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The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

In this section, you will find some advices and basics to start quietly ingame. Question like " I'm lvl 1, what shall i do?", "What class shall i pick?", will find some answers in this place.
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Posts: 299

The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#1 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:29 am


+ join the offical RoR Discord: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22044
+ check out the Technical Support // Game Support forum.
+ If you need more information about the game itself check the RoR-Wiki.

Links & Guides

RoR API Appearance Guides Profession Guides
Ingame Mechanics and Stats Handy Stuff
+ (linking different ID's) viewtopic.php?t=13575
+ (class icon IDs) viewtopic.php?f=66&t=40173
+ (Warhammer - Music) viewtopic.php?f=53&t=15165
+ (Video - Tips and Addons for New Players) viewtopic.php?t=49182
Garden of Qu'aph (Patch Notes 18/6/2020)
Whilst in The Garden of Qu'aph you may challenge players or groups of your allied or enemy realm to duels. Once the person or group you have challenged accepts the duel you will be permitted to enter the arena and the battle will begin 30 seconds after all participents have entered the arena.

You may duel a player by right clicking on a friendly players unit frame or you may use the /duel command whilst targeting them.

Dueling commands you may use:

/duel - Challenges the target to a duel (same as /duelchallenge)
/duelaccept - Accept a duel challenge
/dueldecline - Decline a duel challenge
/duelcancel - Cancel an outgoing challenge
/duelsurrender - Surrender an existing duel

When wanting to initate a group vs group duel you must be the leader of the group and challenge the leader of the other group to a duel.

- Region (/1) and Region RvR (/2) channels in The Garden of Qu'aph will be cross-realm when on the upper-deck of the arena.
- /say and /shout chat channels will be cross-realm whilst on the upper-deck of the arena.

Combat is not permitted in The Garden of Qu'aph unless it is with a player you are currently dueling. You should not be able to attack any other player whilst in the arena. In the upper-deck if you engage in combat then the Qu'aph Protectors will deal with you. You are however premitted to practice combat with the training dummys. You will not be permitted to enter the arena unless you have challenged someone to a duel. Leaving the area whilst a duel is in progress will be the equivalent of you surrendering.

The upper-deck provides a excellent view of ongoing duels.

You may travel to The Garden of Qu'aph from the flightmaster for the cost of 1 gold piece (under "Land of the Dead"). Additionally Qu'aph has ordered his servants to travel to Altdorf and The Inevitable City and provide a portal for players to access The Garden of Qu'aph.

int chanceToBeCrit = (int)((caster.EffectiveLevel * 7.5f + 50f) / 10f / (target.StsInterface.GetTotalStat(Stats.Initiative) + 35) * 100f);

Stats for Training Construct / Target Dummy



= the little shield symbol

= broken chain symbol

UI/Addon scripts

War Builder Addon: then the abilities you hoover will show ability id and icon number in red.

Code: Select all

/script Warbuilder.Debug = true 
Enemy Addon scripts: Addon setups > Enemy > Enemy - Scripts

Pauses the Combat Logger

Code: Select all

/script CombatLogger.pauseRecording()
Makes the Action Bar Lock toggler moveable in the layout editor Image

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetMovable(" ActionBarLockToggler",true)
Makes the Action Bar Lock toggler invisible

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("ActionBarLockToggler", false)
Makes the Action Bar Lock toggler visible

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("ActionBarLockToggler", true)
Changes the fontnames of NPCs and player, the 1:st is for name, and the 2:nd is for titles

Code: Select all

/script SetNamesAndTitlesFont("font_name_plate_names_old","font_name_plate_titles_old")
example if you want really large name and title fonts:

Code: Select all

/script SetNamesAndTitlesFont("font_alert_outline_huge","font_alert_outline_medium")
makes the whole chat invisible, check the group number on the layout editor

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("EA_ChatWindowGroup1", false)
...and makes it visible again

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("EA_ChatWindowGroup1", true)
SCs // City

Rejoin a SC/City after a crash or after you pressed join (and got no quitter-debuff) and the scenario-pop window disapeared.

Code: Select all

/script BroadcastEvent( SystemData.Events.SCENARIO_INSTANCE_JOIN_NOW )
Shows the SC/City summary window (dmg done/heal done/ and so on...)

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("ScenarioSummaryWindow", true)
Shows the PQ-tracker (current state of the PQ, timer)

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("EA_Window_PublicQuestTracker",true)
Shows the group window to switch groups during SCs/City

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("ScenarioGroupWindow", true)
Makes the SC-surrender window visible again

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("RoR_Window_ScenarioSurrender",true)
Command which can be used in scenarios to call for a surrender vote

Code: Select all


Challenges the target to a duel (same as /duelchallenge)

Code: Select all

Accept a duel challenge

Code: Select all

Decline a duel challenge

Code: Select all

Cancel an outgoing challenge

Code: Select all

Surrender an existing duel

Code: Select all


shows all /chat shortcuts

Code: Select all

/script for k,v in pairs(ChatSettings.ChannelSwitches) do CHAT_DEBUG(ChatSettings.ChannelSwitches[k].replacement..L" = "..ChatSettings.ChannelSwitches[k].commands)end 
remove hotbar sound "click"

Code: Select all

/script Sound.BUTTON_CLICK = 0 
UI reload command

Code: Select all

switch grp/wb leader

Code: Select all

/makeleader name

Code: Select all

shows real stats...more reliabel than the paperdoll stats (= stats in the character sheet) (only useable on the player itself, release all targets before)

Code: Select all

change name of one of your toons, 1 month CD, no CR/RR limitation, no penalties from GMs/Dev

Code: Select all

server time - channel filters "System General"

Code: Select all

change the name of your lion

Code: Select all

/petname NAME
Hide Pet Health Bar

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("PetHealthWindow",false)
You group will be soft bound to an instance when a player first enters. You can do the script to clear this (if you want to switch leaders for example and progress from the other players)

Code: Select all

allows a guild leader to rename the guild for a cost of 1000 gold deducted from the Guild vault

Code: Select all

Solo Ranked and Grouped Ranked: Where to queue and queue status

Code: Select all

it'll type out the ID of your Guild in the chatwindow

Code: Select all

/script EA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring(GameData.Guild.m_GuildID))
shows your lockout for all instances (if you are grouped, it will show you the lockouts of your members, too)

Code: Select all

To unclaim a keep please use:

Code: Select all

/guildreleasekeep [keep number]
Keep Ids source
1 Dok Karaz
2 Fangbreaka Swamp
3 Gnol Baraz
4 Thickmuck Pit
5 Karaz Drengi
6 Kazad Dammaz
7 Bloodfist Rock
8 Karak Karag
9 Ironskin Skar
10 Badmoon Hole
11 Mandred's Hold
12 Stonetroll Keep
13 Passwatch Castle
14 Stoneclaw Castle
15 Wilhelm's Fist
16 Morr's Repose
17 Southern Garrison
18 Garrison of Skulls
19 Zimmeron's Hold
20 Charon's Keep
21 Cascades of Thunder
22 Spite's Reach
23 The Well of Qhaysh
24 Ghrond's Sacristy
25 Arbor of Light
26 Pillars of Remembrance
27 Covenant of Flame
28 Drakebreaker's Scourge
29 Hatred's Way
30 Wrath's Resolve
Addon Setups

How to handle with AddOns in general
How to copy profile settings - ingame

- Don't use the "Share"-Option!
- And if you are done /rel
Where do you get some AddOns Advanced knowledge AddOns
Core interface modules bugfixes + few fixed add-ons: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=30050
testing some performance addon: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=38278
Sullemunks Projects: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=22852
cupnoodles git-lab:
How to add/install AddOns
1. Where do you get some AddOns
- Idrinth Site:
- RoR AddOn Forum: viewforum.php?f=66&sid=4855f1dff4e6d84a74a31709c711ae40
- VinyUi (AddOn compilation) viewtopic.php?f=66&t=6371

2. Install
- unzip the file
- most it's a folder named after the AddOn
- open RoR folder > Interface > AddOns
- and put the unziped folder inside the AddOns folder

3. Activating the Addon ingame
- open Esc > User Settings > Interface > Mods/Add-Ons...
- you can see a list of all AddOns
- scroll to the new added AddOn, check the box to the right and press okay.
How to remove AddOns properly
- close your game (just to be sure that nothing weird happen)
- open the RoR > Interface > AddOns folder
- delete the whole folder (e.g. Enemy)
- open RoR > user > settings > Martyrs Square > Character Name > Profile Name
- delete the whole folder that contains the AddOn (e.g. Enemy)
[some AddOns own more folders e.g. CMap and CMap_config (so delete both)]
- open RoR > cache
- and delete the whole content inside (not the cache folder itself!)
- Done! You can start your game again!
VinyUI - a quick "how to update to 5.16 (or how to replace QQer and Zonepop Lite to the current version)"
So actually, this works with almost all AddOns you want to update

- close your game (just to be sure that nothing weird happen)
- open the RoR > Interface folder > AddOns
- delete Queue Queuer, Zonepop Lite folder
- still inside the AddOns folder, open the Warboard folder and delete: WarBoard_TogglerQueueQueuer and WarBoard_ZonePOP

- Open Warhammer Online > user > settings > Martyrs Square > character-name > profile-name (you have to do this for every character you have)
- Now we are doing almost the same as before
- delete Queue Queuer, Zonepop Lite folder
- open the Warboard folder and delete: WarBoard_TogglerQueueQueuer and WarBoard_ZonePOP

- Finally, download the latest version of VinyUi
- Unzip (easy!)
- open the Interface > AddOns folder on the VinyUi unzip and your one (RoR > Interface > AddOns)
- drag and drop Queue Queuer, Zonepop Lite from Viny to your folder
- open Interface > AddOns > Warboard on the VinyUI unzip and your one (RoR > Interface > AddOns > Warboard)
- drag and drop WarBoard_TogglerQueueQueuer and WarBoard_ZonePOP inside

- just delete your cache (RoR > cache), but only the content not the whole cache folder

- start your game
- Esc > user settings > Interface > open Mods/Addons...
- maybe you have to check the Addons again to active them. (these are WarBoard_TogglerQueueQueuer, WarBoard_ZonePOP, Queue Queuer, Zonepop Lite)
- Done!

Aura - Tutorial Videos

Aura - Detaunt setup:
Aura - CC Tracker:

Enemy - Combat Log Parser
- right click on the Enemy button - configuration - combat log
- check the boxes
- put the medallion icon into your action bar (opens the statistic window)
Enemy - How to setup Enemy "Unit Frames"
right click on the Enemy Button

select configuration and select the drop down point "Unit Frames"

These settings are for my wb layout. Maybe you have to test which spacing fits for you.

On the Layout Editor and on the normal gaming screen, there is an anchor for the whole warband and a separate one for the grp display
you can lock it with:

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("EnemyUnitFramesAnchor1", false)

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("EnemyUnitFramesAnchor2", false)
- Anchor1 = Warband Anchor
- Anchor2 = Grp Anchor

Enemy - How to setup Enemy "Unit Frames" - different layout

What it looks like ingame....your own grp is detached and solo moveable


Enemy - How to change the HP bar to Archetype - color

- Scroll to "Visual parts"
- select "HP"
- click on "Edit",
- open the "Type" drop down
- select "HP Bar (archetype colored)"

Enemy - How to change the color of the HP bar in dependence of health left

- Scroll to "Visual parts"
- select "HP"
- click on "Edit",
- open the "Type" drop down
- select "HP Bar (level colored)"

Enemy - HP number in percent

- right-click on Enemy icon
- configuration
- unit frames
- scroll a bit down to visual parts
- select HP% end press "enable"
Enemy - Marker

It's called "Enemy marks" on the layout Editor.
Press "+" to add a new color and/or right-click and "Edit" it.
Enemy - Group-Icon
- right click enemy icon configuration
- drop own "Group icons" > and select all 3 things...
Enemy - How to change the color of the HP bar background
- right click Enemy Button
- Configuration
- Unit Frames
- scroll down to Visual parts
- select Background
- Edit
- scroll a bit down
- you can alter your Opacity
- and your "Background" Color with RGB numbers
- on the right side you can see a example how does your bar will look like
Enemy - Show me the whole WB (or not)
- right click on the enemy icon (looks like a white/red target)
- configurations
- unit frames
- and uncheck "my group only" (or check the box to disable it)
Enemy - Any dispellable

further tips and setups about the effect tracker are in Enemy - HoT tracker guides
Enemy - Target defense // Target total defense

- check first, if both windows are not hidden on the layout editor

- Then open the "Combat log" section, and enable at least these two boxes to show the percentage display
Enemy - Available versions

- The non-modified version on Idrinth's Tools:
- The Enemy rework from Xyeppp: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=44479
- Another modified one from the "UPDATED - Enemy Unit-Frames (Heal Grid, Group Buttons, etc) - A Healer MUST HAVE" - Thread:
- And you can extract the Enemy Addon from the VinyUi package (just copy the Enemy from the Interface folder):
Enemy - HoT tracker guides
(Viny Enemy Hot Tracker) viewtopic.php?f=66&t=23759&sid=c5ac66e3 ... a6537b4126
(Video: Enemy Hot Tracker + Cache)
(Video: Enemy Cleansing - Cleansing tips for healers)
Enemy - Scripts
shows the ability ID

Code: Select all

/script Enemy.GetAbilityIds("Ability Name")
un/lock the Anchor of the Enemy Unit Frames

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("EnemyUnitFramesAnchor1", false)

Code: Select all

/script WindowSetShowing("EnemyUnitFramesAnchor2", false)
- Anchor1 = Warband Anchor
- Anchor2 = Grp Anchor
- false = hide
- true = shown
Enemy - Modification Guide (I stole it from someone, sorry :D)

Effigy - overhead-bar in archetype-colors
1. Type /effigy
2. click "Edit" (the enemy overhead name plate should named something like "hostile")
3. click on the tab "Bar"
4. click on the sub-tab "fill"
5. open the dropdown below "Dynamic Colors:" and choose "archetype-colors"
Effigy taller / smaller healthbars
This is the easy way to make the whole bar taller or smaller, by adjust the Scale.
- type: /effigy
- Edit
- tab General / sub-tab Behavior
- reduce the Scale
- Don't forget to Apply!
Effigy - how to setup character's name
This works with the hostile lifebar, too.
- got to Labels
- type name in the left box and enter (if there isn't already a name label on the drop down)
these are my settings, just play a bit for your purposes.
And don't forget to Apply!
Effigy - disable bars without to delete it
- type: /effigy
- click on the sub-tab "Visibility"
- uncheck "Show Bar"
- Apply
Effigy - how to create your own player overhead bar

This is a short guide with almost no explanation. Just follow the guide and do your own trial and error.








NO ICONS SET! (but if you want to play arround, just do it!)



RV_Mod - RV_Mod_eve_online
// maybe you have to check if your RVManager is enabled

- type /RV
- click on Targets/Frames
- the crosshair comes from RV_Mod eve_online
- just select another "Template" on every section you don't want it... or whatever ;D
Tidy Roll

Tidy-Roll / Auto Roll options
1. the open parties and warband window ("L") - Auto Roll Window tab:

2. or the "/troll" configuration - Misc tab:
/assist or Swift-Assist

Swift-Assist guide: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=26643

First of all, macros like "/target" (on friendly or hostile target) doesn't work in ror, but you can assist a friend on an enemy target.
If you have installed "swift assist", press ESC - Macros:

scroll a bit down to this icon+macro.
function: If you target a friendly player, you can set him as your main assist target.
You can drag and drop the macro on your action bar.

If you set someone as main assist target, its name will shown here.
so you can drag and drop the marco on your action bar, and set a keybinding on the certain spot.

additionally, there is a small display that shows who is your current main assist target.
So, this is how my small "assist setup" looks like, with "F" to assist my main assist.

If you need more assist-buttons, create a new macro with:

Code: Select all

/assist Name
Textured Buttons

TexturedButtons - move lock icon
- type /tb
- select Misc
1. uncheck "save the settings..."
2. check "make the quick lock movabel"
3. move the lock
4. uncheck "make the quick lock movabel"
5. check "save the settings..."

Buffhead - Tracker settings

- type /buffhead
- click on "Trackers"
- open the dropdown next to "Tracker" and choose "Group"
set up the settings like on the picture down below:
- it's the same for your own buffhead display and friendly targets and so on ...
Buffhead - Adding an effect to the ignore/always show list
- type /buffhead
- click on "Trackers"
- open the dropdown next "Trackers" and choose for which group you want the settings
- now click on the "Manage" of Always Show or Always Ingnore
- you can type the EXACT name inside the text entry
- or use the ID of the spell
ID list inside the Downloads section,
watch this YT video:
or use this script if you have Enemy installed:

Code: Select all

/script Enemy.GetAbilityIds("Ability Name")

Hidebar and the 3rd bar issue
Hidebar issue
- type: /hidebar forceoff
- if it bugs out and hides again use /hidebar 3
- and then again /hidebar forceoff
- also make sure that with /tb ---> actionbars ---> Bar 3 is not Hide empty slots activated

If you already delete all hidebar folders, try this. (also works with missing vanilla career resources, castbar, stance bar)
- open Layout Editor
- press Restore Defaults
- Exit and don't save

Disable Default Auction House
Shinies - VinyUI Shinies preset search
- close your game
- Use the latest VinyUi zip and go to:
VinyUI > user > settings > GLOBAL > Shinies and copy the SavedVariables.lua
- Go to your RoR directory:
RoR > user > settings > GLOBAL > Shinies and replace the SavedVariables.lua
- delete the content of your Cache folder

Pure [VinyUi] - Show player health
- type: /pure
- select Player
- set the "Unite Frame Alpha" and the "Unite Frame Font Alpha" to 1
Pure [VinyUi] - Healthbar display won't save its position
- go to: RoR folder > user > settings > GLOBAL
- delete the complete "Pure" folder inside the GLOBAL folder.
Pure - tweak effect tracker
- type /pure
- select Player section
- scroll to Effects section and try something like this
// you can do this for you hostile and enemy display too
Pure - Pet bar disappears (SavedVariables.lua - won't save settings)
- close the game
- go to: user > settings > Martyrs Square > Character > active profile > Pure
- open the SavedVariables.lua with an editor
- add the marked line:

Code: Select all

["playerpet-frame-show"] = true,
- save
- close the file
- start game

CMap - in a different shape
- Close your game
- go to: RoR Folder > user > setting > MartyrsSquare > Character > Profile Name > CMap
- open the ModSettings.XML with an editor

Code: Select all

sizeX="300.000000" sizeY="329.999969"
is the important part, where you can expand your map
- save
- open your game
//don't do this while ingame, if you /rel, the game won't save your settings.
Sildur's Enhanced graphics
RoR Vanilla UI

Vanilla UI - Center Screen Messages
- Esc > user settings > Interface
- Scroll down to "Center Screen Messages"
- you can uncheck them if you don't want to see these messages
- Uh! And don't forget to press "Apply"

// there are some other addons that display a center message aswell (Friends or Deathblow2) or remove it (alertmod)
Vanilla UI - bigger overhead names

Code: Select all

/script SetNamesAndTitlesFont("font_name_plate_names_old","font_name_plate_titles_old")
you can change the fontnames, the 1:st is for name, and the 2:nd is for titles
example if you want really large name and title fonts:

Code: Select all

/script SetNamesAndTitlesFont("font_alert_outline_huge","font_alert_outline_medium")
Vanilla UI - restore old bars / display after they disapeared

Example, to restore the Career Ressources:
- Esc > user settings> Layout Editor
- click on Windows...
- uncheck hidden "Career Ressources" (or the Cast Bar)
- Exit and Save

After that, do an UI soft reset:
- Open the Layout Editor
- Press "Restore Defaults"
- Leave the Layout Editor but DON'T SAVE
It will make a soft reset of your UI, so don't panic if you see some strange little white boxes or so, they will disapear.
Vanilla UI - restore the Quest Tracker
First you need the Quest Collapser (The triangle thingy that hide the Quest Tracker)
- Esc > user settings> Layout Editor
- click on Windows... and scroll a bit down
- uncheck hidden "Quest Collapser"

the "Quest Collapser" in its natural habitat

Now the Quest Tracker (A list of your current active quests)
- Esc > user settings> Layout Editor
- click on Windows... and scroll a bit down
- uncheck hidden "Quest Tracker"

After that,
- click Exit
- and of course "Yes", you want to save your settings
= profit
Vanilla UI - Pet Action Bar
- Esc > user settings> Layout Editor
- click on Windows... and scroll a bit down
- uncheck hidden "Pet Action Bar"
- Exit and Save

After that, do an UI soft reset:
- Open the Layout Editor
- Press "Restore Defaults"
- Leave the Layout Editor but DON'T SAVE
It will make a soft reset of your UI, so don't panic if you see some strange little white boxes or so, they will disapear.

- /rel (maybe)
- and if you have already summon a turret, resummon it
Warlord // Sovereign // Alt Sovereign 8th bonus


+ Ironbreaker:
  • Warlord // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Sovereign // Leading The Charge - Allies within 30 feet of you or your defensive target have their movement speed increased by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Recession - A disrupting strike that makes your opponent receive 50% less benefit from any heals cast on them for 10 sec.
+ Slayer:
  • Warlord // Can’t Slow Me Down - Your blood thirst is elevated by the thoughts of battle. You cannot be stopped by roots or snares for the next 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Alt Sovereign // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
+ Runepriest:
  • Warlord // Absolute Preservation - You and your defensive target cannot be critically hit for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Empowered Rune - A brief magical wind increases your chance to critically heal and hit by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
+ Engineer:
  • Warlord // Restraining Shot - Target is rooted in place for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Fettered Might - Your target will have their Action Point cost increased by 50% for 10 sec.

+ Knight of the Blazing Sun:
  • Warlord // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Sovereign // Leading The Charge - Allies within 30 feet of you or your defensive target have their movement speed increased by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Slowing Radiance - The brilliant glare from your armor, perhaps a reflection of Myrmidia herself, causes your opponent to stumble and reduce movement speed by 30% for 10 sec.
+ Witch Hunter:
  • Warlord // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Sovereign // Enough! - You knock your target back a long distance.
  • Alt Sovereign // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
+ Warrior Priest:
  • Warlord // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Righteous Faith - You instantly regain 120 Righteous Fury.
  • Alt Sovereign // Dispersion - For 10 sec., your attacks will heal your allies within 30 feet for 200% of the damage done.
+ Bright Wizard:
  • Warlord // Fettered Might - Your target will have their Action Point cost increased by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Wind of Aqshy - A surge of power increases the radius of all your spells by 50% for 10 sec.
Elves (Asur)

+ Swordmaster:
  • Warlord // Vaul’s Guidance - You are an inspiration to yourself and other sec. Your defensive target will absorb up to 1387 over 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Leading The Charge - Allies within 30 feet of you or your defensive target have their movement speed increased by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
+ White Lion:
  • Warlord // Lion’s Savagery - You rage with the spirit of the beast, increasing your chance to critically hit by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Alt Sovereign // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
+ Shadow Warrior:
  • Warlord // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Expertise - A sudden rage makes you want to take down your enemies even faster. All your build times are reduced by 1.5 sec. for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Fettered Might - Your target will have their Action Point cost increased by 50% for 10 sec.
+ Archmage:
  • Warlord // True Magic - You push your powers to their limits, extending their range by 20% for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Absolute Preservation - You and your defensive target cannot be critically hit for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.

+ Chosen:
  • Warlord // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Sovereign // Leading The Charge - Allies within 30 feet of you or your defensive target have their movement speed increased by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Mindless Fear - A disrupting strike that makes your opponent receive 30% less benefit from any heals cast on them.
+ Marauder:
  • Warlord // Sadist - A spastic surge of raw power courses through you which increases your chance to critically hit by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Alt Sovereign // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
+ Zealot:
  • Warlord // Absolute Preservation - You and your defensive target cannot be critically hit for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Favor of Tzeentch - A brief magical wind increases your chance to critically hit and heal by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
+ Magus:
  • Warlord // Tzeentch’s Holding - Target is rooted in place for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Fettered Might - Your target will have their Action Point cost increased by 50% for 10 sec.

+ Black Orc:
  • Warlord // Deal wit’it – You show the others how it's done... either by makin dem do it, or doin' it yourself. Your defensive target will absorb up to 1387 damage over 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Leading The Charge - Allies within 30 feet of you or your defensive target have their movement speed increased by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
+ Choppa:
  • Warlord // No Stopping me - A disrupting strike that makes your opponent receive 30% less benefit from any heals cast on them.
  • Sovereign // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Alt Sovereign // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
+ Shaman:
  • Warlord // Just a bit mor‘ - Feeling the Waagh!!! Getting more intense you make an effort to push it further away from you, extending the range of your spells by 20% for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Absolute Preservation - You and your defensive target cannot be critically hit for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
+ Squig Herder:
  • Warlord // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Fasterfaster - It briefly dawns on you that shootin faster is better. All your build times are reduced by 1.5 sec. for 10 sec. until you forget.
  • Alt Sovereign // Fasterfaster - It briefly dawns on you that shootin faster is better. All your build times are reduced by 1.5 sec. for 10 sec. until you forget.
Elves (Druchii)

+ Blackguard:
  • Warlord // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Sovereign // Leading The Charge - Allies within 30 feet of you or your defensive target have their movement speed increased by 30% for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // Unnerving Hate - Your seething contempt is focused towards a single target. So unnerving is this sensation that your target's movement speed is reduced by 30% for 10 sec.
+ Witch Elf:
  • Warlord // Desolation - Up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 feet immediately lose 1800 Morale.
  • Sovereign // Rejection - You knock your target back a long distance.
  • Alt Sovereign // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
+ Disciple of Khaine:
  • Warlord // Inexorable Force - Your defensive target becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Reaping - You instantly regain 120 Soul Essence.
  • Alt Sovereign // Dispersion - For 10 sec., your attacks will heal your allies within 30 feet for 200% of the damage done.
+ Sorcerer:
  • Warlord // Fettered Might - Your target will have their Action Point cost increased by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Sovereign // Unshackled Freedom - You and your defensive targets abilities cost no Action Points for 10 sec.
  • Alt Sovereign // True Dhar - A surge of power increases the radius of all your spells by 50% for 10 sec.
Last edited by Hazmy on Thu Apr 18, 2024 11:00 am, edited 71 times in total.

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Posts: 2061

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#2 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:37 am

For those like me who are “config addons challenged” do you have a way to set effigy target ring to show a cross over whole screen ?

Btw nice post

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Posts: 730

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#3 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:57 am

Are you leaving? ... Because that stuff people do when they about to leave :)

Great job, should be sticky.

Also little suggestion since its more for newbies than veterans. I`d add totally separate section dedicated to crashes. Amount you see them lately are scary. Especially forts. I think that will be main reason others will use this cheat-sheet.

Posts: 1295

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#4 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:05 am

Good stuff !! agreed should be sticky

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Posts: 1317

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#5 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:27 am

Phantasm wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:57 am Are you leaving? ... Because that stuff people do when they about to leave :)

Great job, should be sticky.

Also little suggestion since its more for newbies than veterans. I`d add totally separate section dedicated to crashes. Amount you see them lately are scary. Especially forts. I think that will be main reason others will use this cheat-sheet.
Nah, I don't a lazy piece of **** evertime someone has an issue, I can post this thread :D
But I like your idea....maybe I will do an extra section for crashing/fps things

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Head Game Master
Posts: 8334

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#6 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:55 pm

Sticky. Gold star for you.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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Posts: 46

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#7 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:01 pm

Awesome, thank you for posting your collection !
Ybilla WP / Valrelen DoK

Not Good Enough / NGE

Posts: 132

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#8 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:33 pm

really nice post. Bookmarked

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Posts: 187

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#9 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:59 pm

Anyone have a Warhammer API/Class Library guide for addon coding?
Home of Warhammer Drow "Old School"!

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Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#10 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:12 pm

neutrino wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:59 pm Anyone have a Warhammer API/Class Library guide for addon coding? ... ki/WAR_API

Perhaps one day I'll recompile all the links into a workable site that isn't behind
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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