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[SH]Squig Armor appearances/models

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[SH]Squig Armor appearances/models

Post#1 » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:39 am

Hello, so while running through Gunbad eariler today I noticed some of the bigger squigmodels from different types of squigs, such as the gassquig.

And it made me wonder, if having different models for the player SquigArmor would help the Meleesquigherders to have some appearance options.
Right now the factial option on the Squigherder will determine what color your Squigarmor will be, green, red etc. Could the same be implimented for bigger model of the Gassquig, Horned squig, Spikequig etc?

Maybe linked to facial expressions, purchaseable look for ingame gold, or linked to the Ward/ToK unlock system?
Appearance is rather important to match the timecommitment of an mmo char, and the Meleesquig are missing out when their dyed gear is not showing.

I figured now might be a good time to bring this idea up, with the potential changes to Rsh. in case it would bring new creativity to the team.
Thanks for your time, as always!
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