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Returning player - Slayer, IB or RP?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 125

Returning player - Slayer, IB or RP?

Post#1 » Mon May 01, 2023 3:25 pm

Been half a decade or more since i last played, wanting to run a dwarf this time.

After browsing this forum for a bit i've seen mixed responses about Slayers and IB, and not enough said about RP. I'm planning on running all 3 for a bit to at least get a small feeling, but i wanted to hear y'all out before sticking to one.

Are IB crap? I've seen a post about how well known players ditched the class because its Destruction mirror is simply better, cuz the Grudge mechanic isn't well thought out for endgame play.

There seems to be a consensus that Slayers are really good, but i wonder if its overplayed and thus not so desirable at higher levels.

And what about RPs? Are they good healers? Couldn't find much about them.

Thank you very much.

Posts: 50

Re: Returning player - Slayer, IB or RP?

Post#2 » Mon May 01, 2023 5:31 pm

IBs are great but it's a busy playstyle due to lots of buffs with short durations. Good as guard tanks and viable with 2h.
Slayers are always wanted but hard to play solo. You'll need a guard and heal to enjoy levelling and t4.
RPs are great heals. Builds (if that's what you were looking for) should be available in the dwarf section and still apply even when the posts are older.

Posts: 34

Re: Returning player - Slayer, IB or RP?

Post#3 » Tue May 02, 2023 4:27 am

I returned to the game since it was closed a month ago, now running lvl 30 BG (basically chaos IB) and I am noticing this:

Healing in general is absolutely bonkers. Basically if you want to be welcomed everywhere and have a decent game every day you log in you should run a healer. Doesnt really matter wich one, they are all god, tho as i understand AM and Shams are easier to play and stronger then others.

IB as massive tanks, most common tanks i see at t3-4. S/B IB is nearly impossible to kill, so I guess they are fine. Havent seen many of 2H of those, cant say anything.

Slayers are games loved children. They do most DPS in the game. They are very support dependant to be effective but if you are a good DPS player you will be welcomed anywhere.

Actually while playing a lot with friends I do run solo too and I could find myself a WB or some other activity every time i logged in. So if you do not mind communicating in game and joining pug WBs you should be fine whatever you play.

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Re: Returning player - Slayer, IB or RP?

Post#4 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 5:08 pm

RP is great. Levelling is actually easier than healers in other games because you can convert your Healing power to damage. It is a classic healer with no special mechanic, but I was surprised by how fun and intuitive it was to play. And it fills a need that is often missing in RvR and Skirmishes.

Posts: 32

Re: Returning player - Slayer, IB or RP?

Post#5 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 7:35 pm

RP or IB will probably get you the most group play but Engineer is still one of the most fun classes I ever leveled.
Tricksyy - Destro

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Re: Returning player - Slayer, IB or RP?

Post#6 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:18 pm

vekkth wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 4:27 am Doesnt really matter wich one, they are all god, tho as i understand AM and Shams are easier to play and stronger then others.
This is only true for soloing (as dps).. speaking as someone with all four... for healing RP > zealot are much much easier than SHM > AM (in that order)
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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