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Reset Killboard Monthly

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Reset Killboard Monthly

Post#1 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:36 pm

I think this game will benefit from resetting the killboard monthly (Im actually on the side that the killboard gets deleted completely but this might be a more midline approach).

1. People will play to play not for kill blows only.
2. Large guilds will take fights they might lose instead of just running because a couple of them don't want to die.
3. It is unfair for anyone who wasn't BIS when it first came out. For anyone making a new toon they will obviously never get to have a kda as high as someone who was BIS when killboard came out. But actually try being a rank 25 mdps fighting in the front lines of a wb and keeping a healthy kda.
4. People who have high KDAs an only play when they have their pockets heals and tanks might actually que alone if they know their deaths wont count as much.
5. This is WAR - you are meant to die.

If a reset occurs monthly people will not feel like every death means something as much. I am truly against the Kill board at all. But if you reset it at the beginning of the month than people can maybe use it to track how well they are doing but know they deaths will be reset soon.
The King.

Posts: 7227

Re: Reset Killboard Monthly

Post#2 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 6:28 pm

Playing for k/d is a mindset thing, people won't play different, if they really care.
Kill board doesn't tell the whole story anyway (you solo kill despite getting heals), it's as valid as personal kill tracker add-ons with the only difference of being public.
To make k/d more comparable, you should filter e.g. all time/last month or week to better reflect the current status in order to ignore lowlvl results.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 108

Re: Reset Killboard Monthly

Post#3 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 6:40 pm

I prefer some "hardcore" elements. That is how you get some personality traits on board. Sometimes its low geared tank who is afraid to push, sometimes its mad bright wizard who try to facetank enemies.

I think we would lose some immersion if players would fight like zombie horde + its more rewarding when you get that legendary gobbo killed.
Vadhal - kotbs rr80+


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