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Runepriest/zealot idea

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Posts: 619

Runepriest/zealot idea

Post#1 » Fri May 05, 2017 10:07 pm

So hey , this is no balance post , but some idea...
Actually it s about their buffs , you know the oath runes (p.s. to make it easy , i ll talk as a RP , but it also apply to zealot of course) , yes , their buffs...I was thinking , instead of giving the "BUFFED" player an offensive ability that does almost no damage with a 1 MIN COOLDOWN , what if we made them as "utilities" , for exemple , make one buff give the player the ability to heal themselves(i am talking about a way to survive a lil bit more) with that 1 min cooldown , another can give the player an increase in their runing speed or give them a shield ( you decide , but plz the healing one will be a good help)... I think these would be more usefull then just giving an offensive 1 min cooldown spell that does nothing , :)

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Re: Runepriest/zealot idea

Post#2 » Sat May 06, 2017 12:16 am

Dunno about nothing - popping 4 lots of the aoe dot in a melee train puts a decent amount of pressure on the enemies healers on top of the pure damage from the melee train's attacks.

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Re: Runepriest/zealot idea

Post#3 » Thu May 11, 2017 5:25 am

Heya Lil,

Thanks for the idea, interesting one indeed. There are no current plans to change the RP buffs. A couple of uses you many not have thought of: dismounting people you are chasing for extra range, preventing caps in scenarios if you can't reach people or preventing stealth classes from getting away that little longer for your team to stagger/knock down or fetch/pull them.

- Gerv
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Posts: 619

Re: Runepriest/zealot idea

Post#4 » Thu May 11, 2017 5:48 am

thanks for the inside

Posts: 44

Re: Runepriest/zealot idea

Post#5 » Thu May 11, 2017 8:29 am

Hmm DF crits for 800+ for me and the dot sb deals 600 to 900 per krit tick. So it's quite useful to give somebody just the last hit so he dies or something you wanna give a wh before he steaths. Maybe this ability should scale on the hightest power you have. So if you are a meele it scales on meele power instead of magic power.

Posts: 46

Re: Runepriest/zealot idea

Post#6 » Thu May 11, 2017 8:52 am

I like the idea of change but mostly in reference to Rune of Power (elem damage, no dot). It feels like a little 'poke', and i use it for cap safeguarding/dismounting indeed... but i have the dot ones that do that too and add a little more pressure/damage in comparison.

The dots i actually use alot, it does help putting pressure on enemy healers when stacking a few, off course we prioritize healing but when you're not the only healer and the team are cancelling their health care plans pop em on there !
(run of immolation + cleaving + iron + warding counters a fair amount of healing, especially on 'those guys' on the enemy team, the ones that sprint away from their healers into our ranks ;) )

The dwarf in me would like a 'Get yer grog' ability over RoP, deals no damage but you toss a tankard on an enemy that causes him to 'get drunk' (dwarves are immume because, well, we can hold our ale just fine ! )
The drunken enemy cannot mount and might fall down for lets say 20% chance for 5 seconds :P

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