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SW proposual

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Posts: 44

SW proposual

Post#1 » Tue May 26, 2020 8:48 am

Any single spec of sw are good in any of end game part of the game, and even in some where its ok (asw in 6v6) it worse to every single class in the game SO.
I have few proposuals to bring this most playable class ok again.
1. ASW:
1) ASW needs sprint after shadowstep, its literally worst gapcloser in the game with huge cd and slow fly time, if u use it on target what moves - you will be even further of target. So yes, asw needs something like ms boost after shadowstep, something like 30-50% ms boost for 5 seconds what turn off if u use ability\morale\pot.
2) Is much harder to make and i dont even think something will ever do it BUT - asw must be more melee. Like he needs second sword (stats\autos) BUT in assault stance sw must can NOt using range abilities - its will make good strategic be better (stats, damage etc) but if u make mistake and switch to range in bad time - u sill be killed much faster (bb 5k armor from gear and talis while u stuck in skirmish stance).

2. Skirmisher SW:
1)SSW needs some low, something like 5% RANGE crit bonus on shadow sting (yes, i dont want duble dip buffs for asw, i'm not that kind of person).
2) Split arrows tactics need 5% stacking debuff for 10s (1% per hit) on spirital fletched arrow - this makes skir,isher be usefull in city.

3. Last but not least scout. Pure little scout. I dont know what can help this useless, boring **** lol, sorry.

Posts: 178

Re: SW proposual

Post#2 » Tue May 26, 2020 8:53 am

dude just reroll. SW will never be viable. Make a WL, its guaranteed that it will always be kicking ass. Server management politics... cant do anything about those.
Gitbane 81RR Choppa, proud guild master of Wispers of Mutiny
Gitbaner 77RR Chosen, tankier version of Gitbane
Gitbaneous 80RR sorc, heavy and tanky bomber mode.
Ethilia 84RR SW (too much nerf, RIP :()
Gitbaneus 81rr BW
Gitbone 77rr Slayer

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Posts: 2386

Re: SW proposual

Post#3 » Tue May 26, 2020 1:35 pm

jasonX wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 8:53 am dude just reroll. SW will never be viable. Make a WL, its guaranteed that it will always be kicking ass. Server management politics... cant do anything about those.
Is your record broken?

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