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SM or Blorc?

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Posts: 2

SM or Blorc?

Post#1 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:14 am

What are the main differences between the two, other than their aesthetics & faction choice? Going by the career planner, it seems like SM has more healing/parry, whereas Blorc has better AP management with a tactic.

Posts: 61

Re: SM or Blorc?

Post#2 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:15 pm

BO has more block tactic, Corporeal Debuff but Don't really use Corporeal damage. It's nearly the best AOE 2H tank of the game.

SM now has cooldown reduction, some AOE damage reduction, a parry buff, but lack of block. Wirlwind is now an interrupt Aoe and cooldown reducer, really needed on order side. He Can debuff spirit resist and most of his damage are spirit si thé benefit is good, but the AOE damage pressure is lower than BO.

SM is a mix of BO mechanic and Chosen tools to dps.

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Posts: 75

Re: SM or Blorc?

Post#3 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:49 am

Ofc SwordMaster... I sound like how BO Mainer. SM is much more useful for the group in the current realities. BO is still the worst choice of all 6 tanks.
If talk about usablity or about tier:
A tier-Kotbs BG IB Chosen
B tier SM
C tier BO

Posts: 308

Re: SM or Blorc?

Post#4 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 8:36 am

Best advice is to always pick your character based aesthetics, prefered faction, the gameplay mechanics you enjoy the most. Never imho pick based on currenct meta(could change at any moment).

Apperance guide :

You'll spend a lot of time gearing the character and don't want to end up with something you hate looking at etc.

Having said that, currently SM would be the better choice. You got WW and everyone will love you for that(Black Orc lost their equivalent).

Order always seems to have tank shortage and Black Orcs are still plentiful(Destro tanks in general).

TARDIONm wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:49 amA tier-Kotbs BG IB Chosen
B tier SM
C tier BO
I think OP is asking in general(RvR still main game), not a ranked scenario list. Only in ranked, due to no single target punt would BO/SM be worst )

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