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Feedback from a new player

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Feedback from a new player

Post#1 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:28 am

Good afternoon!

First and foremost, I enjoy the game immensely. Pretty much kicking myself for not giving this a world years ago. I do wish Mythic added a third faction and didn't mirror the classes--but, I guess they'd have to call it DAoC 2 (or perhaps they can re-release this game with a new name 'Camelot Unchained' :lol: ).

I play with a team of 6; 2 of which, has decent WAR experience from a decade ago, so we're slowly chipping away at the game and learning. We play three nights a week for a few hours each night. We've embedded ourselves in a guild (which they have been amazing) and have been seeking veteran players for help (also amazing). Two players are in mixed vanq gear, rest are in conq gear.

I started the journey playing a shadow knight--realizing that the white lion is a better fit for the team--currently RR56/conq gear with one piece of vanq purchased.

Here's what I like:
I like queuing for scenarios to level. I also think that as long as you continue to stack bodies, you're always going to have enough war crests to get the next tier-set item. Scenario, table slap some people, go walk the dog. It's perfect for a grown adult that has a million other priorities.

It's fun, engaging, the game is very different than others where DPS is god. Here tanks and healers feel far more impactful... to the point where I thought about playing a tank (for 35 seconds and then I was like naw lolol). When you work together and you break what seems to be a perpetual stalemate, is fun. It almost felt like 2 caster group fighting eachother on DAoC, minus theurg pets. We all hate theurg pets. Glad theurgs did not make it into WAR.

The two classes I've played are fun, each spec didn't feel pointless (1-39). One class you're just stacking bodies and securing kills, other class you're applying a stupid amount of pressure with bursts of kill threat. Sometimes I had to take my socks off to count the amount of kills I was getting.

What I do not like:
40+, now for veteran players, sure this may not be that big of a deal. I understand that there are certain strat, IE dungeon clearing/saving crests for endgame. Unfortunately, we didn't get that feedback until it was a tad too late.

There is a ton of the game I/we have to still learn, mechanics and yada yada; however, after leveling purely in scenarios/playing scenarios, warbanding a handful of times, I would argue that we have a reasonable understanding of the game. I rarely die questioning 'why?'. It appears that a majority of the spankings are due to gear imbalance (i'm sure some of it is mechanical and teamwork failure). And I'll be frank, it feels bad. It was tolerable while learning the game... ah, I should not have done this//we should have communicated guard/heals better... I should have switched targets faster, I should have burst here... typical feedback loops you do in order to improve.

That's when we turned to vets, got feedback on positioning, rotations, tactics, specs, etc. Started to sharpen the skills. But still barely scratching people in BIS gear and getting absolutely shredded by PUGS in BIS gear.

Here's my suggestion:
I am not asking for a change in the carrot/stick. I think if it was super easy to gear//who cares. What I am asking is that warcrests match next tier of gear. Example, when I hi realm rank 58, I will still need hella crests. Based on my pacing, I'll probably be RR66 before being able to afford the full set (and then on-pace for my next set). Just so we're all tracking, the WIKI price is incorrect, it's far cheaper on the wiki than it is in-game.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, please align the pacing of RR to item-set tiers. Or at least with whatever level allows people to be competitive. Dark Age of Camelot, get to 50, spellcraft, BIS go. Stratification comes from RR, not gear. Here, RR does not feel impactful, but it's the gate keeper for gear, which is the impact, it appears to be backwards. Which is fine, but as a dude with responsibilities and not up to speed, it feels like Super Mario 64 never ending staircase.

BL: I think PVP viable gear (not BIS) should be aligned with what the WIKI says for cost. From what I see, it appears only boots/gloves can be sold? Allow other pieces to be sold. I'd drop a couple hundo for gear. Playing a few hours on NA (low population) is definitely a challenge as well. Less than 300 people online nightly significantly decreases populations and spreads them out.

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Re: Feedback from a new player

Post#2 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:00 am

The wiki gear prices might not have been updated when they unified all the currencies into war crests.

As for gear and leveling, it's still not too late to do Crypts and Tunnels and Bastion Stairs to save on warcrests for you and your team if you're just now getting vanq gear.
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Re: Feedback from a new player

Post#3 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:39 am

Wait new players play this? * Takes a look at the population numbers (114 players lowest i have ever seen) You know.. when i go into t4 everyone i see is in bis and end-game gear. And i can tell by their playstyle and movement they are very experienced. They arent new. Its obvious when they have end game gear and they're super skilled. I just think its strange that theres always someone in game chat or on the forum saying they are new and at the same time the population is shrinking alot. Meaning players that are playing.

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Re: Feedback from a new player

Post#4 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:16 am

Sickesthater wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:39 am Wait new players play this? * Takes a look at the population numbers (114 players lowest i have ever seen) You know.. when i go into t4 everyone i see is in bis and end-game gear. And i can tell by their playstyle and movement they are very experienced. They arent new. Its obvious when they have end game gear and they're super skilled. I just think its strange that theres always someone in game chat or on the forum saying they are new and at the same time the population is shrinking alot. Meaning players that are playing.
why is it strange? new player picks up game, plays it for a day/week/month and then quits when he realizes how grindy it is to farm end game gear. seems pretty logical to me.

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Re: Feedback from a new player

Post#5 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:31 am

New players and people who have no idea game is alive go into streams on a weekly basis and are shocked to know it’s running. So yes new players are coming in. Just that you have 3 leave 1 new one enters. We have a fairly new streamer who is also new playing the game so they are there.

But to the OP. The scaling of war crest I kinda like but feel would be hard to achieve . Now as you know you can buy ( some give them away) boots / gloves up to vanq and as others have said it’s not too late to do pve to bypass the ward system and save thousands of crests for high end / end game gear so don’t feel you missed the boat. Keep working at it you will get it.

And btw nothing worse than a Theurg on the pvp (Mordread) DAOC server just chewing up everyone huh?
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Re: Feedback from a new player

Post#6 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:36 pm

For the part about feeling weak right now, and fighting the gear gap;

Yes players can chose to save their warcrests and get their ward unlocks from PvE sets in dungeons etc. This will mean you are trading some potential fighting power here and now, for you to reach your BiS endgame set mix of higher tier armor sets fasters.

But make sure you enjoy yourselves on the journey and not just go the farstest way.

A few mid way gearing tips for T4:
- Vanq is a pretty well rounded set maybe look at these sets and see which if your groups classes could settle on a vanq set while grinding for the higher RR and higher tier sets.
- If you do plan on doing dungeons most of your damagedealers will see big improvement when you get your Bastion Stairs influence weapons, and these can be mixed with Fortress weapons for really nice damage boost.
- If you guys can, dont sleep on the pve dungeons. Getting the sentinel Ring from influence reward and mixing the 2piece bonus with Sentinel helmet can provide decent critchance for healers and damagedealers.
- Some classes have a decent Invader set, other classes not. It is a big crest saver to finish your Bastion Stairs grind and bypass this set and save for Sov. But make sure to check the ranked sets as they are same Ward as Invader/Bloodlord, but with abit lower RR requirement and are often mixed into endgame BiS set mixes and you can buy and use these pieces while grinding rr 70+
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Re: Feedback from a new player

Post#7 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:15 pm

Unfortunately the gearing won't change, it's designed to take longer and longer so that you are engaged and have something to strive for. In terms of facing against BiS. It's true, you're gonna be squish against them. The best way is to play smart. If you're a dps for example, don't focus on survival at RR40 because it's not gonna happen. Focus on pure DPS glass cannon, you'll die. But you'll definitely be able to make a dent. In short, at RR40 focus on your main role stats for healing, damage etc. Then at RR80 you get gear that gives you more of your main stat + defensive stats and will be a bit tankier, allowing you to specialise more into how you want to play.
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Re: Feedback from a new player

Post#8 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:00 pm

I'm RR81 on my SW, and don't have full best in slot gear. This is partially my fault as I changed my mind on what to itemize towards, but it's not a waste per-se. I just now have backup BiS for different playstyles in case they ever make changes. :D


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