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Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

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Posts: 55

Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#1 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:04 pm

▀▄▀▄▀▄ DA FREEBOOTAZ ▄▀▄▀▄▀

Da Freebooterz shanty! WAAAGH!
"Fifteen Orkz on a ded man’z 'ulk,
Lookin’ duwn da barrel o' a gun,
Gruntin’ to each odda,
Frough big, sharp teef,
Sayin’ “Diz wun’ll give uz som fun”

Fourteen Orkz on a 'umie’s ship,
Killin’ anyfin' dat isn’t green,
Gruntin’ to each odda,
Frough big, sharp teef,
Sayin’ “Timez be gettin’ lean”

T'irteen Orkz wiv da Kaptin’z chest,
'opin’ to quench deir greedy dirst,
Gruntin’ to each odda,
Frough big, sharp teef,
Sayin’ “I waz da wun dat saw it first”

Wun lone Ork left ta steal da loot,
Wishin’ it 'adn’t turned out so,
Gruntin’ to 'imself,
Frough big, sharp teef,
Sayin’ “I shudd let da pilot go”
Da speech guide for greenskinz!
Alright ya gitz listen up, I'z seen a few of ya tryin' ta put on an Ork voice but it ain't foolin' nobody.

So 'ere's a guide on 'ow ta talk like a propa ork.

-Missing Letters:

First fing's fisrt, ork don't 'ave time ta pronounce all da letters of a word so some get left out.
The 'h' in all words can be replaced with '
For example:
House -> 'ouse
Has -> 'as

Some other letter which can be replaced with ' are G's at the end of 'ing' but only if the word doesn't always have ing on the end (like thing)
For example:
Looting -> Lootin'
Fighting -> Fightin'

Now ya can't just go cuttin' out any letta ya feel like, I 'ave seen words like 'really' shortened to 'eally which is just wrong.

-Changing letters:

As mentioned before orks don't 'ave time ta pronounce fings propa so sometimes easier syllables are used.

Orks don't like pronouncing 'Th' so will replce it with either 'D' or 'F'

If a words begins Th depending of what the next letter is,
If the word has a 'the' sound den da "Th" are replaced wiv a D
For example:
That -> Dat
This -> Dis
(be carful of 'The' and 'Those' as The goes to Da not De and those would go to Dose which is a whole uvva word)
If the word begins with "I" or "R" then the "Th" are replaced with "f"
For example:
Think -> Fink
Threw -> Frew

The "Th" at the end of a word can be changed to "f" unless there's an I in front, where it is changed to a "v"
For example:
Cloth -> Clof (two f's can be use to make more visually appealing, Cloff)
With -> Wiv

The "er" at the end of a word can be changed for "a"
This is seen already with:
Slugger -> Slugga
Chopper -> Choppa

Lastly if any section of a word sounds like a single letter it can be replaced with that letter
For Exmple:
Should -> Shud

-Extra fings ork's say you shud know:

Here iz some extra things you shud know...

Replace God with Gork (or Mork)
God knows! -> Gork (or Mork) Know!

The only swear (curse, whatever) words Ork's use are **** replaced to Zog and git as a general greeting/insult.
"Hey, mate!" -> "oi oi, git!"
"**** off!" -> "Zog off!"

Hello is changed to oi or oi oi. Oi or more of a 'hey!' or hey, you! where as oi oi is more of a "hey, what's up"

S's are often changed to z's
Is -> Iz

Ork's love Double negatives, such as:
"I ain't got nuffin'"

The ork currency is teef though they will trade weapons or various other orky items

Orks count to 'Lots'
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Lots (anything after 5 just isn't worth thinking about)

Orks eat squig bases foods or their enemies and drink fungus beer.

So there you have it, a short guide to help you talk like a propa Ork.

Oh...and one last fing...


"made by Cheapbuster 2013"
Who are Da Freebooterz?
Freebooterz are piratical greenskins who exist on the fringe of greenskin culture. They are bandits and sell-swords belonging to no specific tribe or clan but who will work with any tribe as well as stand against any other if the price is right. Da Freebooterz are composed of greenskin mobs from several different tribes or greenskins who have separated themselves from their former clan by choice or through exile.

About us (shortly)
We are English speaking, Greenskin-only, EU, medium RP-RvR guild (means that you can roleplay but it’s not mandatory). We are also friendly to all new members. Guild was founded by Boss Stompamasta in 2014 but the guild is currently led by Warboss or more commonly Kaptin Grufrip Blakkflagg (2015-X).

What to expect from us
-You can expect friendly guild atmosphere
-You can expect weekly warband and small party events with guild
-You can expect PQ farming groups
-You can expect casual SC’in
-You can expect roleplaying
-You can expect dungeon raids

What to not expect from us
-Running SC premade groups 24/7
-Running 6-man roaming groups 24/7
-Running events everyday
-Being online 24/7 (Remember that many of us have RL responsibilities)

How to join?
Simply contact (Grufrip) or Da Freebooterz guild recruiters. You find current recruiters from ingame guild search.

We'z rekruitin' all greenskinz! Orkz n' Gobboz! (No rank requirements but you must be a greenskin).

If any greenskin guild wishes to join or create alliance with Da Freebooterz, contact (Grufrip).

All upcoming weekly warband/party and other events are marked on ingame guild calendar with short info of it.

Da Freebooterz lucky kolorz
-Da Freebooterz does not have specific lucky colours.

Crew ranks and titles
Kaptin (Warboss)
-The leader and mastermind of the freebooterz, commands and leads all other crew ranks. Maybe even those who are not part of the crew?

First-Mate-Boss (Boss)
-Second in command and tactical advisor for the warboss, takes commands only from the kaptin.

Skraga-Nob (Big'un)
-Veteran of the freebooterz who has been proven to be worthy on the battlefield, also a Kaptin's and First-Mate-Bosses guard, takes commands only from the Kaptin and First-Mate-Bosses.

Da 'ardboy
-Common heavy armored close combat support fighter of the freebooterz, takes commands from the Kaptin, First-Mate-Bosses and Skraga Nobs.

-Common close combat fighter unit of the freebooterz, takes commands from the Kaptin, First-Mate-Bosses and Skraga-Nobs.

-Common healer/support unit of the freebooterz, highly considered due low availability.
Takes commands from the Kaptin, First-Mate-Bosses and Skraga-Nobs.

-Common ranged/cannoneer support unit of the freebooterz, takes commands from the Kaptin, First-Mate-Bosses and Skraga-Nobs.

-New member of the freebooterz who work as a support for other crew ranks and takes care of looting, delivering powder/resources and fixing damaged ship.
Takes commands from the Kaptin, First-Mate-Bosses and Skraga-Nobs.

-Punishment for those who try "mutiny", takes care of dirty jobs and takes commands from all other crew ranks except from Kabin-boy.
Guild Status
The guild recruitment is OPEN
Last edited by TheRipe on Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:42 am, edited 79 times in total.
"Zoggin' stunty! Look wot 'ee did for me kleava! Nuw it'z all kover'd wiv 'eez bludd!"
-Choppa: Grufrip Blakkflagg Da Kaptin o' Da Freebootaz (2015-X)

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Posts: 29

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#2 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:07 pm

Oi, I'z loikin' me ties wiv diz Tribe! Diz Tribe haz sum strong' boyz azwell!

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Posts: 55

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#3 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:55 pm

Last edited by TheRipe on Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:13 pm, edited 6 times in total.
"Zoggin' stunty! Look wot 'ee did for me kleava! Nuw it'z all kover'd wiv 'eez bludd!"
-Choppa: Grufrip Blakkflagg Da Kaptin o' Da Freebootaz (2015-X)

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Posts: 55

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#4 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:44 pm

Da meanin' o' kolorz ta greenskinz?

Green iz best!
Red un'z go fastaaaaa'!
Yellow iz strongist an' makez da biggest BOOOMZ!
Blu iz lukky, makez dem arrerz miss ya!
Blakk iz ded 'ard!
Purple iz sneaky, 'ave ya eva' seen purple ork?
White iz deff!
Last edited by TheRipe on Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Zoggin' stunty! Look wot 'ee did for me kleava! Nuw it'z all kover'd wiv 'eez bludd!"
-Choppa: Grufrip Blakkflagg Da Kaptin o' Da Freebootaz (2015-X)

Posts: 1

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#5 » Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:35 pm

Im down, i'll be lookin for you in game

Posts: 4

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#6 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:00 pm

Um, what ties do you have with Da Bloodfangz?

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Posts: 262

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#7 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:27 am

oioioi sup gitz

- bigteef / zuhg / znot

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Posts: 55

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#8 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:21 am

Walmsley wrote:Um, what ties do you have with Da Bloodfangz?
I have asked that from myself few times and I realized that we haven't done much after they joined Krumlok's and my alliance. So the question is: Are they still active?
"Zoggin' stunty! Look wot 'ee did for me kleava! Nuw it'z all kover'd wiv 'eez bludd!"
-Choppa: Grufrip Blakkflagg Da Kaptin o' Da Freebootaz (2015-X)

Posts: 4

Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#9 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:06 pm

TheRipe wrote:
Walmsley wrote:Um, what ties do you have with Da Bloodfangz?
I have asked that from myself few times and I realized that we haven't done much after they joined Krumlok's and my alliance. So the question is: Are they still active?
They aren't part of your alliance, one of my alts has been in it for a while and no mentions has ever been made about those guilds...

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Re: Da Freebooterz - Greenskin Med-RP & RvR Guild [RPRvR]

Post#10 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:52 pm

it dont matta boss wez da greenest an da meanest WAAAGH! ever

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