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[FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

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[FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#1 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:51 am


First of all thank you all for participating and making the community work together and be more interactive. Streamers, players and RoR team members, our joint force has allowed us to reach a new record of 2900 viewers on Twitch, sitting on the rank 8 throne for a while, and in-between Twitch's top 10 most watched MMORPGs for days.

Now that the event is over, I know many of you have complaints that we've read live in chat, while watching the streamers. Many others have suggestions or simply good experiences to share. There are many points that we already noted and will surely be adjusted for the next event, but let's hear them again.We're here to listen to all of them, so please drop your desired comments by replying to this thread.

Feel free to write your own feedback, even if it was one sentence. These questions are just to guide you:
1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair?
- Is the RNG fair? We're talking about intended rare rewards.
- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them.

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair?
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers?

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging?
- Were the quests' rewards fair?
- Were the quests too long/too short?

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good?
- Was the streamer's quest item annoying?
- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)?
- Have you watched more than one streamer?
- Have you met new streamers?

Posts: 7

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#2 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:50 am

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair?
-- Quite
- Is the RNG fair? We're taking about intended rare rewards.
-- Probably. Got the quests and small gold, no goggles or 100g. I recommend smaller increments where possible though - e.g. pouches of 20, 30, 50 gold with higher drop rates, instead of a single 100g one
- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them.
-- yes

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair?
-- The hours need reducing, mainly because you shouldn't need to "cheat" and idle overnight, and because twitch messes with your drops (i didn't get the last tier despite having a stream going literally the full 70 or so hours) -> roughly 30% lower hours for the fixed rewards
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers?
-- Multiple for sure, especially since not every streamer will be online at all times - and you may come to dislike aspects of one and want to switch to another. Single streamer hours were probably only ~20% too high

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging?
-- "Win 5 scenarios" isn't exactly either. Didn't try the other yet.
- Were the quests' rewards fair?
-- I think they're alright

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good?
-- Yes and good.
- Was the streamer's quest item annoying?
-- N/A
- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)?
-- Mainly personality/loudness complaints, just pick a different one. Most streamers I stuck with were extremely accommodating - chat too.
- Have you watched more than 1 streamer?
-- yes
- Have you met new streamers?
-- Yes, I don't normally use Twitch to watch other people play, mainly for advice. ROR streamers was a first.

Posts: 214

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#3 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:01 pm

Thanks again for this event!

1. Rewards:
Overall, I thought that the rewards were fair and at least for a more veteran player like myself, there were a couple of things that I actually really enjoyed getting and liked. In particular, I like the liniments, pet/mount, potion of acclaim, bags of gold, Signet of the Cursed, Aviator Goggles and the Bestial Token.

I did feel that the 40 hours "required" was a little steep for 2 days and I, and probably many others, felt forced to leave a stream on overnight. I think given the amount of rewards, it made sense, but it also meant there were several hours for streamers themselves that might think they have massive amounts of viewers, but many of whom were just asleep or afk (whether or not they care is a separate issue).

RNG was fine, though I say that being one of the lucky few to get the aviator goggles. I don't know what the % rate was and how many people ended up getting them though.

And YES! I would definitely prefer BoP items. I get how they may be more useful for new players, but I personally will toss out the health/armor potions and talismans. So at least getting some blue potions that were BoP would be much more preferable, similar to how they were during the wyvern egg event (I think they were BoP, but they were also rare to find in the eggs too).

2. Hours required:
Overall, I think the 40 hours was probably a little steep. And the method of watching streamers didn't really matter to me. If anything I would think being able to watch multiple streamers would be bad in the long run as it could artificially inflate numbers and it could cause a divide for the players with less capable computers that couldn't handle so many streams open at the same time? Idk just spitballing there though.

3. Quest:
I had heard rumors about their bugginess and the many follow up quests needed, for some negligible rewards that I didn't bother to do them. I didn't do them last time and I didn't do them this time. I get there's a fine line with having good rewards in them though.

4. Streamers:
I have met new streamers. I don't think the number of streamers was too much or bad. I didn't have any issues with any streamers. Only thing I noticed is the overwhelming majority of streamers showed destro play, which I thought was a little boring as an order player.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#4 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:17 pm

From twitch drops guide:
"Twitch Drops brings the Twitch community closer to your game, ultimately helping you acquire new players or re-engage your existing player base."

Do you think having a list of preferred streamers you will get more players on ROR, or make retired players to play again? Isn't better for RoR to have drops enabled on any streamer so anyone who watch a streamer can have a chance (if streamer enabled the drops ofc) to get a drop and this way to start play WAR? It's first time i see drops enabled in a game only for specific streamers, and i really don't see the reason for this decision.

I think its better to have the rewards based on rng and not on how many hours you watch someone which usually make followers to keep an open tab and do their own thing. Usually the streamers want to interact with their viewers, not to have just a shiny number of watchers that act like bots.

Posts: 1

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#5 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:49 pm

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair? Yes and there were plenty of them
- Is the RNG fair? We're taking about intended rare rewards. I'm sad I didn't get goggles! Would have liked a system where there was a lengthy quest chain that you had to complete within the weekend to get an item like that. Possibly with hints you had to get from the streamers
- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them. Yes I'm fine w BOP rewards

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair? Yes
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers? There were several great streamers

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging? Not really, kinda, no
- Were the quests' rewards fair? I wanted something more unique
- Were the quests too long/too short? Quest length was fine

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good? There were alot, I didn't get to see them all
- Was the streamer's quest item annoying? No
- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)? Nope
- Have you watched more than one streamer? Yes I watched several of them. I loved the fact that they raided each other once they were ending their streams, that helped expose me to some streamers I normally wouldn't have watched.
- Have you met new streamers? Yes, I met new streamers for the first time this weekend on top of the ones I met last drop.

Posts: 542

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#6 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:20 pm

waste of bandwidth, was one pair of goggle for an entire account too much to ask for?

Posts: 1

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#7 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:46 pm

After clocking in 70hrs of stream time and no RNG drops I'd say those aren't working as intended, 4 of my friends also had the same experience. The rest of the event was great, met new streamers, and had more population in game as well.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#8 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:48 pm

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair?
It is fair -only because this is free-, but uselss.... +18 random talis, +594 armor pots, and 80x 1500 HP pots are uselees for a lot of playes. :| Maybe only 1 +24 talisman, or 5x907 armor pots will be better. Less quantity but more quality. And the last rewards was only a title... :| Maybe the last reward can be Royal tokens, or something useful
- Is the RNG fair? We're taking about intended rare rewards.
I didn't take nothing RNG
- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them.
The BoP system do the gold useless in the game, i can have 100,000 golds and can't buy nothing interesting in the game, no good weapons, armor or jewelry... So i don't like BoP items

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair?
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers?

EDIT: I forget say the decay in pegasus (the only good drop in the event, with the cursed company) is horrible

Sorry if I sound a little rough, but the rewards have been very bad
Last edited by Kpi on Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#9 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:48 pm

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair?
Some of them, some of them were plain bad.
I understand the whole point of people thinking lvl 38 talismans was too much, and if it would be held once a month lvl 38 talis would be too much, but giving one crate once each year? That's fine, you can farm these way faster in chp 22.
Giving good crafting materials instead of 38 talismans is how I would prefer to see it done in the future. I don't think giving out lower tier rewards is a good way of doing this, giving boxes with crafting materials where the player can choose to get x amount of lvl yyy materials (like getting boxes of bat wings/scales of 1,25...175, 200 would be a better solution than 50 1500 health potions).

- Is the RNG fair? We're taking about intended rare rewards.
Have over 60+ hours (afk farming) and got 18 drops (never got guild coin, goggles, nor the 100g bag), drop rate is probably fine, but not getting a single drop for 20+ hrs didn't make feel like; "wow what a great event", more like "well I'm not doing this again.", if the rewards were a bit better and you could have more of the lesser rewards drop for you it would actually be an incitament to watch and still feel that it's just not a waste of time and bandwidth.

- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them.
Pets are already so I no care.

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair?
To a certain degree yes, I feel that the view farming is an issue though. 40 hrs over 72 hours event to unlock a title on one character is overkill.
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers?
I did not like the watch one streamer for 8 hrs at all, promotes the person that started streaming first with drops because people had were invested in that streamer and the other streamers who couldn't start streaming at 12:00 CEST were punished imho.

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging?
Were they intended to be?
The reward system from the SC quest was well thought through, and I would like that item to be able to drop multiple times.
- Were the quests' rewards fair?
- Were the quests too long/too short?
People have told me the PvE quest was tedious, my recommendation would be to make it a reward you get after completing one of the PvE dungeons allowing anyone above rank 15 to do it and meeting new people through grouping (I feel it's difficult for new players to find people to play with and taking a newbie under your wings should be rewarded).

Overall I would like to see more quests and some repeatable through multiple drops, getting free stuff without any effort in game is not something I personally enjoy.

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good?
There was always someone with drops enabled which feels fair.
- Was the streamer's quest item annoying?
No idea what it did.
- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)?
Some did in game advertisements such as "I have drops enabled come watch me over at!", which we didn't allow a couple of years ago.
- Have you watched more than one streamer?
- Have you met new streamers?
Not really, but then again I've been on twitch since before Live died so I've seen most of them already.

Make some rewards drop more often and make the lesser rewards drop multiple times, replace potions and talismans with crafting materials instead.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#10 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:01 pm

uanaka wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:01 pm

4. Streamers:
I have met new streamers. I don't think the number of streamers was too much or bad. I didn't have any issues with any streamers. Only thing I noticed is the overwhelming majority of streamers showed destro play, which I thought was a little boring as an order player.

I might in the future signup for the event however I'm still leaning towards not doing it. That being said, I did see several Order streamers that played and streamed for many many hours and the content they provided was excellent.
First RR90 Slayer working towards the top of the mountain.I still solo, still run riposte.

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