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[Chosen] Dreadful Terror

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[Chosen] Dreadful Terror

Post#1 » Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:04 pm

Identify the issue:
The Chosen Aura Dreadful Terror (All enemies within 30 feet will lose 20 action points every 5 seconds. All groupmates within 100 feet will regain 20 action points every 5 seconds) has always been an under-performing ability on the RoR server.

Explain why it is an issue:
The reason Dreadful Terror is under-performing has recently been made clear, in that it was originally balanced around a 1.5 second AP regeneration rate. When the AP regeneration rate was experimentally changed to WAR's rate of 1.5 seconds (from RoR's 1.1 seconds) this ability performed much more optimally, forcing opponents to manage their AP and easing the AP burden on group mates. Then the decision was made revert the AP change due to its major effect on classes that are reliant on instant cast abilities. With the reversion back Dreadful Terror again became a sub-par ability.

Option A - Increase the Action Point drain/replenishment to 25-30 points every 5 seconds. This will offset the AP gains from using the 1.1 second rate, without unduly affecting classes using instant casts.

Option B - Reduce the abilities time interval to 3-4 seconds, increasing the frequency of the AP drain and making the ability more viable.

Hopefully this will bring the usability of this aura back into line with the original WAR version. I also believe that the Dev's should take a second look at other AP related abilities, however that would be at their discretion or the subject for other balance proposals.
Thargrimm - Chosen 40/88
Thargrimmm - Ironbreaker 40/80


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