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PVP Beginner basics?

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PVP Beginner basics?

Post#1 » Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:42 am

Morning all! My friends and I have just started playing RoR and I have a few questions. The main one being that no matter which character I am on, trying to kill a healer in pvp is just impossible. Not only can they out heal my damage they can dot me up and just laugh as they kill me while I am uselessly swinging against there infinite hp. Is there some sort of method out there? The Goblin healers seem to just absolutely dominate every Scenario we join. We are all around level 13-15 if that matters but it is quickly becoming discouraging because we have yet to win a scenario. Anyway, probably just rambling at this point. Let me quickly bullet point my questions.

1) How do we deal with healers in pvp?
2) Do the DPS classes have a built in way to up their damage in pvp, because it currently feels like we are useless in scenarios.
3) Did we make a mistake rolling on Order? Are we doomed to just never winning scenarios with any kind of consistency?
4) Any advice in general for the game is super helpful, we have all looked at the boards for advice but any little nugget is valuable.

Thanks in advance all!

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Re: PVP Beginner basics?

Post#2 » Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:53 am

1) Shaman/Archmage dominate tier 1 because they have life steal dot + il take that/balance essence. Also they get 25 % dmg tactic all those in Tier 1 which doesnt say alot about the real pvp. No good healer will ever die to 1 dps. Keep your renown at least same as your rank.

2) Depends. So many classes. yes and no

3) No mistake.

4) Always keep your gear max 4 levels below your lvl because bolster can do wonders if you use it right. Slot talismans in every piece of gear. Never leave to scs/rvr without armour potion at least. Buy heal/ap potions 2x. Positioning and general awareness about people u fight against is great. Learn to detaunt fast, learn to swap guard fast and learn to attack same target and learn when to switch targets if not going down fast.
Last edited by Sinisterror on Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: PVP Beginner basics?

Post#3 » Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:54 am

BlackMeowder wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:42 am 1) How do we deal with healers in pvp?
Focus them with multiple dps and 2h tanks at the same time, best if you have a heal debuff on one of your characters and coordinate with a knockdown on said healer.

Alternatively you can CC them with staggers but this will be difficult in pug SCs where the pugs will just **** it up for you.

BlackMeowder wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:42 am 2) Do the DPS classes have a built in way to up their damage in pvp, because it currently feels like we are useless in scenarios.
The typical DPS CDs you know from WoW or other MMOs aren't really a thing here. But most DPS classes have some inherent mechanic or rotation or both that need to be done correctly in order to succeed.

BlackMeowder wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:42 am 3) Did we make a mistake rolling on Order? Are we doomed to just never winning scenarios with any kind of consistency?
Premades win SCs, so just join/make a good premade and you will be winning.

BlackMeowder wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:42 am 4) Any advice in general for the game is super helpful, we have all looked at the boards for advice but any little nugget is valuable.
You can find some good SC advice in this recent topic, also talks about general 6man composition etc.: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=46190

In general:
1. T1 (1-15) SCs are garbage and things will change drastically in T2/3 (16-39).
2. Don't hit Tanks or Guarded targets (check their debuffs or get buffhead addon to display guard)
3. Execute fast swaps to outpace guard swapping.

If you want more detailed advice we'd need to know what classes you're all playing but I'd suggest you keep on going into T2/3, starting lvl 20-25 you'll become decently useful there and able to stomp if in a good premade.

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Re: PVP Beginner basics?

Post#4 » Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:57 am

Thanks for the quick responses!! I really appreciate it! We will stick to it and try to get into T2 and see how we can manage. =)

Posts: 679

Re: PVP Beginner basics?

Post#5 » Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:12 pm

BlackMeowder wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:42 am Morning all! My friends and I have just started playing RoR and I have a few questions. The main one being that no matter which character I am on, trying to kill a healer in pvp is just impossible. Not only can they out heal my damage they can dot me up and just laugh as they kill me while I am uselessly swinging against there infinite hp. Is there some sort of method out there? The Goblin healers seem to just absolutely dominate every Scenario we join. We are all around level 13-15 if that matters but it is quickly becoming discouraging because we have yet to win a scenario. Anyway, probably just rambling at this point. Let me quickly bullet point my questions.

1) How do we deal with healers in pvp?
2) Do the DPS classes have a built in way to up their damage in pvp, because it currently feels like we are useless in scenarios.
3) Did we make a mistake rolling on Order? Are we doomed to just never winning scenarios with any kind of consistency?
4) Any advice in general for the game is super helpful, we have all looked at the boards for advice but any little nugget is valuable.

Thanks in advance all!

It would be helpful to know which classes you two are playing, but here's a general answer to your questions:

1) Healers are very powerful in Return of Reckoning, and DPS classes will have a hard time to solo any healer class, assuming the healer knows what they're doing. Incoming and outgoing healing debuffs are important tools when dealing with healers, as they greatly reduce the amount of healing they put out. Abilities that drain action points and the ability "Sever Blessing" or "Shatter Enchantment" (Melee DPS classes and tanks have access to these) are also useful.

Healers also tend to have some morale abilities and cooldowns they can use, that might make it seem like you are doing no damage at all, but in reality the healer is using limited resources to keep himself alive. Continued pressure can make them run out of juice.

2) This depends on what classes you two are playing, but for caster classes the most important stats are Intelligence and Magic Critical Strike Chance. For classes that deal physical damage these are Strength, Weapon Skill and Critical Strike Chance.

Secondly, have a good look at you are your buddy's classes' tool sets. A useful site for this is the RoR career builder:
A lot of classes have ways to boost the stats and damage of their party, and this can sometimes lead to synergies that greatly improve your damage.

3) No. However, Return of Reckoning is highly party-based, and a lot of content is dominated by players who create optimal parties for what they are doing. To greatly improve your chance for success in scenarios try to make 6-man parties, ideally with 2 healers, 2 dps and 2 tanks (also known as the 2/2/2 setup).

This doesn't mean that there is no room for playing solo or in small groups, but generally some experience is needed to be successful.


- As you level, your stats will be boosted to make up for your lower level. This is called bolstering. Bolstering essentially checks how good your gear is comparative to your level, and boosts your stats accordingly. For this reason it is very important to keep your gear up-to-date and slotted with talismans. Even a small upgrade in stats can make a large difference under the effects of bolstering and low level characters can become very powerful that way. (Or very weak, if this is neglected)

- Pick up trade skills for a steady source of income.

- Have fun! Take your time to learn the game and don't hesitate to ask questions on the forum or in the in-game advice chat. RoR is not your standard MMO and many things are confusing and unintuitive when you first start out. Everything will make sense in time, though.
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Re: PVP Beginner basics?

Post#6 » Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:18 pm

Caduceus wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:12 pm
BlackMeowder wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:42 am Morning all! My friends and I have just started playing RoR and I have a few questions. The main one being that no matter which character I am on, trying to kill a healer in pvp is just impossible. Not only can they out heal my damage they can dot me up and just laugh as they kill me while I am uselessly swinging against there infinite hp. Is there some sort of method out there? The Goblin healers seem to just absolutely dominate every Scenario we join. We are all around level 13-15 if that matters but it is quickly becoming discouraging because we have yet to win a scenario. Anyway, probably just rambling at this point. Let me quickly bullet point my questions.

1) How do we deal with healers in pvp?
2) Do the DPS classes have a built in way to up their damage in pvp, because it currently feels like we are useless in scenarios.
3) Did we make a mistake rolling on Order? Are we doomed to just never winning scenarios with any kind of consistency?
4) Any advice in general for the game is super helpful, we have all looked at the boards for advice but any little nugget is valuable.

Thanks in advance all!

It would be helpful to know which classes you two are playing, but here's a general answer to your questions:

1) Healers are very powerful in Return of Reckoning, and DPS classes will have a hard time to solo any healer class, assuming the healer knows what they're doing. Incoming and outgoing healing debuffs are important tools when dealing with healers, as they greatly reduce the amount of healing they put out. Abilities that drain action points and the ability "Sever Blessing" or "Shatter Enchantment" (Melee DPS classes and tanks have access to these) are also useful.

Healers also tend to have some morale abilities and cooldowns they can use, that might make it seem like you are doing no damage at all, but in reality the healer is using limited resources to keep himself alive. Continued pressure can make them run out of juice.

2) This depends on what classes you two are playing, but for caster classes the most important stats are Intelligence and Magic Critical Strike Chance. For classes that deal physical damage these are Strength, Weapon Skill and Critical Strike Chance.

Secondly, have a good look at you are your buddy's classes' tool sets. A useful site for this is the RoR career builder:
A lot of classes have ways to boost the stats and damage of their party, and this can sometimes lead to synergies that greatly improve your damage.

3) No. However, Return of Reckoning is highly party-based, and a lot of content is dominated by players who create optimal parties for what they are doing. To greatly improve your chance for success in scenarios try to make 6-man parties, ideally with 2 healers, 2 dps and 2 tanks (also known as the 2/2/2 setup).

This doesn't mean that there is no room for playing solo or in small groups, but generally some experience is needed to be successful.


- As you level, your stats will be boosted to make up for your lower level. This is called bolstering. Bolstering essentially checks how good your gear is comparative to your level, and boosts your stats accordingly. For this reason it is very important to keep your gear up-to-date and slotted with talismans. Even a small upgrade in stats can make a large difference under the effects of bolstering and low level characters can become very powerful that way. (Or very weak, if this is neglected)

- Pick up trade skills for a steady source of income.

- Have fun! Take your time to learn the game and don't hesitate to ask questions on the forum or in the in-game advice chat. RoR is not your standard MMO and many things are confusing and unintuitive when you first start out. Everything will make sense in time, though.
Thanks for the in depth write up! We have been playing Engineer, Warrior priest, and I have swapped between Swordmaster, Slayer and Bright Wizard. We have been slowly working on getting skills and stuff together. Its been fun, just frustrating in pvp but we will give your advice a go! Thanks again.

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