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Bombling's Discord pug-band[EU]

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Posts: 1117

Bombling's Discord pug-band[EU]

Post#1 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:55 am


This project is to be very newcomer friendly, teaching the very basics of what is expected of each arctype in oRvR warband play. For me to best doing this I will require discord listening, so I can better explain my thourghprocess, how I am (failing to) read the battlefield, which details to look out for before engaging in a fight, and how to be aware of your surroundings etc.

As this is a Pick up Group, the quality and expecations will be lowered alot compared to running in closed guild/alliance warbands.
Requirements will be the following when I start recruiting ingame and on discord:
- Discord listening
- Level 40 char.
- Damagedealers will be asked to create an assist macro
- Healers will be asked to bring a standard healingspec, no fancy hybrid healing here sorry.
- Tanks will be asked to play the role of mitigating and controling the fights with Crowdcontrol.

Players from all of Order and any guild is welcome to come and play, for how long they can & want. If you are not enjoying the style, action, or your friends are calling then worry not. You are free to come and go as you please, giving me a headsup if you have to go soonish is helping me replace and recruit though :)

These pugbands will depend on 3 things:
- My own motivation
- Destro numbers and activity
- When guilds have event so I dont try and form while the guilds need pug orderlings to fill their event warbands.

Which leads me into my shortterm goal with this
- Getting more players involved in a roaming playstyle and hopefully not playing just for gear and goldbags but enjoy the fighting aspect and use the geargoals to improve their fighting
- The newcomers and inexperienced players getting a training ground learning the basics of largescale fighting, and then hopefully they start applying to the exsisting Order guilds.
- Creating the action I personally like and love on RoR. Roaming and clashing with enemies in the open field and battleobjectives.

More longterm I am hoping this project could potentially turn into:
- A discord channel where both Order and Destro pug leaders can thank eachother for fun fights
- Maybe even an avenue where Order and Destro pugbuilders can coordinate when to build on both sides and have fights clashing in everyones interest instead of landslide zonelocks.
(Lutz, Gitbane, Brudder, Cueleen, Tsu) is my discord channel for the events.
During my first week of running. We ran into this moment where i almost lost my mouth based on how many destro we snug up on :D Was an epic fight and we went down fighting providing a fight to both sides with plenty of kills

Special thank to the following guilds so far who have supported me in building and trying to create this platform
Smash, NGE, TUP, FoW, RC, Bene, Bitterstone, CNTK and many of the other smaller guilds who are all welcome any time I am building and got room.

( I by nomeans claim to be a great or better leader than others, I have just come to a point in my playtime where I want things done my way. So this is my way )
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara

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Posts: 1117

Re: Bombling's Discord pug-band[EU]

Post#2 » Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:23 pm

Building on Order now for some weekend roaming/fighting. Seems to be good afternoon action so far. Hope to see you, both destro and order.

Video montage from a few fights from last week:
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara

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