What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

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Posts: 783

What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#1 » Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:27 pm

I have noticed that as expected, the player base is starting to get high renown overall, and with high-level gear from cities. I think this is inadvertently blocking many new players from getting a foothold, and staying in Tier 4. I would say that there is a bias towards keeping invested and organized players interested but ironically those players are the ones most likely to act as blockers for new players to join RoR (aka premades dominating scenarios). Some more consideration and thought can be put into somehow making the game more fun for weaker players and not pushing the matra that might-is-right.

Scenarios are typically favored to premades (when no events are active) with only 1 pug scenario in rotation at a time. This provides less diversity for general PUG/casual scenario play. For tackling the issue or T4 bracket being to large to encourage more balanced matches, my suggestion would be to look at adding a kind of debolster to regular T4 scenarios which is roughly equal to the highest level gear available from Scenario grinding. To even the playing field because I don't think it's really fair for full Sov. equipped players to be dominating in PUG/Casual brackets. They already have a huge edge if they are playing with their friends on com channels. I wouldn't really want to consider splitting the T4 bracket as I don't think that would work well...

T4 RvR hasn't evolved in the past year(s) with the introduction of Forts and Cities. The first iteration of Fortresses was great in my view because it had some of the highest participation rates due to the fact that they were not limited in size. This was some of the highest participation fights to look forward to, especially in lower population times. I think it is hard to keep players going during these slow times as it is easy to log off when you see that zones are dead. I would suggest trying to remedy some T4 activities during the slower hours, this might have a cumulative positive effect when the population eventually picks up during peaks.

Keeps in T4 have quite visibly become less contested and they act more of a gate for players to get to cities. I have always thought cities should be much harder to contest, and that Keeps should offer higher rank gear than Vanquisher (which basically sucks now). More consideration should be given to the fun-factor of realms that are being dominated. The main fault I find here occurred when the Keep respawn mechanic's changed to be less favorable, sending players all the way back to the warcamp if they get blocked. I realize that this does encourage organized strategy but that is at the loss of RvR in general, I find. I personally don't mind a good funnel fight at the keep - it keeps the population high and that is what is needed the most.

Career balance has been fairly good as it usually pendulates with focused patches, I would say lately the main issue is high-end players simply have too much edge now.

I have noticed that Cities are quite unfriendly to solo/casual players as well. I wouldn't mind to see if this can be improved, perhaps even if special PUG instances with only Invader/Warlord gear available... Speaking of Invader/Warlord - it's almost missing from the game. Players typically seem to go from Vanquisher to Sovereign, I think this could be done better. It was unfortunate that Sovereign was introduced so rapidly, but what is done is done.

My rr80 RP that I've been playing a lot in the past weeks has a grand total of 7 Royal crests. I think we need higher drop rates from quality fights in T4. Another consideration would be to add a similar kind of roll to the cities that the RvR keeps have. So that if you do poorly once or twice, usually the third time you will get a Gold bag. (correct me if I'm wrong here)

Posts: 676

Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#2 » Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:38 pm

Citie's are not unfriendly enough for solo players

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Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#3 » Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:43 pm

A well built RoR Wiki is what is needed actually! People are confused as hell when they join the game.

Posts: 69

Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#4 » Sun Oct 03, 2021 12:09 pm

Xirucio wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:43 pm A well built RoR Wiki is what is needed actually! People are confused as hell when they join the game.

I edit the wiki but I do it by manipulating the code formatted stuff cause the other button never works and if I had to explain set up the authentication I'm not sure I could.

I was thinking about making a "Things I wish I had known" post, but threads can be hard af to find as they age. Maybe a wiki page is better.

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Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#5 » Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:07 pm

meatcpu wrote: Sun Oct 03, 2021 12:09 pm
Xirucio wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:43 pm A well built RoR Wiki is what is needed actually! People are confused as hell when they join the game.

I edit the wiki but I do it by manipulating the code formatted stuff cause the other button never works and if I had to explain set up the authentication I'm not sure I could.

I was thinking about making a "Things I wish I had known" post, but threads can be hard af to find as they age. Maybe a wiki page is better.
There's an automatic authentication option on the wiki if you already have a ror/forum/game account.

There's a Guide section on the frontpage, a link to a good new player guide could be added there.
There's also a couple sticked forun post on the Beginner's Survival Guides section.
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Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#6 » Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:18 pm

To be honest i've been having similar thoughts, but solely around the city: it is supposed to be a definitive competitive experience yet it fails pretty hard because of gear difference between players. I think some sort of "gear bolster" could be an interesting solution, making a city have it's own BIS sets as suddenly sov may be not the absolute best set.

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Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#7 » Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:11 pm

For cities, which I believe the devs treat as THE endgame content, ppl who join in less than Invader level gear are at a severe disadvantage and will be exploited as soon as the enemy notices that they are an easier kill, especially with healers. Not to mention that the needed amount of DPS that can be done is diminished by bad gear and more frequent deaths as well.

Whether or not this can be considered "new" player friendly is up for debate. At the end of the day, be in Invader gear and have good comms if you are going to have any expectation of winning a city rather than just getting lucky enough to face pugs worse off than yourself.

To the OP, you're going to have to explain when you started leveling that RP and over what years because if you've leveled anytime in the last year and a half or so you would have far more crests than that just from getting ORvR lake gold bags alone.
Brynnoth Goldenbeard (40/80) (IB) -- Rundin Fireheart (40/50) (RP) -- Ungrinn (40/40) (Engi)-- Bramm Bloodaxe (40/83) (Slayer) and a few Empire characters here or there, maybe even an elf.

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Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#8 » Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:08 am

I absolutely agree on all parts. Solutions seem reasonable too.

I do not want to derail your suggestions but a few potential suggestions that aid each segment might be;

Scenarios: Just like we have a pug SC, add a new Premade ONLY SC with much more rewards. That way die hards will have a place to fight it out and get rewarded for it fairly. That would alleviate impact premades have on regular SCs.

oRvR: Bring back keep respawn for deaths upto 300yard away from keep walls. Let defenders actually defend by fighting it out. Also make AAO give something else than RR bonus. There needs to be some incentive to fight for the losing side. Either power up from AAO, or increased shards from AAO. And consider making it based on localized AAO, rather than map wide. Noone in the keep defense benefits from that 6 man roamer hunting solo players on the other side of map. If a group of 6 killing one player, they should get close to no rewards, regardless of what is map AAO. That will bring those 6 mans back into keep fights where they face actual enemy sieging.

City: Dont pair groups at all until timer is out; then pair highest rr WBs with each other first, then next highest RR ones and so on. Highest rr WBs often try to dodge queue to face pugs, instead of actually fighting it off with their similar power counterparts on other side.

Posts: 783

Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#9 » Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:39 am

CountTalabecland wrote: Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:11 pm To the OP, you're going to have to explain when you started leveling that RP and over what years because if you've leveled anytime in the last year and a half or so you would have far more crests than that just from getting ORvR lake gold bags alone.
Haven't done keeps that much with him lately, he's been 80 for around a year or so now. I don't do keeps because they are mostly PvE, at least in my time zone (pacific).

Like my suggetion, if there was loot system like the keeps it would make losing much more bearable rather than spend 1-2 hours or more just for a crest or two.

Earning crests from RvR or bags would typically be enough for 1 piece over a time frame of a couple months of grinding (comparing to other gear tiers).

Eg. Today did an awesome city run with a very organised group, matched very well with the other wb. Fought our asses off right down to the very last second (close lose). We did win stage 1+2 but lost in 3. I got 3 Royal shards and a bag win 1 invader crest. lol

And being at my level Warlord should be way more accessible...

Posts: 144

Re: What I think Return of Reckoning is getting wrong... (lately)

Post#10 » Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:56 am

Also fixing the guild search would be a quick win for new players. Being in any guild is critical to new player retention. Experiencing only pug life is going to send someone running pretty quickly.

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