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Scrub Ya Gud! and Green Cleanin'

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Scrub Ya Gud! and Green Cleanin'

Post#1 » Sat May 04, 2024 7:20 pm

I propose to let the two tactics synergize.

Scrub Ya Gud! makes the cleanse AoE, while Green Cleanin' applies one HoT upon cleansing. At the moment, even slotting both tactics the HoT will be applied only to the primary target. With the change I propose the HoT should be applied to all the cleansed allies.

Now, why do I propose this change?

Shaman lacks sustained healing. Shaman (and AM) are the only healer without an AoE HoT. Moreover, their only HoT is constantly shattered and their only AoE healing skill have long cast time.

This new synergy would partially solve the problem of Shaman's sustained healing. At the low low price of two tactic slot and 12 mastery point


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