Current inconsistent State of the Lockout-System

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Posts: 5

Current inconsistent State of the Lockout-System

Post#1 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:48 pm

hey everyone,

this is in part suggestion, in part feedback on the current lockout system.

Side note: yes i play both sides, yes i sometimes switch sides, get over it, its part of the game and not the core of why i opened this thread.

First things first: I like the idea of some sort of lockout system, having experienced it on other freeshard game server like DAOC Phoenix (where it is much more restrictive).
But only if the players can reliably know when they are going to receive a lockout.

The following are things that on occasion have happened to me or ppl i talk to regarding the lockouts.
-When you log in to either side, you may just get a lockout from standing in AD/IC, because when starting the game, the character selection screen showed the opposite realm
-Sometimes when being in RvR on both sides in close succession, you still do not get a lockout
-Forts sometimes give you a lockout if you just receive an invitation to it, not when you actually participate

Here is what (as far a i understand it) the current lockout-system is meant to do:
-Join Fortress fight (=enter the zone to be in the Fort PQ through accepting the invite) gets you a 60min lockout on the side you entered the fort in
-Be RvR Flagged (outside of SC) on one side, then be RvR Flagged on the other side withing a certain timeframe, you will receive a 90min lockout for the second side

Now, both those things dont really go along with some examples of what actually happens above.
Odds are, i misunderstood something in the current lockout system. Correct me pls if you know better!

I feel like the lockout system does not work the way it is intended to, see the points above as examples.
Again: this is not a complaint post about having a lockout at all, but about the consistency of the current system.

I believe we as players would be a lot more understanding of the current lockout system if we knew when and how exactly we would receive lockouts (e.g. in a forum/wiki or whatever post) to clarify whats going on.
That would also help us report possible bugs in the system as currently i for one am unsure if its a bug or intended and just poorly communicated.


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