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Ranked QOL update suggestions

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Re: Ranked QOL update suggestions

Post#11 » Tue May 21, 2024 4:01 pm

sonorous wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 7:27 am I think in hindsight making the ring accessible to everyone without need to play ranked solo was not the right descision.
Can't agree with this. Alternative way to get ring was good decision for sure. Sure having unique BIS item behind ranked would revive ranked for a while (at least until early birds get the item) but hurt rest of the game big time. Having BIS item locked behing content where you have to get good (for certain aspect of game), sit in queue for hours and hours to get in random team, join discord with people you dont necessary like to play with (or get reported, flamed & memed on), play spec you dont necessary want to play with etc...

Also you can argue that war 6vs6 is not that exciting with so many similar mechanics. It's either guard punt, cc healers, kd kill target into kill. Defensive morales & abilities being on short cooldown doesn't make it any better. That being said, at least that requires some coordination and alternative of unga bunga through everything is even worse.

In WoW you can get BIS pvp gear with multiple ways of pvp'ing (BG's, Ranked BG's, World pvp, unranked arenas, pvp brawl events etc) but gladiator titles, unique mounts and appearance are locked behind arena rating. Not too different from current RoR system.. the way which things should be imo.
Live: Daeneria, Polestar
RoR: Calmdown, Goldman, Kohta, Madguard, Magnumforce, Northsorc, Northstar etc

Posts: 95

Re: Ranked QOL update suggestions

Post#12 » Tue May 21, 2024 4:21 pm

Hugatsaga wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 4:01 pm
sonorous wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 7:27 am I think in hindsight making the ring accessible to everyone without need to play ranked solo was not the right descision.
Can't agree with this. Alternative way to get ring was good decision for sure. Sure having unique BIS item behind ranked would revive ranked for a while (at least until early birds get the item) but hurt rest of the game big time. Having BIS item locked behing content where you have to get good (for certain aspect of game), sit in queue for hours and hours to get in random team, join discord with people you dont necessary like to play with (or get reported, flamed & memed on), play spec you dont necessary want to play with etc...

Also you can argue that war 6vs6 is not that exciting with so many similar mechanics. It's either guard punt, cc healers, kd kill target into kill. Defensive morales & abilities being on short cooldown doesn't make it any better. That being said, at least that requires some coordination and alternative of unga bunga through everything is even worse.

In WoW you can get BIS pvp gear with multiple ways of pvp'ing (BG's, Ranked BG's, World pvp, unranked arenas, pvp brawl events etc) but gladiator titles, unique mounts and appearance are locked behind arena rating. Not too different from current RoR system.. the way which things should be imo.
Maybe ring was too BIS to gatekeep. But gear incentives is especially needed on low pop server to populate different game modes. Like PVE gear from pve dungeons. Wow is not a direct comparison if for any reason of: just the shear difference in scale and their ability to churn out cosmetic rewards like na east asian clothing factory,

Its a tale as old as time for any MMO server. No incentives. No bueno
Kolland & Irolland

Posts: 42

Re: Ranked QOL update suggestions

Post#13 » Tue May 21, 2024 4:44 pm

normanis wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 3:58 pm i have idea make ranked sc map, same as weekly sc map (finishing weekly ranked u finish weekly sc. like 2 sc rewards)
first plus , its make premades on both sides stop farm pugs in weekly sc.
second plus , premades have competitive fights.
therd plus, its make ranked more active.
best idea give him reward ! 1 million crests

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