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Patch Notes 27/11/2020

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Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#1 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 10:50 am

Weekend Warfront: Road to Madness

There is rumored to be a great source of power deep in the Chaos Wastes. The Maw of Madness as it is called is undoubtedly being used by our enemies.

There are two fates branching forth for you. In one, you storm the Maw of Madness and claim the magical power for your realm. In the other, you wander the wastes a mewling spawn of wretchedness. Which would you rather see come to pass?


This weekend Road to Madness will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Maw of Madness scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

Pet Careers

- The Careers and Combat team has been very busy combing through your feedback and making the changes they think are necessary to pet survivability. Extensive balance work has been done, focusing on the Squig Herder.
Special Thanks to Korsario, Enoo, Badoglio and Psychoxell for providing the language translation for each Squig Herder changes.

Open World Campaign

- As a test, exact population numbers are disabled in State of Realm. Only AAO and other warfront status will be shown.


- Number of flyers in stage 3 increased from 4 to 6.

Combat and Careers
General Changes and Fixes

- Hold the line will now only apply against attackers that are in front of the tank holding the line. Additionally each stack of hold the line will reduce incoming ranged damage by 5% up to a maximum of 15%.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue which would cause your turrent to not visually move when using Redeploy.

Balance Changes

- Bombardment Turret takes 25% less AoE damage

- Flame Turret takes 50% less AoE damage

Balance Changes

Path of Quick Shootin’

- Shoot Thru Ya is now a morale 3.

- Behind Ya! : This ability moves to Core Path of Quick Shootin’ abilities.

- Don't Hit me! : This ability is renamed to Red Tipped Arrer and has been moved to the Path of Quick Shootin', and is now a 65 feet ranged ability.

- Finish 'Em Off : This ability can now be obtained 13 steps into the Path of Quick Shootin'. The range of this ability has been lowered to 65 feet.

- Shootin' Wif Da Wind : The effect of this tactic has been changed and will now increase critical Hit rate of all path of Quick Shootin' abilities by 15% and the critical damage of Red Tipped Arrer and Behind Ya! by 50%.

- Da Waaagh Iz Strong : The effect of this tactic has been changed. Any target affected by Rotten Arrer will now suffer additional elemental damage whenever they are healed.

- Splinterin' Arrer is removed

- Shootin' Quicka : This is a new tactic that can be obtained 3 steps into the Path of Quick Shootin'. It will increase the Autoattack speed by 50% for both you and your pet as long as you have an active pet.

- Stop Runnin’ icon has been changed to a more appropriate one.

Path of Big Shootin’

- Shrapnel Arrer : This ability moved to Core Path of Big Shootin’ abilities.

- Not so Fast! : This ability can be obtained 5 step into the Path of Big Shootin’ and will additionally knock down the target for 3 seconds. It cannot be casted on the move anymore and it’s range has been increased to 100 feet.

- Explodin’ Arrer : This ability can be obtained 13 step into the Path of Big Shootin’ and the effect has been changed to a PBAoE punt .

- Sharpened Arrers : This tactic that can be obtained 3 steps into the Path of Big Shootin’. It will increase the armor penetration of all your ranged abilities by 25% as long as you have an active pet.

Path of Big Bouncin’

- Squig Armor now also increase your armor and no longer cost Action Points.

- Territorial Agression : This tactic is removed and All by Myself can be used in Squig Armor once again. Additionally, leap cooldown will be reduced by All By Myself.

- Sneaky Strikes : This ability is removed.

- Sneaky Git : This tactic now increase your defenses while you are in Squig Armor.

- ´Ere, Squiggy : This tactic now heal your squig by 25% of the heal casted on you, as long as it is within 30 ft of you.

- Big Claws icon has been changed to a more appropriate one

- Outta My Way! icon has been changed to a more appropriate one

- Squig Leap icon has been changed to a more appropriate one

- Really Bad gas! has been renamed Bad Gas!

- Sneaky Stabbin’ has been renamed Sneaky Bouncin’

- Big Bouncin' dust vfx will correctly display on each bounces.


- Squigs take 75% less AoE damage (not a change, just clarifying).

- Squig abilities will correctly display the correct stats and infos in the bufflines.

- Squig Frenzy : This ability will now increase your squig damage by 25% and gives additional effects to the squig pets abilities. The cooldown and the duration have been lowered.

Basic Squig:
- The basic Squig received a passive effect : When you are dealt damage, there is a 25% chance that 50% of the damage is dealt to your basic squig, if it is within 45 feet.
- Death From Above : While Frenzied this ability is undefendable.
- Squig Squeal : While Frenzied all your pet attacks will increase the hate generated.

Horned Squig:
- The horned squig now gives a 10% Parry strikethrough bonus instead of armor.
- Head Butt : This ability will now reduce target armor instead of knocking them down. While frenzied, this ability will hit an additional time.
- Gore : While Frenzied, this ability will also hit all enemies within 20 feet.

Gas Squig:
- Spore Cloud : While frenzied, this ability will heal allies around the target by the damage dealt.
- Goop Shootin' : While Frenzied, this ability will also reduce the victim's corporeal resistance.

Spiked Squig:
- Spine Fling : While Frenzied, the ticks intervals are reduced by 50%.
- Poisoned Spine : While Frenzied, deadly spikes grow from you squig dealing damage back to it's attackers whenever it is attacked.

Core Abilities

- Shootin' Mushroom Wrap is removed

- Squigbeast is now a morale 1.

- He’s a Biggun' : This tactic will now increase your pet’s Strength, ballistic skill and wounds.

- Tastes like Chicken : This ability will now give you a Wounds buff instead of a heal.

- Scramblin’ Quick-Like : New tactic that increases your Squig’s movement speed by 50%.

Bug Fixes

- Refreshing Radiance tooltip updated to clarify that it only procs on direct heals.

Bug Fixes

- The icon of Vigilance is changed to so it isn't the same as the icon for guard.

Balance Changes

- Flamers takes 25% less AoE damage

- Blue Horrors takes 50% less AoE damage

Bug Fixes

- Broadhead Arrow tooltip is fixed to show the correct damage amount.

Balance Changes

- War Lion takes 75% less AoE damage (not a change, just clarifying).

- Calming Presence : This tactic is re-enabled. This tactic heal your War Lion by 25% of the heal casted on you, as long as it is within 30 ft of you.

Help Tips/Tutorials

- We have implemented the help tips/tutorials which introduce new players to certian aspects of the game which they might not know about. For example, when you get a quest it will tell you what the icons mean and how your quest tracker works, when you first enter a Public Quest area you will get information about how they work and how the scoring works and the same with various NPCs. We will add more over time.

- Currently Implemented: PQScoreboard, PublicQuests, FlightMasters, Banks, Healers, GuildRegistrar, QuestTracker, QuestCompleted, Quests, Parties, Emotes, RallyMasterNPCs, Swimming, LargerBackpack, BoundItems, UncommonItems, VeryRareItems, RareItems, Trophies, QuestCompleted, Chat, Mail, OpenParties

2 Factor Authentication

- You no longer need to re-enter your 2 Factor Authentication token when logging in from the same location within 4 hours. You can enable 2 Factor Authentication in your User Control Panel, if you add 2 Factor Authentication please remember to clearly follow the instructions and save your backup codes (write them down, print them out, bury them in your garden - just don't loose them).


- We will be renaming the "Client Versions" to Stable and Experimental from 32 Bit and 64 Bit respectively. We will be pushing all changes we have made into the Stable build apart from the FPS increase change which will remain in the Experimental build. Fixes which have existed in the Experimental build for some time will be moved over to the Stable build every now and again.

- NPCs who are mounted and have quests should no longer show the quest icon inside of them.

- The start locations of Dwarfs and Dark Elves has been changed to correctly reflect where they were in 2008.


- GameObjects should no longer float in there air, this frequently appeared but would often appear after interaction. Objects should more easily transition between interactable and unintractable.


Gunbad :
- Arathremia will no longer kill herself.
- Reduced mobs and Boss levels , to be more in line with the dungeon difficulty.

Public Quests

- Completing a PQ stage now grants some XP, exact amount depends on the level and difficulty of the PQ


Greenskin Chapter 8
- Bearer of da Shiny: You will now receive the Shiny Stunty Basha upon accepting the quest

Training Constructs

- The training constructs will now give a burst damage score as well, which it the highest damage burst that you have done in a 3s interval.


- Lowered volume on the summon mount horn sounds.

- Added the music clips for winning and loosing forts or cities.


- The Intro In-Game Cinematics from 2008 (which were later removed from live when the starting zones were merged) have been recreated with original voiceovers for Dwarfs, Greenskins, High Elves & Dark Elves. Empire & Chaos are still using the newer "New User Journey" intro cinematic as the starting areas had changed when they were replaced.

User Interface
- Disabled the EA_ScreenFlashWindow by default. This UI component flashes the edge of the screen when taking damage. But the problem is that it slows down the game quite a bit. We might add the option to enable it in the settings, but for now it is disabled by default.

[18066] The Cauldron once again triggers the ToK unlock
[18104] Arathremia in Gunbad mid wing should work again
[18034] Level range of Tower Guards in Chaos chapter 1 has been corrected


- Fixed issue with fortress doors.

- Fixed issue with Auction House filtering.

- Improved Auction House search. (Details here)

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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#2 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:00 am

"Additionally each stack of hold the line will reduce incoming ranged damage by 5% up to a maximum of 15%"

How is this coded, would it be "projectiles" as a category such as Fireball, or would it be a category such as spells, for example close-combat spells with Pbaoe attactments included?
From a caster standpoint where mobile melee classes already seem to dominate roaming fights, is this change really needed? 3x5% dodgedistrupt stacks from hold the line is brutal enough to get through, and now also provide mitigation on top.

melee dps who dont get affected by enemy hold the line, will instead be in range of Challenge(s) but they can fight their way through a challenge rotation by simply beating on the ower of the Challenge, what will the counterplay be for an immobile ranged class? to flank around? Simply just curious about the thourght process, did ranged dps seem to potent in the open, or is this is fortress bandaid?
Last edited by wonshot on Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#3 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:04 am

Why do WL pets get 75% and magus pink horrors get 0% aoe reduction (and I'm assuming engineer equivalent as well)? Seems the static 'pets' should get at least 25% redux.

Rest is shiny. Now that the rSH have their fix (+/- a week or two to work out kinks I'm sure), how about them 2H choppa? Lil' love for them? Eh? EH?!! <3
Chasing the golden carrot that is my alts.

my 2h choppa ideas
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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#4 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:07 am

Quick shooting range is nerfed. I am one sad and frustrated gobbo :(
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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#5 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:08 am

I have read pic you posted in discord and trying to reconcile it with notes.

Can you clearify, squig armor now gives armor equivalent of what territorial agression gave or it gives armor equivalent of territorial agression+sneaky strike?

also why buffing survivability of already very durable mSH? +10% to all armor defences and auto semi guard on squig without tactic seems a bit much?

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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#6 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:14 am

I say this with the utmost respect and no offense meant, but these Squiggie changes... definitely highlights the fact that you need more devs that actively play Destruction more.

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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#7 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:16 am

Sundowner wrote: Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:08 am I have read pic you posted in discord and trying to reconcile it with notes.

Can you clearify, squig armor now gives armor equivalent of what territorial agression gave or it gives armor equivalent of territorial agression+sneaky strike?

also why buffing survivability of already very durable mSH? +10% to all armor defences and auto semi guard on squig without tactic seems a bit much?
Squig armor gives the old horned squig armor bonus (which TA gave too) so now it’s linked to the squig armor and can’t be removed with killing pet.

Sneaky Git were already here , and it increased defenses by 15%, when you used sneaky strikes . Now it apply when you’re in squig armor.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#8 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:17 am

Sundowner wrote: Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:08 am I have read pic you posted in discord and trying to reconcile it with notes.

Can you clearify, squig armor now gives armor equivalent of what territorial agression gave or it gives armor equivalent of territorial agression+sneaky strike?

also why buffing survivability of already very durable mSH? +10% to all armor defences and auto semi guard on squig without tactic seems a bit much?
On the normal squig, which still won't be used. And as for the defences, that's a nerf as the tactic used to go give 15%, these are nearly all terrible changes for the squig, made by people that must have never played the class
Last edited by Jabba on Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#9 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:18 am

phononHYPE wrote: Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:04 am Why do WL pets get 75% and magus pink horrors get 0% aoe reduction (and I'm assuming engineer equivalent as well)? Seems the static 'pets' should get at least 25% redux.

Rest is shiny. Now that the rSH have their fix (+/- a week or two to work out kinks I'm sure), how about them 2H choppa? Lil' love for them? Eh? EH?!! <3
Wl and squig pet were already -75% aoe damage since few years .

Magus and engi just got it in this patch for the mid and close range pets
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Patch Notes 27/11/2020

Post#10 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:18 am

Poor squigs. They really butchered that class.

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