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Mid-tier WBs [EU]

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Posts: 13

Mid-tier WBs [EU]

Post#1 » Mon Sep 21, 2020 2:33 pm

Newish player here, have played WAR in the past from the closed beta stage and shortly after release but only ever really dabbled in characters up to about T3. Returned lately and trying to learn the game and been wanting to get into ORvR. The main problem I've encountered as I'm sure many new players have is the lack of open WBs on Order side during EU time and the lack of organisation so I'm hoping to change that. Over the last few days I've gained some experience leading WBs quite successfully and would like to try it some more. Once people start working together it's surprising how impactful a single WB of even mixed-level mixed-gear players can be and anyone who's interested in joining me, just pm my main "Aenbald" (you can often see me asking stupid questions in /Advice) and I hope to see you on the battlefield. If we get enough regulars together, I'd like to see about starting a guild.


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