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RvR Keeps

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RvR Keeps

Post#1 » Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:57 pm

Keeps should be fully interactive. when a guild claims a keep theres a currency named war bonds, those can be used to increase the health of the doors, increase the power of the keep guards and lord, spawn war engines, and also ranking up the keep. war bonds can be obtained by the whole realms effort rough example is 2 - 5 drops off of kills a flat 10 drops from box turn in, killing a ram drops 50 killing a cannon drops 20. the currency gets removed from your inventory every time you leave the zone or the zone locks.

i can elaborate more on this but my monkey brain isnt thinking of anything else right now that can make this idea more epic.
Chosen: Roten Plaguelord rr86 | Knight of the Blazing Sun: Lyntyz Jesterknight rr63

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Re: RvR Keeps

Post#2 » Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:11 pm

In my humble opinion:
1) remove crates. This is not Amazon simulator.
2)leave bos as they are
3) make BO generate keep resources automatically on 2 conditions: you got 2 Bo at least and you killed an enemy in rvr lake. This incentivize both bo cap and actual fight. Running half map delivering a box is not funny.
4) if a guild own a keep, make it so that those members drop extra currency. (Incentive to avoid 1 man guild with 400 offline since 2 years and make guilds useful in the first place)
5) add npcs on bo of champion level.
6) always allow defense keep to have siege weapons with good supply of ammos. So far melees in siege are just bots staring at walls in most of times.

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Re: RvR Keeps

Post#3 » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:53 pm

Some of what you are describing was (or maybe still even is) in the game at various points.

However, that said, the current incentive structure for RvR does not support strong keep defenses. As it stands, the meta is either token defense and collect bag roll for zone or let the enemy knock down the outer and collect bag roll. Anything else is, technically, not playing the game as intended.

Anyway, there are lots of things that can make the gameplay more interesting around keep defenses BUT the reward structure has to be changed with it since the game completely revolves around bag rolls and, more to the point, progress towards city.

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Re: RvR Keeps

Post#4 » Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:31 pm

the idea is to make guilds the driving point in RvR pushing the existence of guilds committing more into RvR mechanics and reduce the committing of just aimlessly seeking for battles
instead they are purchasing keep using the currency the collective realm collected to spawn siege engines rather than turning in boxes keep ranks cost currency for a rough example rank 2 = 50 rank 3 = 120 rank 4 = 220 rank 5 = 400 to get those additions with the new currency you can speak to the NPC on the top floor tower
Chosen: Roten Plaguelord rr86 | Knight of the Blazing Sun: Lyntyz Jesterknight rr63

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Re: RvR Keeps

Post#5 » Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:14 pm

space44 wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:57 pm Keeps should be fully interactive. when a guild claims a keep theres a currency named war bonds, those can be used to increase the health of the doors, increase the power of the keep guards and lord, spawn war engines, and also ranking up the keep. war bonds can be obtained by the whole realms effort rough example is 2 - 5 drops off of kills a flat 10 drops from box turn in, killing a ram drops 50 killing a cannon drops 20. the currency gets removed from your inventory every time you leave the zone or the zone locks.

i can elaborate more on this but my monkey brain isnt thinking of anything else right now that can make this idea more epic.
I have had a half baked idea of making t1 matter. What if t1 supplies, boosted/aid t2+ in some way?

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Re: RvR Keeps

Post#6 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:09 am

T1 is very bad. The only way to revive it is merge t1+2 and t3+4. Otherwise will always be a dead tier

Posts: 783

Re: RvR Keeps

Post#7 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:17 am

I really would like to see more player driven interactions with Keeps, whether or not that involves guilds, but there is clear incentive to involve them to promote guilds.
While we are at it, and since Forts are now seeing more use, lets add some fun stuff there as well.
Some ideas I have are; spawning orbs which grants short term benefit to players, such as healing, dps output, aoe damage, dmg mitigation (think short bursts of fun, or Champion status).
Also it would be cool to see a bit more impact from the NPC's (guards) at keeps, particularly during one-sided sieges.
And, regarding siege weapons, I had thought it might be cool to see if they could implement Scavenging to potentially earn something like WarBonds for use elsewhere.

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