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[White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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[White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Post#1 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:00 am

Hi there. I don't enjoy being a blender with guard, and I'm usually solo roaming on my WL. I do some pretty good trolling with def/reg spec, and like to drag destro players into order WB's. I was just thinking though. Have any of you veteran WL's tried a weapon skill triple buff from gear? I could be remembering wrong, but beastlord+warlord+triumphant ([EDIT]: Triumphant has WS buff chance) have weapon skill bonus right? I don't know if it's possible off hand, but a high parry build sounds interesting. I don't have all that gear ( just split sov ). Also, is the Axe of devouring (t4 purple drop) really the "best" parry axe for WL at 4%?

Also, I just tried a build with "full grown" tactic, - White Lion which I never use, but since I got a new piece of Sov for the 6 piece mastery bonus, I was able to justify grabbing it for a new build. I used it like I should have, and let the pet soften up a brazen Choppa (those extra wounds kept my pet up to do more damage), while I kited regening HP then going in for the kill. Even started the fight with 60% HP, and never potted while Sir Choppa did.

WL to me doesn't really seem to have that great build from the 6 piece sov bonus that my SM gets. Do any of you WL's use the 6 piece mastery bonus for a sweet build? Any interesting builds you guys have had luck with?
Last edited by Panzer80 on Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Post#2 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:07 am

Only commenting about that 6piece + 2 career points stuff. It is usually just bad or very good and imo should be removed. Ruin/Anni/Merce used to have 5piece + 2 career points bonus and was changed to +1 and 4 piece instead of 5 because it can be so powerful.

Well why the F those bonuses are in the best sets in game now ? Copypaste set bonuses are annoying and lazy as well.
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Re: [White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Post#3 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:38 am

I use this build with 6 sov 3 sentinel (boots gloves ring) and bloodlord axe. Gives KD, Armour debuff, and execute. ... ,4265,4264

Sometimes swapping Brute Force for pet run speed tactic.
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
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Re: [White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Post#4 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:31 pm

@Evil Now that's the neat stuff I'm talking about. Have you worn all gear pieces with 10% auto attack haste with that build? I was wondering about that today, as there's multiple high set pieces that have that bonus.
Nihrandil [SM] 84, Arendollus [WL] 83, Caelroran [SW] 56, Thaler [WH] 83, Tionac [AM] 54, Hocke [Kotbs] 51
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Re: [White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Post#5 » Tue Nov 09, 2021 2:52 am

You get enough of a buff to AA speed using TTH + Tactic, most important is your burst during the KD with CD, and dots lined up prior.
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
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Re: [White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Post#6 » Tue Nov 09, 2021 10:37 am

I'm jumping here to know what are your normal rotation in solo or small group ? I usually don't use the dots (blindside + shaterring blow) but maybe it's a mistake ?
My usual rotation is : force opportunity, pack assault, coordinated strike and sundering chop until the CD comes back and cull the weak when able. Do you use another rotation ?

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Re: [White Lion] Roaming/Non-META Specs

Post#7 » Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:26 am

Start with Shattering blow, use pet KD when you're ready to CS burst so you get positional on it. If you get the jump on them and can get blindside on I would.
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
80+ AM, WL, WP, BW, SL, SM, 50+ RP, SW, IB
80+ BG, Sorc, WE, Mara, Choppa, SH, 60+ Zeal, Shaman, Blork

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