Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

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Posts: 214

Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

Post#1 » Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:37 pm

To preface - thanks for all the work put into creating these 3 sets of gear for every class, I just have a few suggestions on how stats are distributed for these for DPS and Shield sets on Warlord and Alt Sov. I don't play DPS nearly as much as shield, so most of my points are simply using Warlord stats as a point of reference. I get there are skill differences between WP and DOK for Grace and Sacrifice, so again, this primarily is centered on Grace WP playstyle, I just included DOK on the title since they share the same mirrored sets.

I get that some people want to play shield spec much more offensively, but strictly speaking shield spec (whether or not you play Grace/Wrath or Grace/Salv) revolves around being defensive and tanky enough that you do not necessarily need to rely on a guard all the time and you are able to sustain yourself reasonably being on the front-line. If they want to play offensively, they can just wear the DPS sets like many do with Bloodlord at the moment. But based off of my understanding of how the devs have chosen to take Grace/Sacrifice, the intended playstyle is to be that tanky frontliner with melee heals. Since it does not seem there will be any adjustments made to the playstyle any time soon, one of the most effective ways to play the class is to be as beefy and tanky as possible, because you primarily rely on tactic that increases the base heal on Sigmar Radiance/Transfer Essence and you need to remain in melee range, which is obvious.

(On an aside, it's pathetic that the best healing output from this class doesn't come from hitting players, it comes from hitting player pets. As I have always asked, can someone look at the base damage on sigmar radiance or at least look at ways so that physical damage skill isn't being mitigated to 0 a majority of situations? You're stuck smacking away at melee targets or player pets, because this class simply doesn't have the mobility or tools to chase down ranged damage dealers, which usually have less armor and mitigation, thus allowing for more effective healing)

I know 7 piece set bonuses are still messed up, but this post is assuming the AP regen on block is meant to go for alt sov and that all the class sets have the same number of stat points that are just distributed differently.

1. Given a potential set bonus for 60AP regen/3 seconds on block, I am not sure it's necessary to also have +8AP/second across the set pieces. In fact, it might be nice to change the +4 AP/second on the body to the +4% block that was on the warlord body prior to the change. The increased block % could really help make this the defining shield wp/dok set to get as opposed to having to mix sets at the moment.

2. At the moment, one of the best set combinations for a defensive shield WP playstyle utilizes a mix of Sentinel and Beastlord where you can stack 10% block from that gear alone. 2% on sentinel helm, 3% on beastlord body, and 5% set bonus from sentinel. You can reach 10% as well only running 7 piece alt sov with the sent helm, and even 11% with 7 piece alt sov and beastlord body, but I find it counter-intuitive that the end-game gear set needs to rely on such old gear. It's understandable that you don't want to introduce that much power creep, but given current set bonuses from other classes, I think it's even more important to have more defensive stats on this set. You could drop 6% crit to 2% crit, and reallocate it to 4% block so the full set will 12% block.

3. The remaining 2% crit can then be converted into another 2% parry and 2% disrupt. I don't know how you guys are weighing each stat, but if it is a 1:1 ratio, then it should be a 2% disrupt, since there is no disrupt currently on the set.

4. Warlord gives 58 toughness/44 initiative, Alt Sov gives 72 toughness/37initiative. Given how much you need to stack toughness to see any meaningful gains, I suggest that the two sets are swapped around so you get 37 toughness/72 initiative. Although it's still quite much lower than what you can achieve wearing sentinel, if the crit % is shifted to block, it can help offset the lower initiative.

5. I'm a bit iffy on the weapon skill, there is only a total of 35 weapon skill given from the set, and given the low base amount of weapon skill on the class in general, it feels like those are simply throwaway stat points, that serve no purpose. 30 weapon skill is about a 1% decrease in parry (on paperdoll, not reflected in .getstats) and about 2% decrease in armor penetration. Whether or not weapon skill actually affects those stats is another thing (neither reflected in .getstats).

As long as this post has gotten, thanks again and I do hope you take some of these points into consideration at least. Equal representation and balancing for all classes and specs (even if there are less than 10 of us that play this spec).

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Re: Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

Post#2 » Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:58 pm

Ah, I had a feeling I missed something, that AP on the sov chest will be block % in the next patch. Sets always have some level of "dump stats" depending on personal preference. I won't get into the extreme min/max levels of set balancing, but there is some consideration for how efficient base stats are over others with a primary and secondary tier. Some dump stats are okay, nothing here is excessive compared to sets past, they were never intended to be 100% optimal.

Something to note about the sov set, that base crit hit rate I believe includes heal crit, and I think the DB minion I assigned to these used it intentionally over Melee crit/Heal crit separately.
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Posts: 214

Re: Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

Post#3 » Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:10 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:58 pm Ah, I had a feeling I missed something, that AP on the sov chest will be block % in the next patch. Sets always have some level of "dump stats" depending on personal preference. I won't get into the extreme min/max levels of set balancing, but there is some consideration for how efficient base stats are over others with a primary and secondary tier. Some dump stats are okay, nothing here is excessive compared to sets past, they were never intended to be 100% optimal.

Something to note about the sov set, that base crit hit rate I believe includes heal crit, and I think the DB minion I assigned to these used it intentionally over Melee crit/Heal crit separately.
Thanks for the quick response - totally get the dump stat aspects, but any chance you guys can look over the toughness/initiative? And hopefully finding a better use for that base crit hit rate.

Thanks again!

Posts: 101

Re: Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

Post#4 » Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:38 am

wargrimnir wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:58 pm Ah, I had a feeling I missed something, that AP on the sov chest will be block % in the next patch.
Hi Wargrimnir,

Will this mean that both the Warlord and Sovereign chests will have Block % on them? Could we avoid having the same pieces from both sets having stats specific to one build - I'm mainly thinking about block from the DPS build perspective here. This means we could choose pieces which have relevant stats, and avoid the bonuses for the other build type by downgrading a specific piece. E.G If Sov Chest has block %, Warlord chest does not and has a different bonus


Posts: 97

Re: Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

Post#5 » Sun Feb 16, 2020 3:03 pm

Hypernia wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:38 am
wargrimnir wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:58 pm Ah, I had a feeling I missed something, that AP on the sov chest will be block % in the next patch.
Hi Wargrimnir,

Will this mean that both the Warlord and Sovereign chests will have Block % on them? Could we avoid having the same pieces from both sets having stats specific to one build - I'm mainly thinking about block from the DPS build perspective here. This means we could choose pieces which have relevant stats, and avoid the bonuses for the other build type by downgrading a specific piece. E.G If Sov Chest has block %, Warlord chest does not and has a different bonus

In the op there's a screenshot of the warlord set and chest is showing parry. It was changed on yesterdays patch:
- Adjusted stats for WP/Dok on Warlord and Sovereign
Alteredheal 85 DOK
Azerrad 79 Sorc
Lumoojatar 70 AM

Posts: 101

Re: Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

Post#6 » Sun Feb 16, 2020 3:32 pm

Keula wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 3:03 pm
Hypernia wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:38 am
wargrimnir wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:58 pm Ah, I had a feeling I missed something, that AP on the sov chest will be block % in the next patch.
Hi Wargrimnir,

Will this mean that both the Warlord and Sovereign chests will have Block % on them? Could we avoid having the same pieces from both sets having stats specific to one build - I'm mainly thinking about block from the DPS build perspective here. This means we could choose pieces which have relevant stats, and avoid the bonuses for the other build type by downgrading a specific piece. E.G If Sov Chest has block %, Warlord chest does not and has a different bonus

In the op there's a screenshot of the warlord set and chest is showing parry. It was changed on yesterdays patch:
- Adjusted stats for WP/Dok on Warlord and Sovereign
Good change, thanks

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Posts: 2

Re: Stat Distribution Suggestions for WP/DOK Warlord and Alt Sov Pieces

Post#7 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 11:34 am ... 643f6288dc

Screenshot of WP heal sovereign set from Live. My suggestion - make the same.

3 items: +85 willpower
4 items: +85 wounds
5 items: +5% crit heal
6 items: 10% chance to get +130 heal power from any heal for 10 sec
7 items: 10% to get 60 fury in 3 sec from any heal
8 items: Absolute Preservation granted ability - for 10 sec immune to crit attacks with 1 min cooldown

Also, it would be nice to get +2 fury/s from jewelry as it were on Live

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