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My dissapearance!

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My dissapearance!

Post#1 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:01 am

Good Day!

I think I owe a post to the community and the devs for my recent dissapearance.

A few weeks ago my tooth started to hurt, and I had to go to the dentist for a teeth-extraction, which went pretty okay, at least it seemed okay at that time. After that I got a pretty heavy Sinusitis and other toothaches, and no one knew what was the reason for it.

After a few weeks of suffering and visits to the hospital, a week before now, it turned out that the easy teeth extraction was actually not that smooth, and the dentist torn a part of my upper-jaw out, which created problems within my face, including infections -> Sinusitis. You might ask, how did I not feel that, well It was pretty complicated.

I had a surgery and doctors helped closing the gap, but I am still visiting them until things are settled. So sorry for not being able to continue DB developement, as soon as I have free-time to return I will!

Best Wishes to you all!

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Re: My dissapearance!

Post#2 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:42 am

Get well soon :)
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Re: My dissapearance!

Post#3 » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:02 am

Ouch! One sinus person to another, hope all is well soon.
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