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[Potions/Craft] Proposal to changes for potions and liniments.

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[Potions/Craft] Proposal to changes for potions and liniments.

Post#1 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:45 am


With the announcements of Roadmaps and the amount of changes that are happening ATM. I would like to propose, 1 additional change. Which is rethinking the way potion and liniments mechanic works.
Right now we have 1 armour potions slot witch has little additional options to swap, and stat potions with liniments witch have some doubling recopies and few that are pointless to use.

Inexorable Aegis | +180 all resists | Primal Defense
War: Mercy |+60 Wounds +50 Healing Power | Primal Afinity, Pale Serissa
Unfettered Zeal |+60 Strength +50 Healing Power |White Baneberry

My proposal is to have a separation for 1 Main ingredient material for 1 type of liniment, and for example cultivation could take the regular stat post slot, while Butchering materials would be an option to swap for armour potion.
This change would allow the increase the customizations, create a difrent material market (gold sink), and it would make skills armour buffs more potent (like DOK/WP buff/ or usefulness for it).

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Re: [Potions/Craft] Proposal to changes for potions and liniments.

Post#2 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:12 am

Inexorable Aegis is +360 to all resist now, and is very strong as soon you dont have a RP/AM/KotBS in your party.

War Mercy is very useful on runepriest without WP in party since your got all needed buffs and a cumulative healing boost with your Willpower/Init rune.

The only useless Liniment is probablu Unfettered Zeal, since in theory it should provide a good buff to hybrid healer classes like shield WP/DoK, but in reality you want to maximize one stat, either willpower OR Strength, bot are useless especially if using the damage tactic wich is reducing your heal.

Nonetheless, I agree crafting could use some more variety or crafting improvements, maybe to get more complex of specific buffs on liniments.

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Re: [Potions/Craft] Proposal to changes for potions and liniments.

Post#3 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:19 am

Mercy is an example of a Lini with 2 diffrent main ingreadineces, not a usless one :P, and i put Inexorable Aegis as an only resitance potion that actualy is not instead of armor potion slot, since all 1 type resitance are an armor substitute.

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Re: [Potions/Craft] Proposal to changes for potions and liniments.

Post#4 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:13 pm

I want liniments and pots to be chaged from main stats to the secondary ones.
Toughness to fortutude
Willpower to healing power
Intel to magic power and so on
The point of that is that often pots and linis overshadows many of the characters buffs so this change will bring more variety and more options and some forgotten buffs could shine again
Mostly harmless

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