Recruitment of a BT manager

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Recruitment of a BT manager

Post#1 » Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:50 pm

We are looking for a new Bugtracker manager as Sioding has moved from BT manager over to full time GM. A BT manager is needed to help categorize and ensure that tickets are filled with as much information as possible for any dev who attempt to replicate and/or fix the issue.

We are ideally looking for someone that we recognize in the community as being a helpful player that has stuck around for some time as ingame knowledge helps the work enormously.

The position includes being able to read a lot of the chats internally which are not for discussion outside of the team, but its used for the BT manager to facilitate discussion between him/her and the devs of different departments.

A description from Sioding about what the task entails:
As the Bugtracker Manager you take care of all incoming reports on

You are the first who see the reports cause you check the bugtracker once or twice a day.
You make sure the bugreports are "useful" what means they contain as much information
as needed, to reproduce the bug/problem.

If it's not enough: Ask for more.
If there are missing good proofs like screenshots or videos: Ask for them.

You also make sure there is only one report open per issue - if not merge them into one.

If you think the report is fine - you add labels on it. It helps our devs to find
the things they need to fix and you attach them to the right department.

You are "tied" to all leads and have contact to the devs. For important bugs/reports
you can ask directly a dev to have a look at it.

After the patch is done, you close all open and fixed labeled reports.

What's needed?

Some time - like 2/3 hours a week to do the job.
Thick skin - you are in contact with the community.
Tenacity - you help the devs to focus on important issues.

If interested please post an application:


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