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Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#61 » Mon May 17, 2021 1:28 am

Arthem wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 12:19 am Put it back in the regular que list. Thats the biggest problem IMHO. The bracketing can still work if people can que normally. Later if it continues to have low action you could try to adjust the brackets a bit.
the issue with having Ranked in the Normal Scenario Lobby is that people were accidentally queueing it. Id rather wait a little longer for a match to pop with content players than have matches poping constantly with 1 - 2 unsuspecting player.
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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#62 » Mon May 17, 2021 10:18 am

Arthem wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 12:19 am Put it back in the regular que list. Thats the biggest problem IMHO. The bracketing can still work if people can que normally. Later if it continues to have low action you could try to adjust the brackets a bit.
Yes, that change didn't work well, and it was reverted the day after. It has worked a bit better after it reverted, with ongoing games in both tiers on Saturday & Sunday (with more on Sunday than it was on Saturday).
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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#63 » Mon May 17, 2021 11:06 am

why not a 3rd bracket to please players that wana fight :)
seems allot of ppl is worried about the precious mmr, they dodge allot. this 3rd bracked allow the normal players to make some fights and get the emblems, and the other 2 is for the tactical non fighters ;p

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#64 » Mon May 17, 2021 12:10 pm


I'd suggest to consider changing the 1450 MMR cap. Before the patch, we could play a lot more matches even some of them was a roll of a dice. Still better than no pops at all.

After the new bracket system, I got 1-2 matches within 3 days, that I normally could play more than 5-6 per day (with a healer. I don't want to imagine the rDPS pops there for example). In higher bracket, if it continues like this, we won't be able to even complete the 10-win weekly quest.

Maybe you could change the bracket system to take in consideration the item level rather than the actual mmr? For example sov/inv players in one bracket and the rest in the "lower" one? Just assuming.

Or change the 1450 number to a lower one, like 1400 or even 1350. Or charge it to as it was, with RR. Maybe with a tweak or something. And also you could add more rewards so more and more people would play.

The only thing that I can see for sure, is that with the current system, we will not be able to play ranked as we used to. Order have no numbers or better not the active playerbase as Destro have in higher bracket. See yesterday for example, 30 destro in queue, and only 2-3 for order (with 2 active games). And imagine that it was in Sunday, the most "active" day. During the week, we can hardly get 1 pop and as you can understand if one side loses, some players won't requeue again with "that Choppa" or with "that Slayer" etc. And all this, just to get a +1 MMR IF you win...

I'm not pointing fingers or make accusations, I'm glad that the Devs are taking their time to improve the ranked system (that as a player I mostly enjoy), and that's why I wanted to give my 2 cents here. I can understand that this is a "testing" period but please consider to do some changes so we can have more active matches.

This is coming from a healer with more than 300 matches in preseason.
Thank you in advance!

Posts: 11

Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#65 » Mon May 17, 2021 12:34 pm

man can we just tank our ranks already. I just want to play ranked at a good time. not que purgatory. please removed 300 from my rank. put me in the bracket that actually gets pops. I dont care about mmr i just want to play the game.

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#66 » Mon May 17, 2021 12:48 pm

People like others to know them, so increase their visibility. Something from GW1 was when a team won in HoM a server broadcast went out (thinkingin RR80 type thing).

Destruction Wins - Bob (DoK) / Tim (Zealot) / PussinBoots (SH) / Frand (Chosen) / Slap (BO) / Tryhard (Mara) - 5% renown buff for 30 mins (non stackable)

Could do the same for Ranked Group - Guild Name " "" ""
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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#67 » Mon May 17, 2021 1:16 pm

bloodydevilx wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 12:34 pm man can we just tank our ranks already. I just want to play ranked at a good time. not que purgatory. please removed 300 from my rank. put me in the bracket that actually gets pops. I dont care about mmr i just want to play the game.
Exactly! All 3 of my chars that I do ranked with went into top bracket and i hardly get games now :(

Hopefully more ppl get promoted and the games fill up
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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#68 » Mon May 17, 2021 2:26 pm

can we just change it back ... dont let us sit for a week with no games

we tryed it and it didnt work as you wanted now give me a chance to get 10 games before next monday

Posts: 59

Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#69 » Mon May 17, 2021 5:18 pm

Think we need to be a bit more patient, allow them to collect necessary data and maybe the 1450 mark will be lowered. Data is really needed to find out where the "median" should be set for lower and upper.

There is an element of skill/care that can be captured and I think that is good, some people que with no care and just want the gear while others do care (talis, pots, linis, proper spec etc...) and then it comes down to hoping you get paired with others who care to try as well.

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#70 » Mon May 17, 2021 5:28 pm

by then no one will be quing anymore

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