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Not seeing what the hub bub is all about with SW atm. Lack luster comes to mind. Especially with BHA spam mechanic.

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Posts: 168

Not seeing what the hub bub is all about with SW atm. Lack luster comes to mind. Especially with BHA spam mechanic.

Post#1 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:10 pm

What is the rationale to making Broad Head Arrow a x3 stackable? Why not just change the scaling ratio from .45 x3 to one arrow that is 1.3. It feels like Spiral Fletched arrow gets little to no use and All I'm doing is spamming Broadhead arrow all day long seeing as it gets cleansed constantly(edited)
[7:25 AM]
Before the patch skirmisher felt more dynamic with using more than just one 2 abilities in the form of Flame arrow and Broadhead arrow spam.
[7:28 AM]
Having to wait 7.5 seconds and using 75 AP before the first dmg tick starts from BHA is kinda wackadoo, especially if it gets cleansed... which it will in oRVR

Posts: 122

Re: Not seeing what the hub bub is all about with SW atm. Lack luster comes to mind. Especially with BHA spam mechanic.

Post#2 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:04 pm

jvlosky wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:10 pm What is the rationale to making Broad Head Arrow a x3 stackable? Why not just change the scaling ratio from .45 x3 to one arrow that is 1.3. It feels like Spiral Fletched arrow gets little to no use and All I'm doing is spamming Broadhead arrow all day long seeing as it gets cleansed constantly(edited)
You know how cool it is to spam dots for engi or magus, which constantly dispel...

Posts: 168

Re: Not seeing what the hub bub is all about with SW atm. Lack luster comes to mind. Especially with BHA spam mechanic.

Post#3 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:16 pm

doxifera wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:04 pm
jvlosky wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:10 pm What is the rationale to making Broad Head Arrow a x3 stackable? Why not just change the scaling ratio from .45 x3 to one arrow that is 1.3. It feels like Spiral Fletched arrow gets little to no use and All I'm doing is spamming Broadhead arrow all day long seeing as it gets cleansed constantly(edited)
You know how cool it is to spam dots for engi or magus, which constantly dispel...

At least with a 1 GCD dot you get some of your value from the ability. With applying the 3x BHA stacks it takes 7.5 seconds before your first dmg tick from the ability, GCD, range, and AP investment required. 3 GCD (1.5s) for the 3x application and then 3 more seconds until the first dmg tick. That is kind of wack.

Posts: 125

Re: Not seeing what the hub bub is all about with SW atm. Lack luster comes to mind. Especially with BHA spam mechanic.

Post#4 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:20 pm

mmos that have dot stacks have a set dot tic, warhammer doesnt. refreshing dots refreshes the tic. its not suitable for this type of dot.

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Posts: 420

Re: Not seeing what the hub bub is all about with SW atm. Lack luster comes to mind. Especially with BHA spam mechanic.

Post#5 » Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:51 am

I'm a Ranged Squig Herder player and I've noticed just from reading and playing against SW, that all they do is spamm Dots now and kill you that way. It's so weird.

Kinda makes me feel like the Devs that reworked rSW don't even play rSW and just did that rework to buff mSW.

I hope the rework comes again to rSW to give it a real use and not make it a dot spammer which is so boring, if this similar aproach goes to ranged squig herder I would be so dissapointed.

Please, let players who main these careers have a say in the reworks, because it looks like devs don't understand quite good how a bow class should be played in terms of fun and utility.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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