoe I guess for a tank, would say BG should be better at that tho? I know an SM is
Pump tactic
I mean nobody sane in mind gonna turn down a BO anyway.

But would I theoretically use a BO over a BG in small scale if I had only a spot? most likely not if I could choose, but maybe i'ts the same the other way in warbands?

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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#7 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:13 pm

0 pts in discord = -118 Resist (all)
13 pts in discord = - 179 Resist (all)
15 pts in discord = -188 Resist (all) via discordant instability (aura)

BO: 13 pts in Boss -359 corp (waaagh)

Waaagh overwrites the aura.

You use skull thumper also in warbands, enemy tanks and dps love it.

My bo hits harder in warbands than my BG, by far.
Also chm has no target cap. So you can hit 9 targets+.

But I won't discuss this any further. I shared my insight.
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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#8 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:17 pm

All Destro tanks are "viable", you csn discuss the mini-maxed details all day but it comes down to looks and what you enjoy.

I run a 2h Chosen because it looks awesome and I really enjoy it.
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Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#9 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:17 pm

regarding playstile

ch->bind to s+b for orvr, can go both 2h/s+b for sc
bo-> as chosen
BG-> 2h for orvr (and is pretty good for a 2h Orvr tank ), can go both 2h/s+b for sc

Posts: 24

Re: Best tank? Chosen - Black Guard - Black Orc ?

Post#10 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:29 pm

Are this answers and recommendations still up to date? or did something changed? Cause i want to try a tank the upcoming days :)

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