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do not allow queing of scens with /afk on

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Posts: 23

do not allow queing of scens with /afk on

Post#1 » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:06 pm


Probably affects a low % of people, but nonetheless an interesting interaction was found yesterday.

I turn on /afk to craft a bit during my work hours and let people know i couldnt respond to tells, but I then decided to hop in scens on my lunch break.

What I did not realize is that the /afk designation will still allow you to join scens, but the second the scen starts, it will boot you for afk and give you quitter debuff. I assumed this was a bug at the time, but forgot I had turned on /afk, which ended up being the cause after I tested it later.

Is there a way to not let people que for scens if they have themselves marked as /afk to avoid this issue?
Fraulein- RP


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