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Question : Hidden mass renown buff for high rr?

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Posts: 153

Question : Hidden mass renown buff for high rr?

Post#1 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:41 am

Hello, I notice since the new patch 1.48 that my renown was buff as crazy. I am renown 101 and I kill a player level 23 and I get 2239 renown with only 20% AAO... It's not normal before that patch I get around 50 or 100 renown for this kind of kill... Same in open rvr and scenario the buff is insane... I notice before the patch that the amount of renown for killing players was nerfed at level 80 90 100 I got a debuff for killing players so now its become so easy to gain renown just farming low level players :( So the question it's a bug or it's intented?

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Re: Question : Hidden mass renown buff for high rr?

Post#2 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 10:58 am

Might be an overflow thing, since you are over 100, the sever perhaps think you are RR 1 and calculate the renown according to that.
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Posts: 153

Re: Question : Hidden mass renown buff for high rr?

Post#3 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:27 pm

Thank for your answer, its time to fix it. I will post the issue on github

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Re: Question : Hidden mass renown buff for high rr?

Post#4 » Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:08 am

Actually, I noticed the same on my rr81 character. So I'm not sure that it is an overflow thing

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