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Weapon Damage Procs

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Posts: 144

Weapon Damage Procs

Post#1 » Thu May 02, 2024 7:34 am

About Concusion X, considering new PTS changes and making skills scale of DB, wouldnt it be a great addition to make Concusion X, the 5% on hit effect from weapon deal a bit more damage based of the DB of the player instead of a flat 360 ?
"If you want to know who you are, you have to look at your real self and acknowledge what you see."

Darkenya [WE]

Posts: 183

Re: Weapon Damage Procs

Post#2 » Thu May 02, 2024 7:53 am

EDIT; Please if someone knows tell me what gave Boost VIII in Aor??? Highest Crit dmg increase 40% and 10% Crit. Here is an image of the proc on SW. For example Warpforged rr 100 gear had proc that gave 30% Critical dmg and 15% Critical rate

It would be better to have original procs from aor and what RoR used to have as t4 epic quest rewards. Aor gave r38 rr38 inf reward 1h and 2h that had Boost V which is 9% Crit/12% Crit dmg.

Boost VI which was 9% Crit 18% Critical dmg was also on wpns but they were 60-66 dps wpns which can be catecorized as Invader/warlord/sovereign lvl dps wpns.

RoR used to offer Boost V for Warrior Priest and Wl in Tier 4 epic quests. And so much more i just remember wp and wl because i played them and was overjoeyed i get them wpns with good procs. All tanks got 2h With Taunt Proc and Ap proc, How great is that? Its Like AM's wpn The Sight Which gives Ap proc + cast time reduction proc in same wpn. But only AM gets this no other healer for some reason. Low key The Sight is easily the best WPN for Heal AM with full vanq/triumphant. And i want that same wpn for my shammy!

The following are the tooltips for the passive abilities at Career Rank 30:

Corrosion - On Hit: 10% chance to lower target's Armor by 900 for 10 seconds.
Erosion - On Hit: 10% chance to lower all of target's Resistances by 150 for 10 seconds.
Clarity - Any Ability: 10% chance to reduce the cost of the next ability used within 10 seconds to 0 Action Points.
Preservation - On Being Hit: 10% chance to increase Wounds by 60 for 20 seconds.
Mending - On Being Hit: 10% chance to recover 52 health.
Vivacious - On Heal: 10% chance to recover 50 AP.
Caretaker - On Hit: 10% chance to heal defensive target for 175 health.
Domination - On Hit: 25% chance to steal 60 Toughness from your target for 10 seconds.
Aggravation - On Hit: 10% chance to Taunt target.
Bracing - On Being Hit: 10% chance to increase Armor by 528 for 10 seconds.

Overwhelming - On Hit: 25% chance to reduce target's Weapon Skill by 60 while increasing your Strength by 60 for 10 seconds.

Pilfer - On Being Hit: 10% chance to steal 87 health from your attacker.

Elusive - On Being Hit: 10% chance to increase movement speed by 20% for 10 seconds.

Quickening - On Being Hit: 10% chance to reduce build times by half a second for 10 seconds.

Barrier - On Being Hit: 10% chance to form a protective barrier that will absorb up to 116 damage over 5 seconds.

Marked - On Hit: 25% chance to reduce target's Initiative by 60 while increasing your Ballistic Skill by 60 for 10 seconds.

Reactionary - On Defense: 25% chance to increase Parry, Evade, and Disrupt by 10% for 10 seconds.

Guile - On Hit: 10% chance to lower incoming healing on target by 25% for 10 seconds.

Creeping - On Being Hit: 10% chance to reduce attackers movement speed by 40% for 5 seconds.

Bewildering - On hit: 10% chance to increase cast times by 05s for 6 seconds,Works on melee and Ranged attacks.

Dissolve VII - On Hit: 10% chance to lower target's armor by 700 for 6 seconds.

Depleting - On Hit: 10% chance to remove 50 AP from your target.

Barricade:VII - On any dmg taken 5% Chance to increase armor by 700 for 6 seconds(Stacking with armour potion or skill)

Boost V - On hit: 5% chance to increase your critical hit rate by 9% and critical dmg by 12%
Boost VI - On hit: 5% chance to increase your critical hit rate by 9% and critical dmg by 18%

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